сряда, 13 март 2013 г.


Ето го най-после продължението на първия ми пост за езерото Виктория. Доста го забавих, простете!
Here's at last the continuation of my previous post about lake Victoria... Sorry for the delay!


Когато най-после намерихме свободна вечер да посетим любимото си заведение, не можахме да повярваме на очите си - ЕЗЕРОТО ГО НЯМАШЕ!
So,  we found a free evening to visit our favourite place again (had anyone believed that we would go back to Kenya?!). But...  to our great amazement we discovered that... THE LAKE WAS NOT THERE!
What do I mean?... Here's what we saw!
Нямаше и помен от вода! Прекрасното място с най-невероятните залези беше изчезнало!
Where was the water? Where was the lake??!! The charm of that place with  gorgeous sunsets had vanished...:(((

По-късно, на Хипо Поинт видяхме същото - една безкрайна морава!
Later we went to Hippo Point and found there... a meadow!
Вода се виждаше само около лодките за разходки, които стояха празни и тъжни...

There was some water only around the boats, that stayed useless...

Всичко наоколо беше в плен на това нежно, невинно наглед, но изключително коварно растение, появило се кой знае откъде, нечакано и нежелано. Опасност в красива "опаковка". 

The whole area was conquered by this flower - looking  innocent, but rather insidious in fact. A real intruder. A danger, hidden in a beautiful form.
Наименованието му е воден зюмбюл.
The water hyacinth.

Останахме шокирани от гледката. Това е огромен проблем без разрешение, който от 20 години рефлектира негативно  върху риболова, транспорта, икономиката, поминъка на местното население, туризма... Отделни видове обитатели на езерото са застрашени... Предприемчивите и креативни хора все пак успяват да извлекат някаква полза от ситуацията... Може да видите интересно видео тук .

We were shocked, but our emotions are nothing, compared to the real dimensions of this ecological problem. The water hyacinth invasion has been a real disaster for the lake, its inhabitants, the fishing, the transport, the tourism, etc. for  20 years now. A very interesting video here shows the strength of people's creativity and enterprise.

Жителите на Кисуму обичат да ходят на Хипо Поинт - да се разходят сред природата с приятели или със семейството, да си починат, да попеят, да се повозят на лодка, дори да се снимат на сватбения си ден!:)

Kisumu citizens use to go to Hippo Point, especially in  the weekends - they recharge there among nature, meet friends, sing and even take photos on special occasions! Oh, what beautiful colours for a wedding!:) 

Ако си гладен, можеш да избираш между сладолед, яйца(!) и наденички!

If you are hungry, you can buy ice-cream, eggs (!) and sausages!
Или да си купиш ръчно изработени бижута, за да изглеждаш по-привлекателен!

If you want to look more attractive, you can choose a beautiful, handmade necklace or bracelet.
Добрата новина е, че вятърът изтласква бързо водния зюмбюл. Ето защо сутринта на фестивалния ден можахме да видим езерото Виктория в пълния му блясък!

The good news is that winds move the Water Hyacinth and it flows quickly. So in the morning of the Festival day, we could see  Lake Victoria in its splendour!
Всички се любуваха на гледката.
Everyone enjoyed the beautiful sight.

 Няколко деца съзерцаваха в усамотение...
Some of the kids contemplated in solitude...
Появиха се туристически лодки...

 We could see tourist boats...
И риболовни, но рибарите не носеха въдици...

And fishing boats...

Публиката също се радваше на езерото...

The people, who had come to join the Festival,  admired the lake, too...

Стана горещо. Предприемчиви търговци подредиха плодове под дебелите сенки на дърветата...
It became hot. Merchants of fruits appeared under the big shadows...
Около обед се сепнах - отново бе настъпило царството на водния зюмбюл. Безшумно и неусетно. Така че естественият фон на сцената ни от син стана зелен.

Around noon the water surface was covered again by the  water hyacinth's carpet, so the background of our natural stage changed from blue to green. 
Знаете как продължи всичко...

You know what followed... And how it ended...

Танци... Dances...
Песни... Songs...
Усмивки... Smiles...
И снимки за спомен от този невероятен ден. 

And pics to remember this special day.

С една от моите любимки - млада художничка, която се влюби в кукленото изкуство.

With one of my favourite "students" - a young visual artist, who fell in love with puppet theatre....
След като фестивалът приключи и всички си тръгнаха в приповдигнато настроение...

 After the Festival was over and everyone left in high spirits...

... стана пусто и нищо не подсказваше, че допреди малко тук е имало множество от хора, събрани от и чрез изкуството. Все пак останаха малки знаци, които само участник можеше да "разчете"...

...it was hard to believe how many  people had been there, gathered by art! Life continued its habitual run, but some sweet signs echoed the event....

Така завършва моята история за едно езеро. Най-голямото в Африка. Красиво и притегателно. Изумително и вдъхновяващо. С най-прекрасните залези, които съм виждала! Езерото Виктория...

This is my story about a lake. The biggest one in Africa. Beautiful and attractive. Astonishing and inspiring. With the most amazing sunsets, I've ever seen! Lake Victoria.

20 коментара:

  1. What a beautiful place. Thank you for taking us to Africa with you.

    1. You are welcome! I just want to share as much as I can, to get you closer to the magic of Africa and its colours!

  2. There is certainly magic to be found around Lake Victoria. Rossichka, you are so very kind to share what you experienced there.

    What an amazing place our wide world is! xo

    1. Yes, and it's so exciting to travel and see... One can make amazing discoveries in his homeland, too! Although Bulgaria is a small country, there're places (for example - some of the mountains), where I still haven't been!:(

  3. I'm glad you found time to tell the story to the end. That hyacint plant is a disaster. It's often the case with 'alien' beings. They take over. And that lake is/was so big! The women are creative and make the best of it. Bye bye!!!

  4. It's a pity that such an invasion can happen! I remember how the lake looked like last year, seen from the airplane. And this year I couldn't recognize it... I'm glad you've watched the video! The Kenyans are so inventive, skilful and have such an inner feeling for beauty! Have a nice evening!:)

  5. Thanks Rossichka for another beautiful post, its like being there at the same time with you!!
    What a beautiful sunset!!, Fox is speachless!!

    1. I haven't seen so many nuances of orange, Ale!!
      Oh, don't tell Fox that there were lots of birds... He'll be sorry then he wasn't there for real!:D
      By the way, what happened to Birdie??? Bye!

  6. And that picture of you... so nice! And now I know for sure, you are a blond. I'm going to bed. Sleep well, my night owl friend.

    1. Hmmm, my hair definitely is not red, though I like it so much on your drawing!:) What about being blond, actually I am not, if you get what I mean.:DDD. My hair looked somewhat like that when I was veeery young...
      Good morning!:0)

      Mmmm, my coffee is so delicious!... (sip-sip) Today we are expecting the cold wave from Europe to reach us. I have a lot of work on the computer, so I'll spend most of the day at home.

    2. Yes, it's very cold here! Baba Marta is not pleased.

    3. I told you - she is to blame for the special March weather!:))))))) We had a rainy and stormy night here, but right now the sun is struggling with the clouds... Good morning!(sip-sip, mmmm!)

  7. I'm smiling at the fact that you are drawn back to the Lake Victoria again. Water hyacinth is really becoming a huge problem and I have no idea how they can stop it. Great to see your smiling face :-)

    1. I'm also wondering how they will solve the problem. I'm thinking of the poor hyppos... I watched in National Geographic how they were moving, making corridors in the water hyacinth with their bodies (it wasn't in Kenya, though).
      Soooooooooooo tired, but happy - that's why I smiled!:)))
      P.S. Your last post stays open on my computer, waiting for me to comment...

  8. Hi, Rossichka!,
    This is incredible, as the wind blows, the lake appears or disappears, like a science fiction story.
    Obviously, it is a serious ecological problem, (probably caused by humans) :(((
    Do you want me to tell you what my favorite photographs are?
    those that you are with a man and a woman
    because in them I can see, happiness, friendship, gratitude (for both parties) no differences between people (for me, there are only colors in my paintbox) and hope that history will repeat, right?
    Have a good weekend my friend! :))

    1. Hello, RBRT-boy! You are looking great on this photo - nice to meet you!:D Some days ago I found a photo of me from the times when I was a young director. The old photos take us back in time to moments and places that were precious or memorable for us, don't they?...
      Yes, the lake appears and disappears and people have a great problem with that! There's no fish to eat or sell, no water to wash... I cannot imagine how one can struggle against such an invasion...
      Yes, there'were no differences between us and the most important thing was that the kids accepted us, although we will always be "mazungos" for them...
      May this weekend be long and quiet,and happy!xx

  9. it looks like you had a wonderful time! those flowers look so beautiful, what a joy to see. I am so happy that you got to go back and enjoy the people and land~

    lovely weekend to you ~

    1. Yes, beautiful, but dangerous, like a weed... It's impressing how Kenyan women transform them in crafting!
      I'm glad we went back there agian, too - the sponsor decided to prolong the project, because of the result of our work...:)

  10. Wow! What a fascinating story- I could never imagine a flower can cover up the lake! Luckily it was gone quickly. I really enjoyed seeing all the photos from your visit to Africa-you're such a good storyteller.

    1. No, dear Asja - it was gone for half a day and then the wind or the flow of the lwater (I don't know) got it back! Although beautiful, the sight was somehow disturbing!!
      Thanks - I wanted to keep the memories fresh. Maybe one day my grandchildren will read this diary...?.:DDD
