четвъртък, 17 януари 2013 г.



С тези кукли, специално изработени в България за тренинга ми по куклен театър, открихме фестивала. (Аз играя с лъва.)
These hand puppets, that were made in Bulgaria for my training session in puppetry, opened the Festival. (I'm manipulating the Lion!)

Това приказно дърво беше естественият ни декор, а пространството около него - сцената. Пред очите на зрителите като фон - езерото Виктория, за което ще пиша в следващ пост.

This magical tree was our scenery, the space around it - the stage and as a background - the lake Victoria ( I will write a special post about it).

Прекарахме цялата сутрин на открито в репетиции, игри, рисуване, техническа подготовка на събитието, хапване на сандвичи, смях и снимки за спомен, докато дойде времето за обличане на костюмите.

We spent the whole morning in the open air - rehearsing, drawing, playing warming-up games, installing the music, еating  sandwiches, laughing and taking pics, until it was time to put on the costumes! 

И така Вторият театрален фестивал за деца в Кисуму започна! Шест малки спектакъла очароваха публиката в горещия следобед. Шест красиви и емоционални истории, представящи африкански приказки, обичаи и митове, над които 200 деца работиха в продължение на три седмици, ръководени от 28 млади артисти и художници от Кисуму в процес, наблюдаван от нас - вж. http://rossichka.blogspot.com/2012/11/v-my-african-journal-part-iv.html

So the Second Kisumu Children Theatre Festival began! Six mini-shows in the hot afternoon, that the public admired! Six beautiful and exciting stories upon African myths, customs and fairytales - the result of the hard three-week work of 200 children and 28 young Kisumu artists, a process our European team was responsible for - see http://rossichka.blogspot.com/2012/11/v-my-african-journal-part-iv.html
  игра с маски, изработени от децата     playing with masks, made by the children

игра с кукли, изработени от визуалните артисти     manipulating puppets, made by the artists

  театър     acting


танци     dancing
 И моята награда...     And my award...


30 коментара:

  1. лелееее, Роси.....ПРИ-КАЗ-НО!!!:))))))))
    ще се връщам мноОого пъти...!:*)

  2. И аз се връщам почти всекидневно към снимките - знаеш ли колко са много? Моите мъже не можаха да ги изгледат наведнъж - човек престава да възприема в един момент. Много трудно ми беше да направя подбор, даже се чудя дали не прекалих...
    Радвам се, че ги видя! Съвсем скоро ще има изненада за теб...хх

  3. Hi R. What a fabulous experience!
    please, I can not believe seeing those images, how beautiful!
    beautiful art, beautiful colors, beautiful people!
    I was speechless at seeing the immense beauty of the girl with green dress with white flowers. really very beautiful girl
    Do you know that tree with the beautiful flowers is very common in my country? There are avenues (boulevards) having those trees!
    I had one in my house, I had planted the seed, (that tree was the age of my oldest daughter, I planted a seed of a tree when each of my three children were born, then we sold that house and the new owner cut that tree, was very sad for me) that tree here is called: drunked stick (do not ask me why) haha :))))
    OK nice to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kisses from the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))

  4. That girl is even more beautiful without a make-up!... Maybe I posted too many photos, but I wanted to share with all of you the beautiful moments and the emotions from that unforgetable day!!
    Oh, I can't imagine to see a whole avenue with that tree! It is incredible for me - with all those long branches, the magnificent blossoms and the thorns!! It's a pity that the tree you had planted with love was cut, but it's alive in your family memories!

    What are you talking about - summer???! Enjoy yourselves! Here, we are having a rest from the snow and the low temperatures, but still it's winter time and one must wear gloves and shawls, and hats...

    See you! xox

  5. What a special time you've shared with these people who seem so full of life and joy. Beautiful photos Rossichka!

  6. They left traces in my life, we shared so many exciting moments! I hope I left some smaaaal traces, too!;-)

  7. Rossichka, your timing is perfect! To warm my heart with those beautiful colours, people, music, energy, nature, art, playing, happy eyes, faraway places - wonderful! Really, it feels so good, eventhough I love winter, too.

    Oh, and those hand-puppets, your lion, ha, that rememinds me of my and my sister's puppets. We had similar animal ones, around 7 or so (but no lion, he). What a beautiful memories! I wonder where they are now. Will look for them, certainly! :)

    Keep warm! :)

    1. Oh, it will be great, if you find those puppets! You reminded me on your turn about this kind of puppets from my childhood. I'm, almost sure where they are, but I need time to go and look for them!'I'm glad my post brought some colours, warmth and joy in your winter evening!:)))

  8. Wonderful to see this post Rossichka! Thanks too for the link to Toni Demuro's blog. Such a lovely surprise!

    1. I just FELT that you will like it!!
      You live among such variety of colours, Robyn, but for us, the Europens, the world of Africa is magical!:-)

  9. so lovely to see and read your post.
    looks like you had a fabulous time.
    art in so many ways shared with beautiful people, that is as good as good gets!

    1. People there are thursty for art! Gifted and comprehensive. Here, too... Not only the children, but the parents who participate in our Saturday workshops are so active and creative! And this is great!:)

  10. I am truly delighted with his work and very proud to be a friend although the distance. Congratulations Rossichka!

    1. Thank you, Maria, for your support and friendship! I feel you very close, too!xx
      It hurts a lot when I meet negative, ugly reactions... We've planted the seeds of new knowledge and skills, that's all. It will be exciting to follow their growth from now on...:)

  11. What fantastic photographs! There are radiating with energy, colors, joy, concentration. The children are so beautiful and the tree is magnificent. It must have been a great operation to organise this happening. To create a theatre in a very different country and culture. But your reward was big! You and the children look tired but very satisfied. You can be proud.

    1. You are absolutely right, Hedwig! Organising the project in all aspects and levels from the preparational stage till the last minute - it's a complicated process, acquiring clear goals and vision, energy, strong will and serious, hard work in collaboration by the trainers (the European team), the trainees (the local artists) and the children.... We have a wonderful lady, a very talented director, who inspires and leads us!
      Thanks for the friendly words! By the way, the girl from the last photo is one of the young Kisumu artists, whom I trained in puppetry last year!:)

  12. I love your blog.
    Such beautiful images.
    Such beautiful people.

    I am officially jealous!

    1. I wish you from all my heart to visit Africa one day!! If it happens, I suppose you'll have to title your blog "100 pics-a-day"! :)))
      P,S. Did you have a look at my previous posts on the theme?

  13. R. please, go to Hedwigs's blog and prepare your bike!!!!

    1. Can you believe - I cannot bike, but I promise to learn, despite my "old age" - you motivated me!:D Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Can not bike??? How is that possible? In Holland everybody bikes. Well, you can walk on the beach, that's your thing! I like your little footprint in the sand.
      I'm glued to my laptop because of this blog fun, but now I really have to walk the dogs. In the rain, lighthearted thinking of beaches and wings. Bye!

    3. I missed the time for biking when I was a girl... I'm so sorry for that! A walk on the beach? Yes, I would be happy with that!
      I'm glued to the laptop, too, but I'm also writing an analyses about the work in Kenya, that I have to finish in a few hours.
      We had a dog once... We miss him badly!:((((

      P.S. The footprint is in the snow, but it's not deep...:)

  14. Oh yes, I forgot, we are the snowy ones, not sandy beaches... Bye!

  15. We are still expecting the big snow - if it ever comes this year... But it's very cold these days!

    Good night!:)

  16. My dear friend, you have been BUSY!!
    so good to see and read about your adventures,
    your images are stunning!
    naomi xoxo

  17. Hello, hello!!! It's nice to see you've been here!:)))
    I'll post soon another part of my Adventurer's Diary...:)xx

  18. Hi R. I returned, after the poisoning, which threw me into bed. I walked around at Hedwig! :)

    Eh .... (every time I see the beauty of this African girl with green dress, my heart say Pum Pum Pum!!!!! :))))))))))

    1. I couldn't take another good photo of her. She really wears a special beauty!

      I'm sorry to hear that you were ill, my friend! I was wondering what was going on with you, because it's not habitual for you to be silent! I'm glad you are O.K. now!!:xx
      I'm very busy at the moment - it's late and I'm still preparing for tomorrow's workshop. I'll be the only reprsentative of our theatre group, so I'm doing everything alone. We are going to show the kids how to draw with candles and watercolours! I made some samples to show - very clear and naive. They will be just "the push"!:)
      But now I'm giving myself a short break - to go to Hedwig's blog!!

  19. Wow, what a fabulous post! I didn't know that you are a puppet theater director, that festival must have been extremely rewarding experience. And great photos!

    1. What else to say than "Thank you!"!:) I still live with memories of that day, of my whole stay in Kisumu... Even now I'm preparing a new post on the theme, but it takes a lot of time - to write it in two languages and to choose the photos. Still tomorrow, the latest, I will post it.
