четвъртък, 7 февруари 2013 г.


Искам да ви разкажа една история. За най-голямото езеро в Африка...
Let me tell you a story. About a lake. The biggest one in Africa...


За първи път видях езерото Виктория през 2011 г., малко преди самолетът от Найроби да се приземи в Кисуму - огромна водна площ, която сякаш нямаше край.
По-късно, в една свободна от занятия неделна утрин, се разходихме с лодка из него. Раздадоха ни спасителни оранжеви жилетки и потеглихме. Извадихме голям късмет, че точно тогава нямаше слънце и времето беше хладно.

I saw lake Victoria for the first time in 2011, while flying from Nairobi to Kisumu. Shortly before landing, there it appeared - a huge area of water, that seemed endless to me! Later on, one early Sunday morning, while everybody was at church, we had a boat trip on the lake, starting from a place, named Hippo Point. We  were lucky that there was no sun, which was "an exception to the rule"...  The weather was chilly and foggy, the water - muddy.
Първото, което чухме и видяхме беше множество жълти птички, които сякаш се караха за нещо...

First we heard and saw lots of yellow birds, arguing about something in the branches of small trees...
След това минахме покрай много други птици и хора, заети с всекидневните си задължения...

Then we passed slowly by birds and people, occupied with their everyday duties...

Едни бяха отишли на рибния пазар...

Some had chosen to go to the fish market...
Други - на разходка...

Others - to sail with friends...
Трети - на риболов....

Or go fishing...
Бяхме потънали в мълчание. Чуваше се само щракането на фотоапаратите и видеокамерите. Толкова различен и интересен бе светът около нас! И въпреки че не бях първият  "мазунго" ("бял човек") на туристическа лодка,  имах усещането, че се  натрапвамe на тези хора. Но те бяха свикнали... Повечето въобще не ни забелязваха. Само децата (като всички деца!) ни махаха и се усмихваха.

We were in awe and all silent, but that made me feel like an intruder. I knew I was not the first "mazungo" (i.e. a "white person") to pass by, watching and exclaiming, but I felt somehow uncomfortably with my camera!  On the other hand, I'm not sure someone got impressed by our appearance there, most people even didn't notice us. Only the children (as kids everywhere!) waved and smiled.

Така че сега съм щастлива, че направих тези снимки, които отново и отново ме връщат към езерото Виктория. Полюбувайте му се и вие!

So I'm happy now to have all these photos that keep my memories fresh. Let me share some of them with you!

Нашият сладкодумен гид примамваше със своеобразни звуци и шум хипопотамите, които живеят в езерото. И ето, че те се показаха!!

We had a guide to give us some info and to entice(?) the hippos, living in the lake, by making special sounds and noises. And here they were - so big and somehow sleepy!!
Разходката свърши, а аз като че ли не можех да осъзная, че съм била там!

The trip was over, but as if I couldn't realize that it had really happened to me!:)

Открихме едно приятно заведение с изглед към езерото, където можехме да пием кафе, сок Пашън или известната бира "Tusker"... :D

We found a beautiful place with a view to the lake for drinking coffee, Passion juice or beer "Tusker"... :D
Но когато при повторното си пребиваване в Кисуму в края на миналата година нетърпеливи отидохме там, останахме изумени: ЕЗЕРОТО ГО НЯМАШЕ!
Как така?! Ще ви обясня в следващия пост.:)

But when we visited it again last December, to our great amazement we discovered that... THE LAKE WAS NOT THERE!
What do I mean?!... I'l tell you in my next post.:)

36 коментара:

  1. Wow, you left me in suspense... Beautiful photos, I can't believe that you even saw a hippo! Aren't they dangerous?

    1. Dangerous? Maybe if you don't tease them. We had a guide, who "spoke" their language, so I was calm.
      About the suspense... I was not sure I could publish a very long post, that's why I decided to divide it - the theme alowed it.:)

  2. Rossichka, thank you for letting me see what it might be like to take a slow boat ride along the Lake with the Beautiful Name. Of course, I have heard of this place before, and perhaps even seen television documentaries or National Geographic articles about it...but your post has brought me so much closer to this special place.

    How very close your boat came to those sleepy hippos. I think that they felt you were friendly. Perhaps you've made hippo puppets since then, that just peep out from a paper lake?

    I am very much looking forward to seeing the next chapter, to discover what has happened to the lake.


    1. Hello, Frances! Please come again to find my answer! I'll be back in about an hour...

  3. Dear Frances, your suggestion is very interesting and quite reasonable. I haven't realized that my experience would give me a different approach to making puppets of African animals in my future work as a director. I was told, just before going to Kenya, that our European perception of these wild animals differs from that of the natives. I still don't share this opinion. But I brought lots of photos of the wonderful children's drawings on the theme...
    What about the hippos... I think we were pretty near to them. Maybe that's why we had put on life-jackets!:D It was very exciting to sit in the boat, with a switched-off engine, and to wait whether they will "answer" to the guide's calls. And then to see how their heads appear from the water!...
    Some days before that I had jmade with the visual artists a hippo for the puppet performance. We used some info from Internet. As far as I remember, we finished the puppet later and I had in mind what I had seen. I will send you some photos after a while...:)

  4. Nature can be overwhelming. In Holland everything is small, crowded and regulated. There are no wild things. I don't know about Bulgaria, but Africa is so big a continent... I think it would scare me. The size and the wildness, I mean. To float with your boat so near this big hippo's! Help. The white birds, them I know. We have them here in the fields. The white heron. I'm very curious about what happened to lake Victoria!

    1. Hello! Bulgaria also is a small country (in comparison with France and Germany, for instance), but its area it around three times bigger than that of Holland (according to Google). I'm living in a big town with lots of buildings, too... Still I didn't feel lost in Kisumu, nothing overwhelming as you say, just a beautiful nature at every glimpse and a sad feeling from other sides of everyday life. The only difference was maybe while being in Nakuru National Park last year.
      So don't be afraid! Maybe you need to go somewhere in a vast space, with a lot of "air" all around. The first step is to go to the countryside, out of town...:) Or maybe here - to visit our magnificent mountains?:)
      Oh, the white heron... We don't have it, but I like it very much!

    2. I love to visit your mountians!!! And when you want to see flat, green, windy wetlands, you can come visit me. I live in the country, in an old farmhouse. But still, there is no real wild nature in my country. People are everywhere, or their marks, signs, rules, fences etc.

    3. Oh, it would be really nice for you to visit some places without people and their signs! Here is a blog as a beginning - full of photos, taken in wild nature!! I like it very much!


      P.S. Maybe we'll meet one day, somewhere in this big, big world, who knows?:))

    4. That's one snowy blog! Thank you.

  5. Hi Rossichka -thanks for visiting me .How are you?.I was wondering are you on facebook Rossichka?-will youlet me know-thanks

    1. Hi! I'm fine, I little tired after the Saturday workshop with children and adults. We made some ornaments for the upcoming St.Valentine's day! We had so much fun, but also worked hard...
      No, I'm not a fan of Facebook, sorry!:)

  6. Noooooooooo!!!! Rossichka, my dear friend, I swear I read word by word your story, like a tale or a novel
    and ... Now the mystery will not let me sleep!!!!
    beautiful pictures!
    do you know that those plants that float and give that light blue-purple flower are equal, at exactly that is here in my country? here called "camalotes"
    Byeeeeeeeeeeee kisses and hugs!!!!!!!!!!
    PS: thanks for your comment,I would not like that in the other box had tears, but if you think so, there will be tears :)))

    1. Sleep well, Roberto! I will reveal "the mystery" very soon.:)))
      I read in Google about "camalote", it really resembles the plant I shot , but is not the same.
      I suggested the box was full of tears, because of the dark, starry sky...
      I hope you are having a fantastic warm weather in Argentina, so enjoy the new week, "knocking on the door"!xx

  7. Rossichka! Thank you very much for stopping by omg it's been a long time since my last visit hope you've been well i'm glad you enjoyed your trip and took beautiful photos now i want this http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0Lcv9tyFVj0/URJTzZw1k7I/AAAAAAAAEwc/7c86NPDGZRU/s1600/IMG_7300.JPG coffee with milk? no sugar please, i'm on a diet :D

    love, Mita.

    1. I want it, too! With brown sugar. THERE again..:D
      I'm just wondering how Africa would influence your drawings, Mita?? I wish you to go there (if you want it!)xx

  8. Страхотни снимки, Роси!!! Онези лилавите водни цветя ми станаха любими!!! :))))

    1. Хммм,хммм... Ще пиша за тях във втората част, но в момента подготвям "извънреден" пост за любовта!:) И твоите снимки са чудни!! Ние тази зима нямаме сняг и освен два отпечатъка на ботуша ми, нямам други "находки"!:) Как е чаровницата с кодово име Хонза? Ами баткото? Аз успях да прочета един стрелнал се твой пост за една хууубава майка с дълга черна коса! Само така!!!...хх

  9. Отговори
    1. Yes! Just imagine the numerous species of birds and fish that we didn't see, but live there... :))

  10. Gradually we go back, I like to visit,Traveling more beautiful and nice pictures, a kiss.

    1. You are always welcome! Happy New Year, full of health, love and inspiration!:)

  11. Rossichka!!!! I am waiting!!!! Can't sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sorry! I didn't mean to tease my blog -friends!:( But I'm very busy this week with rehearsals and at the moment I'm papercutting, because I want to post tomorrow something on the occasion of St.Valentine's Day! If you can't sleep, my dear Roberto, I could reveal the secret just for you in a secret e-mail... What will you say?:)))

  12. it was wonderful to see this land through your lens
    and to read your words
    that show how much you enjoyed your time there
    and the sights you saw
    thank you for sharing!

    1. This is just a small part of the photos... It's always so difficult to make a choice - that's one of the reasons for being so late with my African posts.
      The truth is that Kenya is on my mind... Every day!:)

  13. i dont know if you already saw this
    i dont speak French, but it just reminds me of you with all the paper and stuffs... :D

    have a nice day!

    1. Ooooh, thank you, Mita!
      I've seen this wonderful little movie several times, I even think that Roberto has sent it once to me... Now I will keep the link, so that I will never lose its traces again. I speak a little French and that's an extra pleasure for me!
      I wish you love and joy to warm your days!:)))

  14. Hello dear Rossichka!
    I'm Cora, from Brazil and I really enjoy your blog.

    Lovely pics, by the way. You know I love Africa? I like to visit someday, it's my greatest dream!!

    And about the mistery of the lake... wow, that's very curious.
    I'm waiting for the continuation.


    1. Hello, Cora! And welcome! You know, Africa is a completely different universe... I wish you to fulfil your dream!
      What about the lake, I'll write the rest of the story maybe in a week...

  15. I's really nice to be back to your blog.
    This images are amazing :D

  16. What a lovely post Rossichka!! I never tire of seeing (or hearing) the fish eagle. Glad you got to see one too.

    1. I appreciate your opinion, Robyn, thank you! And thank you for telling me how this impressive bird is called! I'll post very soon the continuation of the post, but maybe you already know what has happened to lake Victoria...
