четвъртък, 1 март 2012 г.


Усмихна се тя и слънчицето грейна! Ами как иначе - всички са се закичили с мартенички и са в приповдигнато настроение, пък и рано-рано сутринта метнахме на балкона един топъл червен шал - да се вижда отдалече, та баба Марта да не се сърди!:)

Yes, she smiled and the sun appeared at last! I hope it will melt the snow and let the spring come! Who is Baba Marta? Have a look here .
Цялата къща е пълна с бели и червени конци, мъниста, ножици, цветни кълбета... Майсторите на мартенички са съпругът и синът ми. Ето какви гривнички ми подариха...

There's a mess of red and white threads, beads, yarn and scissors at home! My husband and son made a lot of martenitzi for relatives and friends. These bracelets are for me...
Аз също се вдъхнових и направих украса за дома...

They inspired me and I decided to make some beauties for our home....
В събота нашата театрална група проведе работилничка за мартенички както през миналата година. Процесът беше дълъг, но интересен - за малки и големи!

On Saturday, just like last year, our theatre group held a workshop for making martenitzi.  It was interesting and exciting for the children and their patents!

Ето ги и резултатите! Как да не се възхитиш на усета за красиво у българина!

Here are the results! I'm always in awe of the imagination and the natural sense for beauty Bulgarians have!
Днес бях за кратко Баба Марта - с очила, бастунче и кошничка с мартенички, посрещната с възторг от децата, които искаха да ме докоснат и да ги погаля! Този път нямам снимки, но ще ви покажа детайли от прекрасната носия, с която бях облечена!...

This morning I played the role of Baba Marta in a performance for the kindergartens! Unfortunately we didn't take photos, but the excitement of the children was huge, they sang songs especially for me and were thrilled and happy to touch me! What a feast we had!
Here are some details of my costume! I hope you'll like them!

Какъв чуден ден само! Пожелавам на всички да сте здрави и засмени и... приятно очакване на пролетта!

Be healthy and happy, with red cheeks and a  hunch for a marvellous spring!

П.П. Ето един интересен сайт за популяризирането на мартениците по света - http://www.martenitza.org/bg

P.S. If you want to learn more about this unique Bulgarian custom and the idea of making it popular around the world, visit this site - http://www.martenitza.org/bg

19 коментара:

  1. Този коментар бе премахнат от автора.

  2. Честита баба Марта, rossichka!!! От тук нататък, все по-топли и хубави моменти, здрави и усмихнати за теб и семейството.

  3. Мерси, честита и на теб! Да ти е леко на душата, да си здрава и да мечтаеш смело!:)

  4. Dear R.
    You do not have to apologize to add a few words to what I wrote. No, please.
    So what you added is very good :)
    the two versions are very good. the second is more ... I would say, from romantic movie
    I might end up crying with a finish like that
    actually, believe me,
    I have decided, for a time, not to watch movies that make me cry
    And each time I cry more easily.
    and I do not cry because someone dies, or suffers,no, no... I cry with a birth, for example
    and, well, I am not ashamed, I'm that way, I can not help it.

    good weekend for you and your family.
    I really loved that, you added something to what I wrote. I know that you did it with your heart♥
    In a few minutes i will return, you wait there!!!

  5. OK, I returned
    What a wonderful tradition!!!!!!!!!!!
    I already told you once that in my country traditions are lost gradually, so I love watching you teach your children to support them, to love them and pass them on.
    My country has always been looking "outside" and is easier for children to play with a "pumpkin", that with something of our own flolckore.
    Beautiful your dress is a pity not to see photographs that will see all the clothes.
    I am sending you a big hug!
    Here began the cooler days and autumn is poking its nose, ha ha :)

  6. ех, че красиви мартенички сте направили всички!!! трябва да се пробваме и ние следващата година :) да ви е пролетно на сърцата пожелавам, кокичево и зюмбюлево :*

  7. Dear Roberto,
    I didn't mean to finish your poem, I just wanted to add under line my thoughts, provoked by it! I even was thinking that they might sound naive, that's why I'm glad you accepted them like possible versions! Oh, about the tears... "you are not alone"...!It happens to me quite often, too.:0)
    Maybe one day you could visit Bulgaria in the beginning of March, when we welcome Baba Marta or could join an etnographic festival ... By the way we have customs and traditions every month!... Don't be sorry, you have your unique culture, too, which is due to the traditions!
    Have a wonderful weekend! On Monday I'm going to send your gift at last! Sorry for being late! xx

  8. Ех, че не сте ни тук, Ясминка! Да ни идвате на работилничките и да си творим красоти! Много ми хареса това "кокичево" и "зюмбюлево", мерси!:0) Вчера видях чудни зюмбюли в малки саксийки, ще взема да си купя един! Прегръдки!

  9. Happy Spring! I remember this from last year, but I had to go back to your last year's post to look again. It is a glorious tradition, the children look so sweet and happy!

  10. Този коментар бе премахнат от автора.

  11. And the adults are happy, too, Gretel! We wear mostly bracelets - a lot on each wrist!:) We'll take them off when we see trees in blossom or a stork, returning from Africa. Then, according to the tradition, we tie the martenitzas to those trees or put them under stones. If after some days there are ants, this means that the year will be fruitful and rich!
    Have a sunny, warm and wonderful Spring!!

    1. Always so educating and inspiring at the same time to visit your blog, Rossi. I love how involved the children looked in what they're doing! So nice to see you busy this spring. oxx

  12. We are quite busy with our theatre projects, yes, but still not in a hurry or feeling a lack of time! I'm delighted that we are going to make new, different things and I think children are my vocation in life..:) I'm so glad you've been my guest for a while, Amalia! xx

  13. Imagine Rossichka a year gone by already !because I remember commenting on this last year !I'm going to have look it up again.I love all the things the kiddies made.Hope you are keeping well.Bye for now

  14. Time flies, doesn't it?:)Every year this custom makes me smile and feel well, new and new kinds of martenitzi appear and that's amazing, 'cause all of them are beautiful!!Bye, bye!

  15. Bellissimi questi lavoretti e bellissimi anche questi bimbi, felici e soddisfatti delle loro creazioni!
    Mi piacciono i ricami del costume tradizionale, una volta le donne spendevano tanto tempo e passione per avere dei vestiti molto particolari e ricchi di ricami, dimostrando l'amore per il proprio paese e per le tradizioni di cui andavano orgogliose.

    Domani prometto che ti mando le foto della neve... mi sono sempre dimenticata in questi giorni.
    Nel frattempo è sbocciato il cotogno giapponese.

    Un abbraccio, buona settimana, Rosi

  16. Dear Rosi, I know YOU can imagine the kids' enthusiasm and the atmosphere of our last workshop! Every time they are happy to try new things and to see the result of their efforts (sometimes getting help from Mum, Dad or Granny, especially the smallest!)
    I'm waiting eagerly for the photos... This will be a surprise for me!
    What about the traditional costumes - it happens to see a "real" one not that often, so it was a chance and a pleasure to wear it for some hours!...
    Have a warm, sunny week!xx

  17. Heya Rossicheeka :) So you are баба Марта,! I knew that you were keeping a secret :) It's so beautiful that you have these vivacious traditions still alive and that you are in contact with your roots. We humans need mystic and magic in our lives - something that we have lost touch with here in Oz - as we are 'displaced persons' away from our Irish?English?scottish etc homelands - all very sad.

    The details on your dress are magnificent!!!

  18. Well, you all know my secret now!:) In fact, I was just helping Baba (Granny) Marta... And was so proud that I didn't lie to the children - I promised them a sunny weather, because they had let me smile and so it happened... It was sunny the whole day!
    Oh, the traditions! It's something important for one's identity - as a person, as a nation... Still, I believe you are not that "rootless"!
