петък, 28 януари 2011 г.


Започнах този пост в началото на януари, но други теми го изместиха... 

I started writing this post in the very beginning of January, but other themes turned out to be more important...

Тазгодишната ни елхичка ухаеше, но не спря да се рони и затова още в първите дни на януари я изгорихме. В такъв момент винаги ми е криво и вече се замислям дали догодина да не си купим елхичка в саксия!... Игличките пукат, а аз се сещам за тъжната приказка на Андерсен  "Елата". Чели ли сте я?

"... Една сутрин дойдоха някакви хора да чистят тавана. Те вдигнаха куфарите, а след това и елата. Хвърлиха я грубо на пода, после я повлякоха надолу по стълбата... Тя почувства свежия въздух, светлината на слънцето и се намери долу на двора... Той се допираше до една градина, която бе потънала в цветя и зеленина... "Сега и аз ще заживея!" - зарадва се елата и разпери клоните си. Ала те бяха пожълтели и изсъхнали, а самото дърво лежеше в един ъгъл сред плевели и коприва... Скоро дойде един слуга и накърши елата на парчета - от нея излезе цял сноп съчки. Как ярко пламнаха те под големия котел! Елата въздишаше тежко-тежко. Всяка нейна въздишка приличаше на слаб гърмеж и затова децата престанаха да играят, а насядаха край огъня...
И при всяко изпращяване, което беше дълбока въздишка, елата си спомняше ясните летни дни и звездните зимни нощи в гората, веселата Бъдни вечер и приказката за Клумпе-Думпе - едничката приказка,  която тя беше слушала и умееше да разказва... После елата изгоря."

илюстрация - Вилхелм Педерсен
an illustration by Vilhelm Pedersen

This year's Christmas tree smelled so sweet, but its needles didn't stop falling, so in the first days of January we had to take the decoration off and... burnt it instead of throwing it. Have you read Andersen's "The Fir Tree"? I always remember it in such a moment and feel sad! Maybe next year we should buy a little Christmas tree in a pot...

"...Then it was carried down stairs and taken into the courtyard so quickly, that it forgot to think of itself, and could only look about, there was so much to be seen. The court was close to a garden, where everything looked blooming...  “Now I shall live,” cried the tree, joyfully spreading out its branches; but alas! they were all withered and yellow, and it lay in a corner amongst weeds and nettles... Then a lad came and chopped the tree into small pieces, till a large bundle lay in a heap on the ground. The pieces were placed in a fire under the copper, and they quickly blazed up brightly, while the tree sighed so deeply that each sigh was like a pistol-shot. Then the children, who were at play, came and seated themselves in front of the fire, and looked at it and cried, “Pop, pop.” But at each “pop,” which was a deep sigh, the tree was thinking of a summer day in the forest; and of Christmas evening, and of “Humpty Dumpty,” the only story it had ever heard or knew how to relate, till at last it was consumed..."

Разтварям специално надписаните кутии и започвам да подреждам вътре украсата - гирлянди и разноцветни коледни играчки, топки и картички. Преди да потънат за цяла година в тъмнина, бих искала  да ви покажа някои от тях, които са ми много скъпи. Така поне няма да са в забрава...

I open the special boxes with "Christmas decoration" labels that we've been using for years and begin to fill them with balls, stars, garlands, tiny toys... Let me show you some of them, special to me, before  staying  in the dark for a whole year!...

Няколко стари "истински", т.е. чупливи коледни играчки...

These toys are "real", i.e. they are not plastic, but fragile... 
Звънчето, което в детството ми известяваше пристигането на Дядо Мраз с подаръците. Гласчeто му е толкова сладко...

When I was a child this bell used to announce the coming of Dyado Mraz (Grandfather Frost) with the gifts... It's still singing, while ringing! :)
Картичка, нарисувана от сина ми на около 10 годишна възраст...

A card drawn by my son, when he was about 10 years old...

А сега да се върнем в началото на миналия век...
And now let's go back to the beginning of the last century... 
Това са тематични релефни картинки от детството на баща ми...

Tiny embossed pictures from the time my father was a child...
 Ето и стари български новогодишни картички...

Old Bulgarian New Year's cards...
 И една по-нова - от моето детство, надписана от мен...

And a card from my childhood. I've written in there...
Плетени от мен елхички като тази..

 Christmas trees like this one, knitted by me...

И от по-ново време - детско списание с рецепти за коледни курабийки...

And a new magazine for children with recepes for Christmas biscuits...

Коледните и новогодишни празници отминаха. Всички поехме на ново пътешествие. Някои по стария познат път, други  - следващи нова пътека. Всеки е скътал в багажа си най-важното: надеждата, че годината ще бъде хубава, а късметите от баницата и пожеланията на семейството и приятелите ще се сбъднат! Дано!

Това цвете създадох от новогодишните пожелания, които получих по Интернет и по пощата. Така през цялата година те ще бъдат около семейството ми!  И вашите са тук! Благодаря на Сю , която ме вдъхнови!
The Christmas and New Year's holidays are over. We all began our new trips. Some of us along the old roads, others - following new ones. But everyone keeps in his luggage the most important: the hope that 2011 will be a happy year and all the beautiful wishes will come true!

I made this paper flower, writing on its leaves all the wishes I received in my blog, e-mail and post box. Yours are among them! Thus they'll stay around my family during the whole year! Thank you, Sue, for the inspiration!

П.П. Вярвам, че един ден  някои от красивите съвременни коледни украшения, с които правим къщата си по-уютна ще придобият сантиментална стойност за моя син по подобие на моите любими стари коледни играчки!

P.S. I hope  that one day some of the beautiful new Christmas ornaments my family enjoys will have a similar sentimental value for my son in the way  the ones I showed you have for me!

35 коментара:

  1. How lovely, to see your precious family treasures! I have always been reduced to tears whenever I read 'The Fir Tree', as a child and as an adult. Andersen has such a way of twisting one's heart; I think it is why I have never had a cut tree, ever. Add my best wishes for 2011 to your flower! :)

  2. Yes, it's a very touching fairy-tale! And Andersen knows how to involve us in the story and how to awake our emotions! I love him SO much! I know you do, too...
    Thanks for the wishes,Gretel! I'll add them to the flower!:)
    Do you know, today I gave the link to your blog to one of my favourite artists and blog-friends Vita, since she's just started needle felting!:) You can see her art works here - http://www.vusova.blogspot.com/.

  3. Dear R.
    I'm not sure you're talking about the same situation that I spoke.
    Anyway. It is best to leave it in the past.
    I just want you to know that not happened, in your blog.
    And that people who were involved (one was a follower of my blog) have already been erased from my mind.
    As I told you. You're the only one, among those who commented on the situation. (That did not happen on my blog). I repeat, You were the one that came to my blog, saw my post, and my drawings, and became a follower of my blog and to this day still leaving comments. (Other bloggers friends who were in this situation, but they already knew me before) but among the new people who gave their views at that time, you were the one, I think, you possibly thought: Let's see what this man does, what draws? Then you came to my blog.
    But it hurts me that people who come (in the dark) do not leave comments. and go. and then they think about my drawings, but on other blogs.
    (Well, apparently I have not completely erased from my head) Ha Ha! ☺
    Stay calm, all is well with you.

    Sometimes I can hardly read what you write in your blog, then only I can talk about what I see. And this time, I think what impressed me most is the card made by your child when he was ten years!!!
    I hope you have a nice weekend! Byeeee

  4. Awww, they are lovely. I miss Christmas time. I love the paper flower - it's a beauty.

    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Abi x

  5. Dear Roberto,
    I really don't remember the exact situation you are talking about... (I obviously have something else in mind!) But as you said - let it stay in the past! Everything I write is from my heart and I'm surprised and pleased to know that maybe I had helped you in that moment, making you feel better...
    Why is it difficult for you to read my posts? I translate everything in English! Maybe I make mistakes... Nevermind, thanks for the nice words about my son. He used to draw a lot! He can draw well. Now he's a teenager and his interests have changed. Still he was happy to receive for Christmas a book about the drawing of animals!!:)

  6. I'll write something more in your blog, Roberto!

  7. I love Christmas time, too, Aby, although I do not love winter!! But... Easter is coming and we'll have another decoration to prettify our homes!

  8. Thanks, Rossichka.
    I also believe that always, there are more good people than the other. Otherwise, the world had stopped long ago.
    And your kindness to keep this conversation, only broken by distance, is a proof.
    Thank you very much, our comments will surely going and coming, through space, until it hits a day, in a corner.:)
    Always the corners, as the doors are, for me a great mystery, because you never know what may have on the other side.
    Ah. just read your answer on your blog. Thanks!
    Em ... my difficulty is that I do not know English very well, not your mistake.
    Let your child take the way he wants. But you take care to keep the light on for him not to stumble.
    Good weekend!

  9. Oh, what a good advice - thank you!!! Very well said, but not easy to follow... We'll do our best with my husband, because our hearts say so and that's our duty as parents!
    Oh, the corners... I haven't paid special attention to them, until they became "our" theme. Yes, every corner keeps questions. It's full of expectation, uncertainty, surprise. It's intriguing and dangerous. Maybe somewhere in the universe there's a corner for us to meet!:)...
    I wish you a lovely Sunday! And, please, don't keep the Sun for yourselves, let it come to Bulgaria for a while, because we are freezing!!

  10. I love your flower Rossichka, it's so delicate and pretty. Glad to have been an inspiration to you :-) x

  11. Thank you again! It's staying in a little pot on the piano and everyone can see it...:)

  12. I loved seeing all your christmas memories Rossichka. It seems ages ago now. I cannot believe it is February tomorrow. This year is going to fly by. I love the thought of "grandfather frost" and the card made by your son. I hope 2011 will be a lovely year for your and your family.

  13. Thank you Cathy for the nice wishes and words! Yes, January passed so fast! I'm sick and tired of the cold and snow and long for the Spring!! Twenty years ago we did not celebrate Christmas - only New Year, so instead of Santa Claus we had Grandfather Frost... It's another story...:( Nevermind - he was just the same person, but with a different name, giving us the presents we had been dreaming of!
    I just saw your new post and am so eager to read it!:) Bye - till the next time!

  14. so lovely to have a glimpse into your holiday world and the sweet rituals you enjoy each year.
    Wishing you a lovely day.

  15. Като тръгнах да ги прибирам, ми стана мъчно за отминали неща и времена! Ех!:( Започнеш ли да виждаш познатото по нов, сантиментален начин, значи вече остаряваш...

  16. I wrote this post, because I had so many emotions gathered in me! Now I can return at any time to have a glimpse at my "holiday world", as you called it... Have a nice day, too, Tammie!

  17. Hello crafty, intelligent and beautiful Rossichka, thank you very much for your comment.
    everything you say is true, you're right.
    But I want to explain, I took the IF proposal , examining the possibilities that a person has when he is in a given situation.
    You know, they can be, yes, or no, black or white, up or down, I love you, I hate you or... surrender or victory, and so on. etc and etc.
    Well I developed the idea of someone who must surrender. Not necessarily must be me :)
    Thanks multiplied by a million.

  18. Yes, my dear friend, I supposed you don't speak about yourself! But maybe in your words there's a grain of truth about you as some of them are true to a certain extent about me. Because our lives are full of ups and downs, yes. And there're moments without light and sunshine! But I don't like the black coloured thoughts, emotions, moods, persons, souls... Thanks for the compliment - you are so kind!:)))

  19. I just feel very sentimental!
    Rossichka, thanks for share precious treasures with us, Your flower is so cute.

  20. Just look around yourself, Horacio! Maybe you'll see objects that are sentimental to you.
    I'm glad you like the flower. I checked it out and saw that your wishes are on a blue leaf...:)

  21. I have been terrible at blog visiting these days, that I've missed so many posts from my friends. I'm so glad you've shared the treasures of your past, Rossi. I always keep mine in boxes scattered about in the house, never inside one in particular. I don't really know why, but it always makes me happy when I open one and find a surprise inside!

    I hope you are well and happy. Many hugs!

  22. Selamat malam:) I'm so glad to see you've been here! I was wondering whether everything with you is O.K.,'cause you were absent from blogging pretty long time!
    Since we don't have much free space in our appartment (with the years it becomes less and less), we try to keep some special and important stuff in certain places in order to know where it is. If I don't do it, I sometimes forget where I have put the "treasures" and I can't find them! Here's a fresh example - today I found a very nice Christmas candlestick forgotten in a... cupboard! I felt glad and sad at the same time.
    I'm going to comment your last post tomorrow, Amalia, because I'm hardly keeping my eyes open at this very moment! I like the girl with the golden hair very much!!! Bye for now!xx

  23. Hey Rossichicka! Late to the party I am! :) But it looks like a grande party. Well this is a very touching post, I lovedcried the Anderson story, he just went up a few notches on my broomstick (I just made up that expression). It's loveley of you to share your family memories. The bell is very poignant, and the new years cards.

    Heres to a wonderous and amazingly fun and joyous 2011!

    see you from wet and windyy oz :)

    oh thanks for liking my header!

  24. Hi,Andrew! Yes, once read, Andersen's fairytales can not be forget!.. I was amazed and thrilled to find the old Bulgarian postcards in a box with other "vintage" greetings from the beginning of 20th century, possession of my great-grandparents!!!!!!!!!!!!...
    Smiles from the snowy, cold Bulgaria! I am freezing.... I can't stand it any mooooore!:)

  25. Hello my dearest friend, I have not forgotten what I promised you. I am just a bit disorganized. Please give me some slack. I will deliver. Have a beautiful day. Thank you for your visits, your precious tender comments and your prayers. Tsup!!!

  26. Don't worry, Ces! It's O.K.! I know how precious time is for you now. The expectation will make the surprise even sweeter... Thanks for the nice words!:)

  27. Yes the little machine!-my sister is always buying me presents-tonight she was on the phone asking me to pick fabrics from a website she's buying from !!I love that little card from your childhood ,its so cute

  28. Oh by the way why don't you put up new posts on your blog ?

  29. What a "golden" sister you have!... I like the postcard, too, it has still some glittering powder on it!
    I don't post very frequently, besides I have some engagements lately that don't leave me much free time. But very soon there'll be a Valentine poist!:0)
    Have a lovely week!

  30. Rossichka, your flower made from good wishes is enchanting. Looking at your Christmas decorations I am reminded of all the memories attached to special pieces we have collected over the years.

  31. your son's card is very lovely :)
    hello Rossichka i want to say thank you for the last conversation :))

  32. Similar sweet memories all of a sudden fell on me this year... To be honest, there're still several pretty things round about the appartment, but I'm gathering to change the decoration with plenty of hearts i na day or two!...
    I'm glad that you like the flower! Happy week, Robyn!:0)

  33. Thanks, Mita! Maybe one day I'll show some of his drawings (but I'll need his permission first!):)
    I'm sure we'll talk again soon! Be happy in the month of love...
