I was lucky to watch this stork in a nearby village and to take pictures of him. The local people said he was lazy, because he had done almost nothing to better the nest. His partner hasn't arrived yet. But maybe he's just waiting for her - sad and lonely?
Така или иначе, вече си махнах мартениците - и не съм единствената!:)
Anyway, after seeing him, according to the tradition, I took off my martenitzas and tied one of them to a bush in fresh green. As you can see, I was not the only one!:)
Плодни дръвчета надничат из дворовете и пред блоковетe.
Everywhere fruit trees in blossom are popping up!
Приличат на пухкави, ароматни облачета...
Like tender fluffy clouds...
Пролетта вече се вижда на всяка крачка...
You can see spring in everything around...
А ето още една причина за прекрасно настроение през последните дни...
Може би знаете, че песента на Фарел Уилямс "Happy" вдъхнови хора по целия свят да създават версии на клипа. Ето как млади русенци съчетаха своето виждане с Международния ден на щастието - 20 март. :)
And here's one more reason for a wonderful mood these days... Maybe some of you have heard that Pharrell William's "Happy" inspired people all over the world to celebrate the International Day of Happiness -20th of March , by making their own videos on the song. Here's the sweet version of my town!:)
Радвайте се на всеки миг от пролетта - на всеки звук, цвят и аромат!:)))
Enjoy Spring - with its sounds, colours and fragrances!:)))
Love your pics.
ОтговорИзтриванеIt's good luck to photograph that stork!
Yes, I was really lucky!:) Thanks for visiting!
ОтговорИзтриванеHow are you, my friend? It's so lovely to see your wonderful world... I hope you are well. XOXO
ОтговорИзтриванеMy dear Amalia, how I miss you!... I'm O.K., but very busy and have no time for blogging... Hope to write back this week.XOX
Изтриванеоооо! първият щъркел!!! ама те не летят ли заедно тия щърци, бре, хмхм?!! :)))
ОтговорИзтриванеАми така казаха. Вероятно ще отида пак - съвсем близо до града е. И ще разуча положението. Ама голям хубавец е, нали?:)
ИзтриванеMy dear friend, you gave me a really HAPPY morning! When I look outside I see my own Dutch spring, but your photographs are wonderful and I love to see your country. Truely very beautiful, the stork, the blossom, the martenitza's. It makes you want to dance! And that's what they do so well in Ruse!!! I loved the 'Happy clip' from your town!!! Now I go walk the dogs with the happy song in my head. Bye, Love you, Hedwig.
ОтговорИзтриванеYes, there's such a nice mood in the clip! It was pleasant to see my town from a different angle - full of smiling, dancing young people.
ИзтриванеI'm sure it's very beautiful round about your house - and the dogs are happy to run and enjoy the spring weather.
Hugs from all my heart, Hedie!xx
Oh Rossichka, I love your close up views of that stork in waiting. Perhaps you will re-visit that area in a week or so and see whether his mate has arrived and if he's done some nest improvement!
ОтговорИзтриванеI've never seen a stork myself, and so your photographs were special sights for me.
Also special for me is having the Martenitza you sent me last year. I am ready to find a branch! Can you believe that we might actually receive more snow tomorrow (Tuesday) night?
Ooooh, you had such a long winter this year!! I hope this snow (if it snows!) will be the last one... And you'll have trees in blossom soon, so that you could tie your martenitza - for health. I will send you another one next March...:)
ИзтриванеI'm so glad that you saw "my" stork, Frances! He's very sweet and young, isn't he? If it happens that I see his family in the next few months, I'll take some pics for sure!:))xx
Hey, to me sounds like a fairy tale that storks make their nest in your home, or near
ОтговорИзтриване(here, no storks) I love, European traditions, (I told you long ago, how I regret that my country is lost)
Tree with Martenitzas reminds me of the Celtic tree with votive offerings in its branches
You know, seeing the video, I saw many places and buildings much like Buenos Aires? Really!
They look like boys and girls dancing here!
Well, I'm happy for the happiness of your spring!
A big kiss from my Fall! :)
We welcome storks every Spring mostly in the southern part of the country. But there are some places in our region where one can see a stork, too, if he hasn't flied to search some food...:)
ИзтриванеWe have something in common with Buenos Aires? Oh!... My town is famous for its architecture - the European influence has come across the river Danube... One day I shall make a post about it!
I believe the Fall is rich in colours and sentiments!!
Big, big hugs, dear friend!:)x
Dear friends, thanks for your comments! Promise to write tomorrow. I'm very busy, really!...:(
ОтговорИзтриванеHi Rossichka, its a pleasure to stop at your blog as always, you have this time for us, so many beautiful flowers, love to see Spring is already there, how nice it is!
ОтговорИзтриванеI have a giveaway in my blog and in my facebook, I don't want you miss it.
Have a very nice week-end.
Hello, Ale! I will visit you, I promise! Today I took some new pics of the stork nest...
ИзтриванеI've just put your "polite fox" on my main page - thank you!:))
wonderful images of the stork
ОтговорИзтриванеi wonder if it did nothing to better the nest because if it left another stork might claim it?
lovely to see blossoms.... we have weeks to go still!
I don't know the whole story. Maybe it (I used "he", because it's the male) is the one that lives in that nest. We don't have so much storks here in Bulgaria, but usually the couples return to their nests. The big news is that... the female has come! Yesterday I was in that village again and saw them. Some more pics to come soon!:))))))
ИзтриванеHere the blossoms burst for about a week...