неделя, 30 септември 2012 г.


"Изведнъж си припомни, че когато била млада, имала намерение да изследва река Амазонка и да стане дълбокоморски водолаз, и да построи голяма, весела къща за самотни малчугани, и да посети някоя планина, която бълва огън, и да устрои огромно тържество за многото си приятели. Но за всичко това, естествено, беше твърде късно..."

Който обича Туве Янсон, сигурно веднага е познал, че това са мечтите на "умиращата" стринка от "Седрик".
Вие имате ли подобни? Сигурно. Е, една от моите мечти, която цял живот нося със себе си, в най-външното джобче с ципче, готова бързо да го отворя, за да излети, е да работя с глина.
И това се случи най-неочаквано!!! По време на прекрасен фестивал в моя град с възстановка на традиции и занаяти от римско време. В съботен слънчев следобед.
Those of you who have read Tove Jansson's books probably remember "Cedric" and the story of the "dying" aunt who in the last days of her life felt terribly sorry that she hadn't fulfilled her big dreams: to become an underwater diver, to visit a volcano, to build an amusement house for lonely kids...
Do you have similar dreams? I surely do. And all of a sudden, in a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon one of them - to work with clay - came true!!!
It happened during a festival event that showed crafts and habits from the Roman times of our city of Rousse. (It has an ancient history and while being a Roman fortress was called Sexaginta Prista).
Когато съпругът ми каза: "Хайде!",  не чаках подкана. Махнах пръстените, нахлузих специалната престилка, намокрих ръцете си, погалих парчето глина и смело завъртях с крак колелото!:))
My husband said: "There's a surprise for you!" What a chance! I waited impatiently for my turn to come, put on the special apron, got my hands wet, touched the clay and moved the wheel with my leg...:))
Забравих за всичко наоколо, макар че присъствието на минаващите и спиращи да погледат хора ме притесняваше малко.
It was such a pleasure! I forgot about everything around, though the people passing by or stopping to watch, made me feel a little bit tense.
Глината е като жива, може да ти "избяга" или за секунда да ти погоди номер, но усещането, когато слуша пръстите ти, е несравнимо!
The clay is a miracle! It's "alive" - it can run away from your fingers or play you a joke ... But the moments, when it follows your hands, are something divine!!!
Определено не е лесно... Затова на помощ ми беше една много мила дама, "царица" на грънчарското изкуство...:)
It was not that easy at all! So I needed help from time to time and received it from a very kind craftswoman!

Въпреки че на финала разкривих съдчето, го разкрасих с пръчица... Ех!!!
Well, my first attempt is not that good. Actually I curved it in the last moment, but prettified it with a wooden stick.

След цяла седмица съхнене на балкона, сега е хубава комбина с тоя кенийски носорог, нали?:)))...
After a week on the balcony (to dry), it looks pretty well in the company of this Kenyan rhino, don't you think so? :0)

Може би ще го попека във фурната, а после ще го оцветя. Ще видим...
Now I have to put in the oven and then I'll probably paint it. We'll see...


"... А след това устрои голямо празненство. И направи къща за самотни малчугани. Вярно, че беше прекалено стара, за да стане дълбокоморски водолаз, но все пак отиде да види една планина, която бълва огън. А после замина за река Амазонка. Това е последното, което научихме за нея." 
Да, това е от финала на "Седрик". Който не е чел приказката, да потърси книгата - няма да съжалява!:)

What happened with the aunt? Well, she survived and guess what - although very old, she followed her dreams. How did it all end? Just open the book and you'll see !:)
Вярно е, че трябва да положиш усилия, за да сбъднеш мечтите си. Но понякога те сами ни намират. Трябва само да усетим полъха на крилете им!...
И тогава е толкова хубаво!:))))

It's true that one must work, so that his dreams came true. But it happens sometimes that they come to us on their own. And  if we feel the wafts of their wings, we won't miss them!...
And this is such a joy!:)))

41 коментара:

  1. Изключително симпатично съдче се е получило. Прекрасно е човек да успее да сбъдне поне някои от мечтите си. :)

  2. Да, особено ако е от онези, дето ги носим дълбоко скътани и се усмихваме при мисълта за тях, но мислим за невъзможни. А може би много наши стъпки ни водят към тях...:)
    А съдчето е кривичко, но сладичко!:)

  3. What a beautiful post, I'm so happy for you, you have made one of your dreams come true!! fantastic!!, sharing moment by moment with us here in your blog... Thanks so much!!
    Its true, I think everyone of us must have at least one dream, work for it, is what we should do always.
    I'm so happy for the aunt too, she survived even she is old, and she followed her dreams,
    thanks for sharing, it's always nice to stop at your blog and read your new posts, (adventures and dreams),
    Have a very nice week.

  4. It's nice to have even "impossible" dreams. And when you can happen them, it's such a joy!
    Oh, dear Ale, thank you for the friendly attitude towards me - always so sweet and gentle!xx
    What about the aunt... she built that fun house for lonely kids, visited a volcano, but was too old to dive. So she went on a journey to the Amazon river and "that was the last thing we heard about her."....
    A nice week to you, too!

  5. Hey Hey Hey, you're an expert potter!
    your face says it all about the joy of playing the clay
    and it is not easy, but what a pleasure!:))))
    Do you know we have pottery, we have three furnaces. two for ceramics, and one for porcelain :)))
    is a great pleasure to work with your hands, your head is really unplugged, right? and you can see how the result comes out of nowhere.
    You must repeat the experience, my friend:))))))))

    Well, another subject. Thanks for your comment.
    Do you think love stories are written by lovers? MMmmmmm....
    I think not, it's poetic to think so, but I think
    lovers, just live their own story without thinking about what happens to themselves.
    Books about the history of them, will be written (or not) by another. the lovers only have time to live, ha ha. :)
    OK, Congratulations!!! your work with clay looks wonderful!!!!
    Have a nice week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Ahh Rossichka, this is a beautiful post.

    Our dreams offer us so much. It is wonderful to be able to catch some of those possibilities when we wake.

    Your clay creation is lovely. I have a tiny Kenyan stone animal on my windowsill. It was a gift from a friend many years ago.

    It's a delight to visit your site.

  7. Rossichka, your first clay pot is lovely! It IS difficult to use the wheel when you first begin. I enjoyed hand coiling. You should give that a try too.

  8. Well done, I love how you just got stuck in and had a go. It is so difficult to do and potters make it look really easy. I love your little bowl.
    Will you get the chance to have another go, we have a local potter and my husband goes every Tuesday to a class. He is now a really good potter and is being encouraged by Guy each week. I hope you get the chance to do more.

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed playing with clay.
    It has such a life, isn't? It's amazing to work with it, to see it flow and gain shape.

    I didn't know the "aunt's" story, but, these days, i'm thinking a lot about this subjects.
    I think that specially in times of big crisis, we tend to put things in perspective more often.
    Well, at least i do it. I guess the line that separate live and survive is really ambiguous; and sometimes we may think we are living, but i guess we are only surviving...
    Makes us want to give more importance to what really matters in life, isn't?! :)

    Thank you for sharing the pictures, your experience and the story.

  10. Hi, Roberto! YOU are the expert, I am a humble beginner!:) I wish I could makе pottery again, but there's nowhere!:((( I know about your ceramics and porcelain experience, I'm sure it has given you and your wife a lot and has made your life more beautiful!
    Yes, working on the potter wheel is quite difficult, but a great pleasure! I had the feeling I had to resist to the strength of the clay. Besides, it acquires a good coordination between the leg and the hands... But you know all these things!:))
    If I have the chance, I would make another attempt - this time I hope a successful one!:) Thanks for the encouragment!
    What about the book - you are right. I meant that we are all "writing" our life books, but this was not in the aspect of your post.:)
    I need some help - do you think I really have to "bake" this pottery in the oven??

  11. It's good to live your dreams.
    I love these pics . . . your first clay creation.

    They say "working the wheel" and forming clay with your hands
    is one of the most satisfying art forms.
    Show us when it's finished.

  12. Look at you! Like a child discovering a merry-go-round for the first time! Haha! I'm so glad you finally had the chance to play with the potter's wheel, I tried it once and it wasn't easy. But you did a good job with your first pottery.

    I hope you'll more chances like this one. :)

  13. Dear Frances, it's so natural for all of us to have dreams - small ones, big ones, possible, "impossible"... They are always beautiful and as if keep some information about our innerselves that we still don't know!
    There's no age for having dreams. My own experience showed me that even if you are not that young, nice things can always happen to you!:))
    And as a proof to this - last year I got the incredible chance to go to Kenya (that's how I brought this little rhino at home) - Africa was one of my "impossible" dreams, somehow obscure, but exciting. If you haven't read my posts and are interested in Africa, you can find them under the label Kenya.
    It's always a pleasure to read your comments - here and in Gretel's blog!:)

  14. Dear Robyn, reading all these sweet comments (including yours), as if I'm going through that pottery lesson once again!:) Yes, the coiling was a real miracle!!! Now I realize that the difficulty came from the fastness of the process and the need to change the position of the fingers in the minute the craftswoman was telling it, besides in the right way.... Oh! You understand what I mean, don't you? Unfortunately we don't have pottery or ceramics classes in our city, so I'll have to wait till the next festival!:(( But meanwhile I think to buy some clay... Thanks for encouraging me!

  15. Oh, Charlotte, potters "make it look really easy", yes! Your husband must be happy! I don't have such an opportunity in our city! I hope I'll get another chance one day. Meanwhile I'll have a look in Internet - there're several pottery centers in Bulgaria - for traditional crafts.
    Thank you for your nice comment!

  16. Dear "Fados do lar", you are such a clever young woman - you have eyes to see things in their depth and a talent to re-create the world around you by the artist's tools! Our countries have much in common and you are right about the thin difference between "to live" and "to survive"! To put it in another way - sometimes we have to survive, in the name of life...
    What about "the aunt" from the tale... I meant that when she got healthy, she immediately began to pursue her postponed dreams!:)
    One must find out by his own experience what really matters in life - the sooner, the better!

  17. Hello, Rick, and thanks for commenting! Working with the wheel and modelling the clay acquire a strong concentration, a good coordination, quick reactions and decisions what to do. A single mistake can destroy the whole!
    I'll show the result, if I don't crack the little pot in the oven...:)

  18. Yes, my dear Amalia, I felt happy like a child! And I feel that way very often, maybe because I work with children and have contacts with them every week... Besides we make all the samples for the workshops beforehand at home and this is so much fun!:)
    I really want to have a second chance to sit on the pottery-weel, but there's not such a possibility, at least for now... So, as I wrote earlier in another reply, I will buy a package of clay to model some figurines. But it's not the same...:0(
    Have a lovely October! Here the Autumn began - with very high, summer temperatures and beautiful, slow change of the trees'"dresses"!:)xx

  19. коко красива публикация! колко поетична и мъдра...
    благодаря, роси! ще заспя с умивка...:))))

  20. Is too much work with clay in the surrounding. I've felt this feeling that you felt, at once at the Faculty of arts. But I loved watching her face. And its final composition along the Kenyan rhino, couldn't be happier. I love this blog and you of course


  21. Мисли си за някоя своя красива мечта,докато заспиваш, Дени! А утрещният ден ще бъде поредната стъпчица към нея!Сладки сънища! С обич и благодарност...:)

  22. And I love your comments, Maria - sincere and friendly, thank you! So, you know the feeling of touching and modelling the clay? I hope it was nice to remember it!:)I took the rhino only for the photo. I'll find the proper place of the bowl when it's completed...

  23. Yay! follow those dreams rossichka! I'm very jealous, ceramics is something Ive always wanted to try too, but I'll get to it one day! :P

  24. You surely will! And then tell me! It IS a magic!!!:)

  25. it sounds like you had so much fun
    it looks like you enjoyed your time too
    i love getting lost in the moment like you did with this clay
    i am so happy for you!

  26. You are absolutely right!! Thank you for sharing my happiness!!:)

  27. Oh everytime i see anything to do with clay work i think of the movie Ghost! it seems so full emotion to play and create with clay, i never tried it, but it does look like you had a wonderful time! x sandra

  28. Oh, Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore... Thanks for reminding! Yes, it was wonderful, although very short. From the other side, it's very funny, Sandra! Just imagine: the weel is turning (your leg is working hard!), the clay is whirling and just a single wrong movement or position of the hands/fingers - the clay turns into something funny and you begin to laugh...:)) You should try one day!

  29. I'm so happy that you made this dream come true, Rossichka! I know that I must be careful not to squander the time I have on this earth and do the same as you. Thank you for this lovely reminder.

    The pot is very very sweet!

  30. And I am very, very afraid to "bake" it!!! But my husband sais that if it breaks, we will glue it, so in a day or two I'll switch on the oven!:0))))
    Thanks, I'm so glad you like my "poor" pot! And, yes, you should do everything possible to work on a pottery wheel! Bye!:)

  31. It's so fun to fulfill a dream! Well done with the clay.
    By the way, I love the Moomins too!
    Jess xx

  32. Thank you, Jess! The Moomins deserve only love and amiration, don't they?:) Here's a blog, where you can see different Moomin goods and find links for buying some.


    We are far away from the so called Moomin mania, but I'm O.K. with the books!

  33. hello again, it's been a long long looooooooong time...
    i think i almost deleted my blog, i have been neglecting it for ages :/

    i love this pic
    you look beautiful and it's very nice seeing you creating! :D

  34. HELLO, Mita!
    I came to your blog from time to time and, to be honest, it was a little bit worrying that you were still not there...
    I'm glad that you like my funny pot and the series of the creating steps. Thank you! That was me - in the way I was and I felt,there and then! I'm already an ooold lady, you know, but I look in your favourite picture like a child, don't I?:0))))) Art is "to blame"!...

    1. dont worry... :D
      i'm still here and still silly and you're still here too and still beautiful!

    2. i had problem with my blogger account, sorry for re-following your blog! :D

      Happy Friday ♥

    3. :))) Lovely weekend toyou, too! Go out for a walk if the sun shines....:0)

  35. Ahh, Rossichka, you bring a smile and a little tear. The rhino looks very happy with his new watering bowl! :) xx

  36. But of course that this is Rhino's watering bowl! (It's high time to colour it!) Now I shall ask my son whether he has a place for it in his room, because I brought the rhino for him and he lives there.:)
    Thanks for this sweet comment, Gretel!xx
