понеделник, 23 август 2010 г.


В сравнение с изключително напрегнатото миналогодишно лято, това е спокойно и свободно от гонене на срокове, репетиции и пътувания, но от друга страна  без планина или море. По ред причини съм си вкъщи и знам, че тези дълги и спокойни дни ще ми липсват през годината. Последната седмица прекарах почти изцяло отдадена на мои си занимания...  И така успях...

In comparison with the intense last year summer, full of deadlines, projects, rehearsals and travels, this one is calm and relaxing, but without having a rest in the mountains or at the seaside. There're different reasons that kept me  at home and I know that I'll miss these long and quiet days during the next months. Last week I had time just for myself so I succeeded to do some special things such as...

- Да започна тази нова серия от хартиени изрезки, която се увеличава всеки път, щом посегна към ножицата... :0)

- To begin this new series of papercuts which enlarges in the moment I take the scissors...:0)

- Да направя първата си рециклирана хартия, учейки се от Рос, за което й благодаря! Използвах сива хартия, за да контрастира с листенцата на слънчогледа, които предварително и старателно бях изсушила. Е, не можах да я докарам съвсем, но ще има и следващ път. Нови цветенца съхнат...

- To make my first recycled paper, learning how to do it from Ross. Everything  she creates is  beautiful and stylish. The result is not amazing, but I'll try again (I continue to dry up different kinds of flowers and leaves).
- Най-после да използвам специалните пликове и листи за писма, които спечелих от Сю от Англия. И да напиша писмо до  моята английска приятелка от ученическите години.

- To use at last the special envelopes and sheets of paper, that I was lucky to gain as a giveaway from Sue from England. And to write the first letter to my dear English pen-friend Fiona.
- Да дочета и  препрочета...

- To re-read and finish reading... (Shakespeare and Tove Jansson)
- Да започна да правя нещо, за което си мечтаех открай време. Когато съм готова, ще покажа!
- To begin creating something that I was dreaming of for a long, long time. I'll show you, when ready!

Край на безгрижието! Започвам репетиции и може би няма да усетя даже как настъпва ЕСЕНТА ...

End of the carefree time! I'm beginning rehearsals again and maybe I won't even notice the coming of AUTUMN...


37 коментара:

  1. What super fun papercuts, your heads just get better and better. I am a big Moomintroll fan too, I only discovered them when I was an adult (the books looked a bit scarey to me when I was a child) - but now they are never far from my bedside when I need some comfort reading.

  2. Hello, Gretel, I'm so glad you stopped by! Thanks for your friendly words! I'm cutting a lot, just for pleasure, and every time - different kinds of faces. What about Tove Jansson - she is really a great writer and illustrator and deserves only admiration. I'm so happy that you like her, too! Did you read my special post, dedicated to her?

  3. ееех, замириса ми на начало на учебна година :)))) винаги съм казвала, че Нова Година трябва да се празнува септември, а не по средата на зимата :)

  4. My, my, Rossichka! These new paper cuttings are just precious! I especially love how you did a sequence at the end there, it's like a little stage production. You know, I took a paper recycling class a while ago and it was so much fun. It was messy, but very gratifying! Hahahaa... (using dried flowers was a good idea, by the way!)

    Hugs & hugs! (^_^)

  5. Малко странна асоциация, Ясмина, но нали не подозираме написаното от нас как рефлектира у другите, така че приятно съм учудена...:) Ако правилно те разбирам, имаш предвид, че мине ли лятото, всичко започва отначало - захлаждане, дъждове, студове... Но пък хубавото е, че Новата Година насред тях ни повишава за известно време настроението, нали?

  6. Thank you, dear Amalia! Everything you say is important to me!! The short story at the end was born by itself. I made a lot of photos with these elements and I saw that there's a story to be told with some of them. Maybe I should try to create another one? Hmmmm....
    I took the idea for using dried flowers from the blog of Ross. You can see some photos of where she keeps the flowers or the leaves she's drying here - unicusbulgaria.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_16.html. Have a wonderful week!!!

  7. rossichka greetings,

    those last four images, especially the ones with the person in the window are whimsically beautiful

  8. нямам предвид началото на студовете, а началото на новото, което ще ни се случи. някак лятото е делител, най-голямата почивка, след която, когато се съберем в училище, виждаме колко изведнъж сме пораснали, започваме нов, по-горен клас... започват куп други неща - театралният сезон дори започва тогава, хората като че ли се мобилизират изведнъж за предстоящите предизвикателства, градовете се пълнят, живота закипява с пълна сила отново :)

  9. Thanks, Andrew, for the nice comment on my little autumn story! I'm eager to make another one...

  10. Ама разбира се, че е така! Просто снощи в бързината и разпиляността ми между сто неща, не го усетих по този начин...:( Нали това е вечният спор при нас - кога е началото на театралния сезон? Театралите си го смятат от есента, но "на книга", във всички финансови отчети е от първия ден на годината. И въпреки това вододелът го няма, живителната пауза я няма.

  11. Love your papercuts! They are so unique and fun! :) I used to make handmade paper too! Yours are gorgeous, love the colors and textures and the use of dried leaves and flowers xo

  12. Oh, thank you really very much! Comments like yours encourage me to go on with paper cutting!:) I'll try to become better in paper making! There's a lot to be learned...

  13. the flowers and leaves look amazing to me.

    I had not commented for a while rossichka, my mum is here for a visit, it's school break for my 7 year old daughter and my wife is on leave from work at the moment.

    my hands are full you see!

  14. Well. well, this is life... Sometimes it leaves us without a breath! So thank you, Dave, for finding some minutes in your busy daily round to visit my blog!! It's so kind of you! You know, recently I haven't had much time for blogging, too. I have rehearsals and next week I'll travel round-about the country in connection with an international puppet festival I'll take part in. I hope I'll manage with everything I have to do, but now I'm feeling so tired... :(((

  15. Oh my these paper cuts are so delightful, especially the last ones. They feel like Autumn to me. Don't give up with the paper making, your efforts are lovely and will develope into something you will be happy with :D
    I hope you find some rest and if your body is asking for a nap, then idulge it. Snugle up with a soft blanket and be kind to yourself. Best of luck with the festival, I'll be thinking of you.x

  16. Rossichka Hello, just your interpretation is what I did. You've read my thoughts. Those two hearts are immovable. because there is nothing that can disturb. neither human nor nonhuman. Love is a shield that protects them.
    Thank you very much, you're very kind.
    I really admire your skill with the scissors, I once knew someone who was very good caricatures of people, with this system of paper-cutting!

  17. Dear YARROW, yes, I'll need some positive thoughts on Friday, 'cause that's the day of "Rapunzel"'s participation in the festival!:-) And I hope when everything is over to have a good sleep in my favourite soft blanket! Your comment and the comments of Andrew and Amalia gave me the assurance to tell another short stories with the Autumn girl...:-) Encouraging words like yours about my papercuts give me "wings". Thank you so much!x

  18. Dear Roberto, I'm so glad that I have "read" your thoughts! This shows not how clever I am, but that your message is clear, that your emotions reach the audience and speak to it... I'm also happy that you like my papercuts! Thank you! Have you seen your friend "in action" with the scissors? Must have been very interesting...

  19. P.S. to YARROW - Be with me in your thoughts on Saturday!:)))

  20. Хартията изглежда много натурална. Листенцата са се гушнали просто. Както ми писа, пробвай и с по-свежи цветове, ще е по-весело :) А хартиените изрезки са направо вълшебни!

  21. Ех, направо се изчервих!:-) Ще се постарая следващият опит да е по-успешен! Мерси, Роси, продължавам смело и с ножицата!

  22. Dear Rossichka, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - I'm so glad that we saw and felt the same things in Denmark - it is wonderful to have that connection. I love your handmade paper with the petals - it looks like fish in a pool - beautiful. x

  23. Dear Sue, yes, it's strange, but nice to find something in common with people who live far away from you and who you have never seen!:) My husband is also in love with Denmark (earlier than me). He has the gift for writing and asked me to translate in English his travel notes for you. I promise to try, but later - now I'm extremely busy with my work... By the way I remember that you were Tove Jansson's fan, too. I have a post, dedicated to her - have a glimpse, if you still haven't! I'm gathering to make another kind of paper in near future, thanks for encouraging me!x

  24. Wow - you are so creative - I wish I could do the papercutting :O)

  25. Thank you, Abi!Maybe I don't realize what I'm doing, because I'm paper cutting just for fun! I have much more paper cuts than what I show here...:)I have to do more things when I get free - such as the cards I made for my giveaway...

  26. Hello dearest Rossichka! I hope you are having lovely days over there... Just stopping by for a quick hello! (^_^) oxx

  27. Qué belleza tus trabajos querida Rossichka, cuanta delicadeza.
    Un gran abrazo

  28. Невероятни са :)) Ето го, вдъхновяващото въображение на яве... успех :)

  29. Thinking of you today and tomorrow, Rossichka. Best of luck and hugs.x

  30. Your papercuts is very intresting and non-banal. Thank you for this post :) and sory for my bad english :(

  31. Dear all,
    It's so pleasant to come back home from a long journey, still wearing the feeling and the impressions of the numerous new things that had happened to me and, after sighing with relief "Home, sweet home!", to find that you've been here, leaving your friendly comments! THANK YOU!!

    - My dear Amalia, it's wonderful that you have already an online shop on Etsy! Your incredibly beautiful drawings deserve this!! I'm so glad for you! xxx
    - Thank you, Evangelina! I'll continue to papercut for sure, after having received such warm comments as yours! Did my card with the papercut arrive?
    - Des, колко приятна изненада! Ще ми бъде приятно да си "гостуваме" в другите наши светове!:-)
    - My sweet YARROW, thanks for being with me in your thoughts,as you promised! The performance of "Rapunzel" went very well, we had a success and I am delighted! I'll write about it later!xx
    - Hello, Vita, аnd welcome! I was glad to find out that you are connected with puppet theatre, too! Are you an actress? Don't worry about the language! If you prefer, I could try to write you in Russian! Только скажи! Пока!

  32. Hello!
    I am glad too!
    I am drama director by training, but I did not worked by profession. I used to be an actress of puppet theatre "Радуга"(Мимигранты), but 5 years ago I left this work. The reason is my small child:)

    Now I am into theatrical journalism and PR.
    Also in this year I have begun to teach in a dramatic studio for children.
    But puppet theatre is very intresting for me. I read about puppet's perfomance for magazins.
    And I dream to stage puppete plays.

  33. Well, maybe one day your dream will come true... The period when you acted in a puppet theatre will be of help for sure. I've been working throughout the years with drama actors (even right now) and some of them have the talent for puppeteers. I work with children, too and I love it!:)

  34. AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW! I like this. It looks like a lot of fun. I have very sharp scissors used for scrapbooking. It has a very pinted edge. I think I may try this. My mother used to make paper art for us when my sisters, brothers and I were little! Thank you for reminding me.

  35. I'm glad I provoked these memories and the desire to try paprecutting!:-)
