понеделник, 10 май 2010 г.


Преди две седмици се състоя премиерата на "Храбрият оловен войник". Толкова голяма беше умората ми, че сили нямах да пиша за това до днес. Пък и ангажиментите не спряха...

A couple of weeks ago the premiere of "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" was held! I was so exhausted that I couldn't think of writing about it. Besides I was quite busy afterwards...
Всичко мина успешно! Спектакълът вече пое живота си "в ръце". С всяко следващо представление нуждата от мен става все по-малка. Такава е съдбата на режисьора! Той бързо-бързо остава "в миналото", в спомените за репетициите, за направеното и ненаправеното, за трудните и радостните моменти, през които екипът е преминал...

We had a success! I watch the first performances and I can say that the audience accepts the staging very well. Now I must withdraw. This is the director's destiny... He "dies" after the premiere and only the memories of the creating process remain!... The life of the show is in the hands of the actors from now on.
На децата трябва да се говори за любовта, трябва да се разбужда чувствителността им... Притихналият салон (особено ако е пълен с 10-11 годишни деца) показва, че те могат да бъдат "хванати" и от една романтична, лирична картина, в която музиката и светлината допринасят за силата на внушението. Не мога да ви опиша как ме хваща за гърлото внезапно настъпилата тишина!...
I am sure more than ever that we must talk to our children about love and that this has a strong impact on them in the most natural way... You can't imagine what is the feeling when 10-11 years old children are silent or whisper in a lyric moment - then I feel they are captured by what's happening on the stage and in their souls...

Детенце плаче на рамото на майка си след неделно представление. Тя го успокоява: "Войникът не е изгорял! Следващата неделя пак ще го видиш..." Ех, Андерсен, мой мили Андерсен! Някои смятат, че приказките ти са мрачни, тъжни, не са за деца... Но аз мисля, че животът трябва да бъде представян такъв, какъвто е - в него има любов и ревност, приятелство и предателство, радост и скръб, светло и тъмно, добро и зло... Важното е да разговаряме с децата си, да ги утешим, когато е нужно,  да ги научим да споделят, да не оставяме у тях да се натрупват въпроси, да съпреживяваме заедно тайнството, наречено Куклен Театър...

A little child was crying on his Mum's shoulder after the performance. She was saying: "The Soldier hasn't burnt, my dear! You'll see him again next Sunday!" Oh, Andersen, my Andersen! Some people say your fairy tales are not suitable for children, but I don't agree. Life is what it is - a variety of love and jealousy, friendship and betrayal, light and darkness, Good and Evil... I think we should talk with our children about everything, answer their questions, listen to their hearts, learn them to share and go together through this magical journey, called Puppet Theatre...

15 коментара:

  1. Ah, the magic of Mr. Andersen has finally struck again... and you directed this??? Wow, Rossichka! The pictures alone look most amazing, I can't imagine being there watching the performance myself. Bravo!

    I must agree with you that children should be allowed to understand a little bit of everything in life, though it is our job as parents to keep them in the right direction. :))

  2. тази тишина и мен ме просълзи...

  3. Oh, sometimes it's so difficult to be a parent! Books don't always give the solutions, do they? But I do believe that if there's love and trust between children and parents, everything will be all right!
    What about the directing - I'm such an OOOOOLD puppet theatre director, Amalia. I've been working since 1984!... I adore my profession. Every time it's different and very, very exciting... I wish you could watch my performance some day!!! Who knows?:)

  4. Направо ме задавя... Като че ли повече се вълнувам от факта, че точно тези вече почти тийнейджъри могат да забравят за бъбренето, хихикането или мобилните си телефони и да се оставят на спектакъла да ги поведе...Макар и за малко. Така че - нищо не е изгубено! Ако наесен този спектакъл и "Рапунцел" участват на фестивал в София, ще те поканя, Ясмина! Заедно с детенце!:)

  5. Wow, 1984?? You must be such an expert on the matter! The only puppet show I've ever seen was a production of King Arthur and the Round Table when I was still a teenager. Oh, please tell me more about this, it sounds so intriguing to be working with actors and puppets...

  6. Oh, dear Amalia, I will write, for sure! We have strong traditions here in Bulgaria in puppet theatre art and educaton. We have very good professional puppet actors, directors and scenographers. I have graduated the National Academy for Theatre and Cinema Art in Sofia - our capital. There are a lot of state puppet theatres in the country. Children and puppet theatre - it's a huge theme... It's so pleasant that you're interested in it! I will have a special post, I promise!

  7. Hello again, just want to tell you that I have a sweet little award for you. I don't know if you accept awards of any kind, but please come by and check it out... oxx

  8. Oh, what a pleasant surprise! It will prettify my blog!:-) As far as I understand I have to award some bloggers on my turn (how many?) and ask them my own questions? (what number?)

  9. You know, I never really stick to much rules when it comes to awards! Hahaha... I would just give them to the people whom I think deserve it according to the award's theme. As for the questions, I think originally the award came with 30 questions, but as you can see, I'm not the type who likes to burden my friends with ridiculous tasks! Hahaha... :D

  10. Oh, and yes, you should ask them your own questions. It's more fun that way, don't you think? :)

  11. Thanks, I'll have a post on the theme as soon as possible!

  12. I loved seeing the photos from your premiere!
    You have such a great job.

  13. It's wonderful, yes, though very hard sometimes. I have to lead different characters, doing my best to unite them around a theme or an idea and working together for the final result - a good show for the children!
