четвъртък, 18 април 2013 г.


Ден като много други. С куп задачи за вършене из града. Надпреварвам се с времето. Но днес всичко е по-различно, а настроението ми - страхотно. Свеж ветрец и слънце. Сетивата ми попиват: синева, аромат на цъфнали дръвчета, чуруликане на птици, огнени лалета, препичащи се на слънце кучета и котки, щастливи викове на деца, гушнати влюбени, притихнали на пейките старци и гълъби, пируващи сред прясно окосена трева... Пролет!
A day like many others. With lots of things to be done in the town. It's sunny. The wind is playful and fresh. Although I'm fighting with time, soon my mood changes.  I slow down the tempo, influenced by the harmony around: a deep blue sky, merry bird songs, children running, teenagers laughing, bright coloured flowers in every yard and hungry pigeons, having their lunch in the grass... Springtime!
Сладка дрямка! - Dreaming and purring!
Старите къщи сякаш са събудени за нов живот - открехнати кепенци, разтворени прозорци, облени в светлина...
The old houses have woken up - they look at the world through their windows and skylights...
Река Дунав и румънският бряг отсреща
The river Danube and Roumania over there
Дървета и храсти, отрупани с мартеници
Trees and bushes, covered with "martenitzi"  (see the link!)
Пролет - най-жизненият, възраждащ и нежен сезон, извор на радост за всички! Любимият ми!
Spring is  the only season, bringing joy to everybody I think, tender and reviving, full of energy! My favourite one!
18 април
П.П. Днешният предиобед също беше пълен с красиви откривателства - ето някои от тях!:))

18th of April 
P.S. Today I had another lovely walk on my way back home from work... Just see and enjoy what I saw...:)) 


20 коментара:

  1. Dear friend poet
    Poetess (so says poet-woman?),
    You not described the photographs, you wrote poetry, certainly
    And somehow, through your photos, I see that your country "is" poetry.
    I'm not so sure that spring is the only season that brings joy,
    Fall makes me very happy, too :)

    Today I had a day with little time to see comments, I think tomorrow I'll update.
    See you tomorrow. (I must answer your mail, sorry please) see you!

  2. Отговори
    1. So, you'll be healthy and with red cheeks during the whole year!;-)
      Autumn brings me joy, too, but not when it rains. I don't like winter, I don't like the hot summer days... But this is me, of course. I had in mind that spring provokes only joy, pure joy... See you!

    2. when I was young, I loved summer, summer was synonymous with joy, fun, friends, holidays.
      Now, I have no vacation, and all summer I should work, maybe that's why, my little vacation I can take them in fall or winter. Obviously, spring is great, is beautiful.
      get some rest, Rossichka, I think you're working too hard.

    3. I am definitely a "spring person", although I like autumn a lot! A rest? I have it at this time of the day, though I feel so tired lately, that I can't stay awake as long as I used to...:( What about a real rest (a vacation), I haven't had such in the last three years... But it's O.K. I've been to Kenya and Portugal and this is new experience and a great change!:)xx

    4. I've opened you blog and am gathering to comment!:0)

  3. spring is awesome
    and we can tell by your pictures that spring came to stay and that's great :D

    1. Yes, I feel great, my heart is full! Today I took some more pics, I'm going to add them to the post in a few minutes!
      I hope you are O.K.,Ana! I miss your drawings and sketches! I miss also Lisbon and Sintra..:(

  4. Spring is so exciting. Every year the surprise of leaves and blossom returning. It's a miracle and yet so normal. I love to see your city, the old houses are charming. I'm glad that I know what the Martenitzi's are. Hurray for baba Marta! This was a long long winter. You sound so happy Rossichka, that's good!!!!

    1. I felt really well, while walking outside in the last couple of days! But I've been living lately under pressure and in a stress that will continue at least till the end of June... So my salvation are blogging and the spring marvels!:)))x

  5. Beautiful Spring! I love all of your photos and even more your description of them, it's obvious you are enjoying this wonderful, rejuvenating season!

  6. Are you with an identity crisis? :D

    I sent mail with photos :)

    1. Ha-ha! Probably I am - look at my next new-old avatar!:)))))))))))))))))))) I can't determine how I feel, that's why I change it..
      Thanks, I'll see it immediately!

  7. Hi Rossichka, What a beautiful post, beautiful photos and your description of them is like walking beside you, sharing your moment, spring!! weather is warm again, and we can go out and take our time for a walk, or, just to take a moment and enjoy everything!!
    Have a beautiful week!

    1. I'm so happy you enjoyed the spring walk with me, Ale!

      Lovely and successful new week!:)

  8. Thanks, R. Me too like the version of Sabina. Have you seen how the same thing can change so much depending on who takes her in his hands, (in this case who sings) or depending on who puts his thing, feelings, experience, etc.

    Yes, I imagine that night in the airport, in a strange country.
    I have seen many people sleeping in airports, even covered with blankets, in chairs or on the floor, sometimes the hours between flights are over 12, somehow sleeping in the airport is allowed. but the "sleep in the station" referred to the song (and what I wrote) is about how sad it is for the homeless sleep in places like train stations or subway. so he says "live without you is sleeping at the station" is the total helplessness.

    OK. one kiss for the girl that never sleeps, (I should write an email to you but I have not a minute to do it, I think today will).

    1. Oh, yes, I got your idea! But although my experience was not on an intimate level, I can assure you that the feeling of homelessness and being lost was "freezing" my veins...

      I must go to work, too! xx

  9. hello, it is so lovely to see your Spring unfolding.
    while i was traveling there were flowers dancing in the sun everywhere we went. but now that i am home in NW Montana, spring is a slower dance and the flowers would freeze at night, so they are not here yet.

    thank you for sharing your beautiful season.

    1. They will come to you, too! Spring has so much to create, she's absolutely inspired this year... Thanks for stopping by, Tammie!
