сряда, 25 април 2012 г.


25.04.1962 - 4.12.1979

Да си спомним днес за Петя Дубарова....

Да  прочетем поне едно нейно стихотворение...
И утре - пак. 
И всеки път, когато душите ни имат нужда от нейните красиви, неповторими светове, изваяни задъхано, устремно, страстно с думите, които всички ние използваме, но Не По Този Начин!!
Да не спираме да ги търсим!

This post is dedicated to the young, exceptionally talented Bulgarian poet Petya Dubarova, who left the world when she was only 17!... Several generations love and admire her poetry and prose! I can say today that my youth and my life were marked in a way by Petya's magical, emotional, beautiful words and worlds!...


И облак сивкав като миша дупка
пак погледа ми приютява тихо,
от мойта длан – разчупена черупка –
изтича въздух снежнобял и стихов.
Във чашите на моите зеници
се плисва нещо чуждо, непознато
и сиви, като мене тъжни птици,
пробождат ме с върха на свойто ято.
Но моят стих, от зима неизпръхнал,
ще метне на гърба ми свойто лято
и аз стихотворение ще стана,
от никого нечуто, неизпято.
Тогава ще се вмъкна във пиеса
на някоя от сцените, сияйна,
ще бъда най-безавторна, щастлива,
ще бъда просто малка тайна.

А това е любимото ми стихотворение...


В студените нощи, когато пиян
сънят се търкаля на моя таван,
когато луната тъмнее от грях,
когато увисва над мен моят страх,
обесен на острия ръб на нощта,
подавам ти своята бледа ръка -
на теб - непознатия - смугло красив,
потаен и питомен, жаден и див,
едва деветнайсет години живял,
а всичко опитал и всичко видял,
подвластен на никого, ничий, сам свой,
но тръгнал към мене и истински мой
и падал по пътя си, плакал, грешил,
но нежност момчешка за мен съхранил.
Ръката ми - властната - жадно поел,
единствено с мен ще си толкова смел!
Ела! Ще измием луната от грях!
Ще хвърлим трупа на умрелия страх,
ще пеем с тътнежния корабен глас
на морската нощ във добрия Бургас.
А после, когато тя тръгне назад
и слънцето бликне над нас благодат,
мечтата надраснал, усмихнат, смутен,
ще тръгнеш реален до мен в моя ден!

4.1.1979 г.


On chilly night, when drunk on rum,
sleep wallows in my attic room,
the moon grows darker from its sins,
when, strangled upon night's sharp rim,
right there - above me - fear hangs,
it's then I offer my pale hand
to you - you strange and furtive man
so tame, wild and swarthy, very handsome,
and only nineteen years this fall,
but having seen and knowing all,
with your independent creed,
yet searching for me - mine indeed,
and having fallen, wept and erred,
but your boyish tenderness preserved -
to take my domineering hand:
I make you brave, feel more a man.
We'll wash the moon of sin. Come, dear,
we'll rid ourselves of the corpse of fear,
and with the voice of a ship we'll blast -
the kind, night voice of my Bourgas.
And when the night backs with the moon
and when the sun showers treasure down
then having outgrown your fantasy
you'll set off smiling, next to me.


The whole sky stumbled on a cloud,
And tumbled like a temple dome.
Then like a plane, it shrieked, it shouted.
And I saw, angered again and dumb,

The night rain, lean to kick
The clipped off border of the cloud.
Joy, branching out in me, was an oak
And vast the width of its crown...

For my life is a playful minute,
Snatched by a long day - instantly,
I live quite unnoticed in it
But now all the sky lives in me.
 http://vbox7.com/play:7ac3a1bc - Тук може да видите как Петя рецитира свое стихотворение (откъс от филма "Трампа" - 1978 г.).
Посетете и страничката й във Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Petya-Dubarova/49126573787
"Ето ме днес съвършено разлистена" е двуезична книга на издателство Либра Скорп. Прочетете повече за нея!
The first book, containing translations of Petya Dubarova's literary works has finally been published. Here're some extracts from the preface...

"The phenomenon Petya Dubarova (1962-1979) is unique in Bulgarian literature – or in any literature anywhere, for that matter. Save some pieces of juvenilia written between the ages often and thirteen, Dubarova, during the very short literary career she had, created a body of poetry which bears the marks of a prodigious talent.
At fifteen Dubarova was already displaying a mastery of form and language, particularly in the imaginative (sui generis) use of metaphors and similes, and an exceptional poetic vigor. At sixteen (reportedly, Dubarova did not write much at all during the last year of her life) the poet enriched her work with philosophical considerations relating to the meaning of human experience – specifically in the context of the possibility of universal goodness and of man’s capacity to be strong, dignified, virtuous. In a short poem entitled “The Sea... II” the poet presents herself as such person: “And mute and stretched out here I stand, / alone below the sky upon the sand, / and feeling big and proud to be / as strong and good as is the sea.” Still, Dubarova took her own life at the age of seventeen. Brusquely, she must have come to, the conclusion that the world has no use for nobility of mind and soul.
It is no wonder that translator D. D. Wilson, who spent some time in Bulgaria teaching English, decided, after acquainting himself with the work of Dubarova, to prepare this first book of her poetry and prose in English, presenting fifty poems, an exquisite short story (in the form of a dialogue between Petya the poet and Petya the persona), several excerpts from her lengthy diary, and some useful and interesting information about her life. Wilson and his collaborators have acquitted themselves admirably. There will undoubtedly be other translations (into English and into other languages) of Dubarova’s poetry, and Wilson will have been the pioneer. If I had to read only one collection by a teenage poet (in any language) amid the dreariness of a long northern winter, it would be that of Petya Dubarova."

Yuri Vidov Karageorge
Castleton State College

...Вземете ги! Побързайте! Как хубаво
е с моите загадъчни вселени.
Изпийте със очите си вселените,
родени от стиха ми и от мене!

Защото като кръшно главоболие
минава мойта топла синя вечер.
Невинна, като детско своеволие,
аз тръгвам пак към своето далече!

                                                                1978 г. 

П.П. Мили хора, знам, че талантът на Петя Дубарова вълнува и очарова и днешните поколения! Благодаря на всички, които прочетоха моя скромен пост... Добавям един материал, който може би ще отговори на някои ваши въпроси...
http://luboslovie.bg/2016/04/26/%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8F-%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82-%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82-%D0%BE%D1%81/пост, написан  

28 коментара:

  1. Докато подготвях този скромен пост, четох, четох и така се натъжих!...

  2. Аз си спомних за нея още преди няколко дни :)))) Прекрасен творец!!!

  3. Като се поразрових в Интернет, открих колко много неща са направени в нейна памет през последните години. Наистина ще е "вечно жива", както пише в едно свое стихотворение... Ще си препрочета "Най-синьото вълшебство"!!

  4. Да, за крехките си само 17-сет години е написала невероятно красиви и силни неща. Жалко, че отнема живота си, но пък е оставила толкова трайна следа след себе си... незабравима надявам се.

  5. Thank you for introducing us to her, Rossichka! Although I can only read the English translations, it is a glimpse into her world. She reminds me of Jotie T'Hooft, the "sad prince" of Flemish poetry in the 70's who died when he was 21, two years before Petya (here's a bit more about him: http://www.flanderstoday.eu/content/%E2%80%9Ci%E2%80%99m-world-die%E2%80%9D ). I started reading his work when I was 16-17, thanks to a wonderful teacher who taught all the right poems and novels for us troubled teens...

  6. We were nearly at the same age. We were studying at English Language Schools. I also wrote poems (something natural for a teenager!), I even met her at a poetry workshop... Petya was one of a kind! There're only suggestions about her suicide, a lot of questions, grief, sorrow... Her poetry is full of so much light, movement, colour, clarity, energy, but it is also very deep and philosophical... Everything she wrote - poems, stories, diaries, letters sound mature. We love her! And miss her...
    Thank you, Kristien, for telling me about Jotie T'Hooft! I didn't know about him - how could I? But now I know. Such persons really leave deep traces! And only we, their readers, can keep the memories alive!

  7. A dead poet is like a road that goes dark for those who have read him or her.
    A hand that release your hand, but somehow continue to guide you.
    A kiss and a hug

  8. In fact the sunshine is much more than the darkness (for me!) Petya had a rare talent, she was "kissed by God"! She's a peak to be reached, a light to be followed... Her literary works continue to inspire people from different generations. There's a National literary competition for youngsters aged 14 to 19, that wears her name - both for poetry and prose.
    Today she would have been at the age of 50...

    I like so much your words about the guiding hand... Thank you!x

  9. I'll tell you what happened today.
    My wife had to go down to the Village, (we live in a valley but the village is lower than our house, about 5 kilometers, which is why the postman does not come to my house) she was going to do some shopping. Well, I said goodbye ♫, and I reminded her: "go by the post office, please"...
    Do you know that I received? HA HA HA I am very happy! :)))))))
    I even opened the package, I'm doing, and I want to take some photos to show in my blog!
    Thank you very much, my friend Rossi!!
    I'm anxious to see what's inside the package HA HA! :))))))))
    Have a gooooood weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh, at last!:) How happy and relieved I'm feeling now! I hope the package arrived safe and sound - if it only could talk about its adventures during the travelling from Bulgaria to Argentina that took nearly 2 months!?! It sounds so romantic that your wife had to descend to the village and pick it... Hurrah!!:0)

  11. hello,
    thank you for sharing this woman with us and her depth of beautiful poetry. it is sad when a life touches us and leaves so soon.

  12. Yes, it is sad and it's a pity, because she had so much to say,to share, to write... But what she left is a treasure for us! You can't imagine how beautifully the poems sound (Petya wrote in rhymes)! Some of them turned into songs, inspiring composers and singers...

  13. Thank you for introducing me to a new poet, Rossichka. It is heart breaking to think this young life came to such a sad end.

  14. Yes, it is, Robyn, and the pain does not disappear throughout the years! On the contrary! I can not comment the reasons for Petya's decision... Maybe the dark in her life at that time was too much... And poets' sensitvity is different...
    Here are three more poems for you to read(But it's not the same as in Bulgarian!) - http://slovo.bg/showwork.php3?AuID=477&WorkID=17086&Level=1

  15. Hi R.
    Well, Fly, in the way that men and women can fly
    jumping from the mountain of doubts
    it's easy
    We must take a single step, which is called self-confidence
    Unfortunately, many human beings we are still crawling not encourage us to stand up for that step
    but we should look around and see people who loves us to realize that if we fell, we could never hurt ourselves.
    Oh, yes, I have found many people have been flying around. hope to see you soon :)
    (do not you think I am an expert flier, no no, I just glide a little with the wind) :)
    Good week my friend!

  16. Hi, R.! In comparison with me, you ARE an expert in jumping, flying and gliding with the wind...:) A couple of years ago we jumped with my husband, but I have the feeling we are walking (maybe because we have to struggle for our choice to jump?). I suppose I'll have moments when I'll need to see your drawing as an inspiration or a salvation, so thank you in advance! And maybe then we'll meet there, in the air of joy and happiness?

  17. I would love to get the book but can I ask Rossichka is some of the beauty or meaning lost in the translation ?

  18. I don't know about the poems in the book. I took these translations from a Bulgarian literature site and they are pretty good, especially the first one. Not only that Petya uses a rich variety of words/images, but she also writes in a pefect rhyme and that is quite difficult to achieve in the translation, by me. I'll try to find some more information about the book, Patricia, and I'll tell you!:)

  19. Hello, sorry for being ungrateful, but I have so much work that I have just a few breaks to walk around the Web. I got the book, I have not had time to ask, let me know. Making this book was really a pleasure, I leave you a hug.

  20. Amazing that one so young could reach so many hearts... But what a very sad end to a gifted and short life.

  21. Hello, Patricia! There's nothing better than to be busy with art projects and to do what you love...:)

  22. Yes, Michele, it's a phenomenon that Petya Dubarova continues to reach people's hearts and souls! I've just found the information that some of her poems have been translated in French and Hungarian, besides in English...

  23. Rossichka, how do you do? I think you are very well!
    So much time I did not stop by your blog even nether mine.
    Thank you so much for your comments, always welcome and apreciated!
    Im in Mexico, just follow with the life, Japan is great but still with some problems. Im ok, just a little mmmm dont know how to describe...
    I will stay more in contact! keep well, ok!

    By the way, Petya poems are so good!

  24. Hello, Horacio! I'm so glad you "called" me!:))) I hope you'll feel better soon. I can't even imagine how hard it is to make such a big change in life. But it must be for good! I believe you'll find "your voice" in Mexico, too!:)

    Yes, Petya's poems are uncredibly beautiful and deep! I wanted more people to know about her...
    We'll keep in touch!

  25. Hi, Rossi!!!
    I think my family should not be very different from yours!
    I dared to show it completely, only because the sequence of photographs was very funny. but I do not know if it was okay :(
    Thanks for stopping!
    Good week!

  26. It's O.K., Roberto! You simply shared your happiness!:) I'm "IN my shell" in such moments, I cannot understand why... I don't like to share - neither in talking, nor in writing... (except with my family), so this blog is a big step for me...
    I'll comment your last post later this evening, because I'm working now upon a very interesting project, that's gonna happen in a month - I'll write about it, when the time comes!:)
