петък, 23 декември 2011 г.


Някъде между Кисуму и Накуру...
Somewhere between Kisumu and Nakuru...
Посред дългия път...
Along the road....
Под красивото кенийско небе...
Under the beautiful Kenyan sky...

В едно прекрасно място, където се ободрихме с чаша чай и кафе...
At a wonderful place where we stopped to drink some tea and coffee...
Осъзнахме колко много време е отминало, щом Новата Година чука на вратата!
We realized that feast is coming and it's high time to go back home!
И... ето ме отново вкъщи!!!:)))) Прекрасната Кения е зад гърба ми, но оставила толкова много нови емоции и скъпи спомени в сърцето ми. Ще се опитам да разкажа и покажа в снимки в поредица от постове. А сега - Весела Коледа и много щастливи мигове с любимите хора!

So, hello everyone! I'm in my homeland again, with marvellous Kenya behind, a lot of people in my heart, a huge pile of memories, a new experience achieved and a lot to show you and to tell you about in a series of posts...
But for now - Merry Christmas!! Be loved and happy!!  I missed you so much!

П.П. Посланието на дядо Коледа е на суахили!:0)

P.S. Can someone read Santa Claus's message? It's written in swahili!:0)

34 коментара:

  1. Ох, че хубавоооо! Аз бих посрещнала Коледа под Кенийското небе ;)
    Добре дошла отново у дома Росичка. Желая ти от сърце една Хубава Любяща Коледа и Прекрасна Нова Година!

  2. Ahhh! You are home! What amazing photos, Kenya looks beautiful, I look forward to seeing more when you have more time - lovely to have you back, and wishing you a wonderful Christmas from the rainy Cotswolds X

  3. Jambo, Виолка, т.е. здравей! Сигурно би било много интересно на Коледа да си в Африка, но като за първи път се радвам, че съм тук и ще си я посрещна със семейството, което така много ми липсваше!! Весела Коледа и чудни новогодишни празници и на теб!!!

  4. Oh, I can hardly wait for more posts with beautiful exotic scenery and impressions through your eyes! :)

    P.s.: Rossichka, I just translated the first words with Google translator : the cost of Christmas. Was curious how it works with Svahili - never tried before. :)

  5. Kenya IS beautiful, Gretel! I'll try to show you how I felt it - it's a feast of colours! Hello to the rainy Cotswolds from the snowy Rousse! I'm happy to be back... I have a lot of interesting posts to read during the holidays... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!xxx

  6. The cost? Well, it was a restaurant after all!:0))) Hello, Maja! Nice to see you and to wish you a lot of joy and excitement during the holidays! Merry Christmas! I'm wondering how to choose the MOST interesting photos, because they are ALL interesting!:)

  7. Hello again, looks like bloger allows me to write comments again, and the best of it, its, I can come to visit you and leave you a "Hi, I have enjoyed all the post you have posted in your beautiful blog, and thank you for all your visits and nice comments in my blog"
    Thank you for all the wonderful photos you share with us this time, its good to see you back in your home land.
    Merry Christmas!!

  8. Dear Ale, thanks for being so kind and sweet! I missed blogging during the last 30 days and now I'm eager to visit my favourite blogs and yours among them!:)
    I hope we'll keep in touch during the New Year! Wonderful holidays and a Happy, Warm and Inspirational New Year!!:)

  9. I loved what I saw there, in Kenya, too... I hope to be ready with my next post about the journey soon!

    Happy Holodays and a Wonderful New Year, Ces!:)

  10. Hello Rossichka and welcome home. You must have many stories to tell of your trip to Kenya. How wonderful! All the best for 2012!

  11. Rossichka thanks!! and +++++++ Thanks!
    wonderful experience, beautiful photos, unique memories of your trip and you knew people!!!!!!!!
    thanks for your willingness to share it with us. I'm eager to hear them
    every post of yours, will be like to be sitting beside a camp fire listening to your wonderful stories
    I send you my wish that you have a Happy New Year with your loved ones!

  12. Thank you, Robyn! I'm so happy I was there! Bright colours, strong emotions, laugh and tears, wonderful music and rhythm... I already miss the children, because one can't stay emotionally uninvolved... I must clear my thoughts before I could write anything.:)
    Have a wonderful New Year, too!x

  13. Dear Roberto, a few weeks ago I sat around a fire, listening to African stories, told by the young artists. The sky was dark and deep, the stars SO bright and close, the fire - dancing high... They narrated and sang, and played drums, and danced.... It was great!
    Thanks for all your wishes and good words - I can feel they come from your heart.
    Lovely holidays to you and your wife!

  14. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you dear friend.x

    Your holiday looked wonderful :D

  15. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful children, Kimberley!I wish you a lot of health, inspiration, smiles and love, as well as new exciting trips! Thanks for your support and friendship!:)xx

  16. Rossichka, what a beautiful experience and this coexistence in Quênia. What a beautiful sky beautiful landscapes and beautiful flowers and I'm absolutely sure that the people of Quênia are fascinating. I leave you in 2012 many trips like this, a lot of health, joy and lots of creativity. Thanks for the invitation to view your blog, I felt honored, happy new year

  17. ooo, Росии, добре дошла вкъщи :)))))))))) чакам с нетърпение следващите ти разкази и снимки. весели празнични дни и силен огън в сърцето ти пожелавам! :):*

  18. Thanks for the invite, Rossi! Wow, I can see you fell in love with Kenya, but I'm glad to know you're back home again. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, my friend. Hugs, oxx

  19. Yes, Maria, Kenya's nature is beautiful!! And the people are beautiful! And my memories are wonderful!
    Thank you from all my heart for the lovely wishes! See you next year!:0) Have an unforgetable weekend!x

  20. Мерси, Ясминка! Чудни празнични дни и на вас - целувки на босите крачета!:0) Много любов, радост и късмет, нови пътешествия и приказни преживявания!
    У дома си е най-хубавоооо, нали?:))) Прегръдки!!!

  21. I'm glad to be home again, yes - it was hard to be separated from my family for a month! But the thought of Kenya brings a smile on my face and I hope it will last forever...
    Sweet Amalia, I wish you lovely holidays together with your beloved ones!:)xxxx

  22. I wish you a happy 2012, full of colors and dreams. A Toast!!!!!!!

    Besadetes / Kisses

  23. Happy New Year to you, too, Salvia!

    Be healthy, inspired and loved! New adventures and discoveries in the Illustrations' World!:)xox

  24. Welcome home :) I wish you great amazing, the best ever happy New Year 2012!!

  25. Thank you, Asja! How nice it would be if your words come true...:)) Be happy!

  26. Beautiful photos Rossichka. What a lovely journey you must have had. Your voice seems to call for home now as it would for me as well. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and I also wish you a blessed New Year 2012!

  27. Thanks for the warm wishes, Michele! It's nice to be back home after so many days; everything is a little bit different - the emotions are stronger now. But I can't stop remembering my stay in Kenya, too...In my future posts I'll try to explain/show why.
    Happy, Merry, Successful and Inspired New Year, full of love, for you and your family!:)

  28. Rossichka Hello!!
    I have no forgiveness!
    I have not come to your blog until today and read your kind response!
    Anyway, although I have no forgiveness, I apologize
    Thanks for stopping by my blog a while ago nothing more

    I think from now I start to write my post only in Spanish (I think I killed for a long time the English language) I ask apologize to people who can write very well in that language.
    at this time I put a translator on my blog, so you can go and read what I wrote

    You still dreaming, dear Rossichka, people with beautiful hearts dream, the others, just think
    OK Byeeeeee

  29. Don't feel guilty, Roberto, there's nothing to apologize for! With the translator I will be O.K.,thanks! Besides I have an online Spanish-Bulgarian vocabulary, so I can learn some words.:)
    Hmmm! Dreaming... It's a huge force in life, as love is. As I'm getting older, I notice that my dreams become stronger.:))
    I am so glad that you've been here! Bye till next time!!

  30. добре си ни дошла, роси! :***:)))

  31. Мерси!:) Днес като ме заслепи слънцето и ме връхлетя усещане-спомен за африканското слънце - страшно силно и парещо. Сигурно скоро няма "да ми мине"!:)

  32. Happy new year to you and thanks for the add!

  33. You are very welcome! I just had to stop the free access to my blog for a while, although I feel bad... In a day or two I'm going to post something more about Kenya, so have a glimpse if you are interested.:)
