четвъртък, 29 септември 2011 г.


Няколко лета подред ходихме в Родопите. Без последните две.
Така ми липсват техните...

During the past few years we've been to the Rhodope Mountains. But not the last couple of summers. Oh, I  miss so much...
високи и магични хълмове...
their high, magical peaks...

разпръснатите в пазвите им малки селца...
the small villages beneath them...

прохладните гори...,
the cool forests...

а в тях - загадъчни хралупи и дървета с огромни, вековни коренища...
with weird hollows and enormous roots...

шумата и дъхавите треви, пълни с красиви изненади...
the beauties in the sweet-smelling grass and foliage...

и всевъзможните неуморни буболечки, които прехвърчат и смучат нектар.
and  the variety of beetles and insects, living there.

Внезапно завали ли, гледай да си на сухо!

Usually the rain comes all of a sudden and is pouring! You must find a shelter then - the sooner, the better!
След като дъждът спре, горещият въздух се издига в красива мъгла...

When it stops raining, the hot air vapours into a magical mist...

Тогава изпълзяват известните големи бели родопски охлюви!

And then you can meet the famous Rhodope big white snails!

Слънцето се показва отново и огрява полянките...

Soon the sun comes out again...

И се понасят едни ухания....!!!

And the meadows turn into the most fragrant places on Earth!!!

Всички тези аромати са попили в билките, събрани в това малко букетче!

This small bouquet of herbs contains all the scents, tastes and beauties of the mountain!

Време е да си набера ново!... :-)

It's time to pick up a new one!... :-)

P.S. If you click on the images, you'll see them bigger.

12 коментара:

  1. oh! So much wonderful beauty! Looks like you had a wonderful time and would enjoy a visit sooner than later. We have some of the same flowers here, so fun to see that.

  2. What a beautiful thing can be seen in one place. I was impressed with the shapes of trees. The place is really magical. I guarantee that you've found some fairies there.

  3. They are herbs, Tammie. The white is "yarrow" and here're the latin names of the other ones... "Thymus" for the purple and "Hypericum perforatum" for the yellow in the centre. But maybe you know that!:) The"Thymus" tea is very delicious, but you could use it in cooking potatoes, too...
    I hope to spend some short vacation in the Rhodopes next year! It's too late for this one...:(

  4. Този коментар бе премахнат от автора.

  5. Hi, Maria! I didn't notice them, but next time I must be more observant!:) By the way The Rhodope Mountains is the birthplace of Orpheus - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orpheus. There's really some magic there - it's very high and as if full of secrets, while the Balkan is calm and cheerful!

  6. Dear rossi
    thanks for your sweet mail. I'll write to you soon.
    I have seen in the last pictures of your blog, leaves and rain, here in Italy is hot like in summer, and autumn isn't arrived yet.
    I have seen how you have decorated the pebbles is nice see in each of them an artistic expression.
    A big hug, Rosi

  7. Hello, dear Rosi! I saw your artistic pebbles - a lovely work! I'll comment soon.:)
    Our Summer hasn't gone yet, too! The days are magnificent - sunny, warm, even hot. Only the nights are chilly, but this is pleasant. The rainy photos were taken in the Rhodope mountains several years ago...

  8. Dear Rossicheeka :)

    Ahh yes I will come to your country on the strength of your beautiful pictures. Wow the slate on that house, roof, the man eating snail (maybe I should not come) the flowers in the field. It is oh so very beautiful eh? So serene. But that house looks scary (the one in the rain)

    I like this http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FQAe9NHopIo/TG2gxiF3ShI/AAAAAAAAAiI/3fwha451wzk/s1600/PICT5616.JPG

    It's where I can spend winter - with a good book.

    Ah I am dreaming about visiting. I have trouble finding my own front door to leave the house. But that's why we have pictures - so we can dream ....

  9. Hello, Andrew! One day, when you pass through your front door by mistake, just catch the plane and come to see our mountains and the Black Sea!:0) I'm sure that the old tree will be at its place and will be your shelter if it rains!:)So, don't take an umbrella!:) If it's winter - you could go skiing, there're many resorts here...
    The "scary" building with the strange roof is called Agushevi Konatzi and is the the only one of its kind in the Balkan peninsula... It has an interesting story. I'll write you about it, but I need time to translate...
    P.S. Not only the snails, everything is bigger there: the flowers, the beatles...

  10. HI Rossichka!!..Yees, I have to keep calm and carry on

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