петък, 15 юли 2011 г.


Ето я и последната книга, която очаквах да пристигне от Англия това лято - "Кексчетата на госпожа Мишка".

Here is the last book I waited to arrive from England this summer - "Mrs.Mouses's Cupcakes".
 Неин илюстратор е  Гретел Паркър - верен приятел на моя блог от момента на създаването му.

It's illustrated by Gretel Parker - a true friend of my blog since its very beginning. In fact Gretel was my first follower and maybe she doesn't еven suppose how much she had encouraged me to make my first steps and say my first words in the blogging space! Thank you, Gretel!!

Рисунките са от оня тип, който трайно задържа вниманието на малкото дете с богатството на детайлите и разнообразието от цветове. Ог тях то може да усвоява думи и понятия, а също и да  се учи да разказва. Особеното в книжката е не историята, а главните персонажи и част от предметите, които са изработени от филц  - Гретел е голям майстор в т.нар. needle felting (филцоване с игла).

The illustrations attract the attention with the variety of details and colours. And looking at them the child can learn not only new words and definitions, but to retell a story better and better. One of the very special things in the book is that the personages and some of the objects are needle felted by Gretel. She's very good at that craft (by my humble opinion.)!
Освен това някои от страниците в книгата са триизмерни и това определено ще е забавно за малките читатели. Кулата от филцови кексчета ми е любима!:)

Besides, some of the pages are in 3-D  and the young readers  will definitely enjoy it! The tower of felted cupcakes is my favourite!:)
И за да добиете представа какъв  великолепен човек е Гретел, потопете се в атмосферата на голямото благотворително, весело  кексово парти, което тя организира през май, за да събере средства за деца, останали без родители, докато рекламира по най-сладурския начин книгите си!

And last, but not least... If you don't know what a wonderful person Gretel is or have missed some of her posts, read about the amazing, hilarious cupcake party she made in May, in order to raise money for children who have lost their parents! In such a brilliant way!  I'm in awe!!

В непоносимите за мен жеги (лятото определено не е мой сезон!) си припомних  пролетния възторг и една събота през май, когато ИЗБЯГАХМЕ семейно от шумотевицата, праха и лудницата на града...

I cannot bear the summer  heat (definetely this is not my season!)... How I long for the springtime and that Saturday in May, when my family ESCAPED from the city noise and dust...

Сред природата, преливаща във всички нюанси на зеленото...

Into the greenish countryside...

Където паячета си похапваха...

Where spiders were having their lunch...

Свенливи цветенца премигваха сред тревите...

Tiny flowers were hiding shyly in the grass...
Невиждани храсти нежно ухаеха...

Bushes unseen were spreading their tender fragrance...

И всичко край нас беше новородено, свежо и красиво...

And everything around was newborn, fresh and beautiful...

Препичахме се на слънчице като котараци, промъкнали се безплатно на птичия концерт, докато душите ни се отпуснаха. И връщането в хаоса на града стана възможно.

We basked in the sun like cats, having sneaked without tickets to the birds' concert, until we felt that our return to the city chaos was already possible.

23 коментара:

  1. so lovely to see your world through your eyes and lens. your new book looks wonderful, full of life and wonder.

  2. Hello, Tammie! The book is a wonder, your new photo is a wonder, go to see another wonder in this blog - http://oakmoonstudio.blogspot.com/. What a day...:)

  3. Hello, Rossichka
    I sent an email to explain some of the plane will fall.

  4. Oh. The book looks wonderful!
    And the photos of your summer are spectacular. Do you know those same pink flowers I have here in my home? but I dont know the name...
    does not seem true, thousands of miles have the same garden plants!
    Good weekend!:)

  5. The little book looks lovely-are'nt you wonderful -your interest in h c a and books is so inspiring

  6. Hola, Roberto! I saw this bush for the first time, besides - in a nature park out of the town. Yes, it's really exciting to know that no matter the different continents and climates, we have something in common!D A lovely weekend to your family, too!:0)

  7. I've never thought I could inspire in a way someone through my blog, so - thank you, Patricia!:0)

  8. Your book looks wonderful, Rossi, thank you for introducing us to Gretel's blog...her work is awesome! :))

    So nice to see your green world showing lovely little magics. I absolutely love that last photograph you took - the light is captured so beautifully. oxx

  9. Hello! I'm glad you liked Gretel's lovely blog - did you take a glimpse at the cakeparty post?...
    I miss spring with its fresh air, ordours and reigning green... I simply can't stand the high temperatures, ughhhhhh.:( See you!xx

  10. How wonderful to have Gretel's book, I intend to buy it when I have some spare pennies :D She's been of great encouragement to me too and probably a good many other people in blogland. Your precious day out looks so wonderful, maybe you would love Summer in England, we've had wind, rain and storms and it feels very like Autumn!!!
    Take care dear one :D

  11. Oh, how nice that you know and like Gretel! I think she continues to inspire people - did you listen to her interview for radio Oxford? The link is in her last post and is going to be available until Tuesday.
    This is what I like for Bulgaria - we have four seasons that are not alike, although the slight changes which have been noticed for the last several years. But it sound tempting your Summer, yes, only without the storms,please!:))))

  12. Goodness, I am blushing, how very, very kind! Thank you! :) I wouldn't mind some of your summer, as Yarrow said, we are having rain here now...

  13. Този коментар бе премахнат от автора.

  14. Oh, please, you are welcome! But on our seaside or in the mountains, not in my town which is famous for its high temperatures. Yesterday it rained, so I could sleep well at last. But today... we are in the "oven" again.:)
    I like your book very, very much, Gretel, so it was a pleasure to write about it and about you! I'll tell the sun to return to your place, just wait to see!:0)

  15. i just dropped in to see if you had got anything new, and I had to laugh I'm tring to buy a little crochet mouse from a girl in Denmark and you have your little book !!

  16. I'm still waiting for the photos from the Carnival and if I don't have them soon, I'll write about something else.
    I hope you'll show us your mouse when you got it! Well, we are feeling happy like children with our purchases and that's so nice, isn't it?:0) Good night!

  17. The book looks enchanting! I can't resist children's books with all the beautiful illustrations and spend far too much time browsing in the children's section of the book shop. Summer is my worst time of the year too. You are lucky....Autumn is ahead of you and we are going into Spring soon (which can be just as hot as Summer)

  18. Този коментар бе премахнат от автора.

  19. I saw some mistakes and deleted the message...:)

    I love children's illustrations, too! I'm addicted to them. That's why the prevailing number of blogs I follow are of illustrators and painters!:)
    Oh, we are expecting rain this evening! Like a savation. Today we reached 40 degrees Celsius and that's too much for me...
    Happy and beautiful Spring, Robyn!

  20. Greetings Ross i Cheeka! Ahh who needs to travel when we can come to your blog. The book looks great, the illustrations magical and colourful and isn't that waht we all want in our lives... magic and colour - and maybe a few paper cutouts :)

    see you happy spring summer from wet cold winter in Oz

  21. Hello, Andrew from freezing Oz! Hello from "burning" Bulgaria!(As a matter of fact today is a normal summer day, at last!)
    Hmm, what we really need in our lives - magic, colour, some paper and scissors, music, coffee and tea, pets and love... And a few blogs to visit!
    See you!:-)

  22. It is a beautiful book. He knew the illustrator. It has books published in Spain.The pictures are beautiful.
    I hope you have happy holidays. Happy summer!!!

    Besadetes/ Kisses

  23. I'm glad you know Gretel Parker and am pleased to hear that her books have been published in Spain!
    Yes, I'm in a period, free of theatre engagements and am trying to have a rest. But you don't stop introducing to us more and more illustrators - I admire you! You do such a great work!:)Aren't you tired??
    Have a lovely summer, full of sun and happy moments, Salvia!xx
