Гледали ли сте филма "Американско сватбено одеало" с Уинона Райдър? Е, сигурно знаете, че въпросната завивка се нарича quilt, но понеже нямаме аналогична дума на български език, заглавието " How to Make an American Quilt" е преведено по този начин. Както и да е, "quilting"-ът е всъщност "пачуърк" - съшиване на различни по цвят парчета плат, обикновено с еднаква форма и от еднаква материя. Това е сложно и трудоемко занимание, което има много тънкости и изисква не само вкус и въображение, но и различни, най-вече шивашки умения. В този пост обаче ще стане въпрос за нещо малко по-различно - за хартиен "quilt"....
През октомври кандидатствах за участие в международен проект - The Paper Quilt Project и, за моя радост, бях одобрена. С неговото реализиране се е нагърбила една млада жена, майстор на хартиените колажи. Посетете нейния блог, за да се полюбувате на творбите й. Скоро след това получих писмо с материалите, които трябваше да използвам, съобразно регламента.
In October I was approved to take part in an international project - The Paper Quilt Project, initiated and organized by just one person - the young talented paper artist Dawn. Visit her blog here and enjoy the amazingly beautiful paper collages she makes! Soon after that I received an envelope with the pieces of paper I had to use, according to the rules.
Това е моята работа на тема "Един ден от моя живот".
Here's my entry for the Paper Quilt Project. The theme is "A Day of My Life".
Няколко думи за проекта. За всеки месец от годината ще бъде създадено по едно пъстро хартиено "одеало", включващо дванайсет колажа на артисти от цял свят. Когато всички пана са готови, ще бъдат продадени на търг с цел събиране на средства за хуманитарна кауза, която предстои да бъде избрана.Преди броени дни получих известие, че моят колаж (вижте по-добра снимка!) най-после е пристигнал. Толкова се радвам!!
Some days ago I was announced that my paper collage ( see a better photo!) had arrived at last. I am so happy!!
Ще ви информирам за развитието на проекта във времето до момента на приключването му.
I'll get you informed about the project's further development in time, such as the completement of the months' quilts, the choice of the cause for raising money and its ending up.
И понеже стана дума за проект, нека ви разкажа за още един. Календарът на Деница. Разгледайте го и ако поискате да се радвате на нейните прекрасни малки пластики, направете поръчка тук. Ние го имаме вече и сме му отделили специално място, където всички да го виждат! Хубавото е, че проектът ще се развива през годината чрез създаването на виртуална галерия от снимки на местата, където календарът ще живее през 2011-а! Тя вече се пълни. :)
And because the theme of my post is "projects", here's another one that I hope may interest you! The calendar of Denitsa - a Bulgarian blog-friend of mine, including some of the lovely figurines she creates. Have a look here. In case you would like to have it at home, just order it! We have it already and its presence brings only smiles! I like very much Denitsa's idea to make a virtual exhibition of all the places the calendars are going to inhabit during the year. You can see the first photos in the same site. :)
Thank you for the wonderful links, Rossi! And I think your paper piece looks beautiful! It's never easy for me to create happy cheerful art like that, and maybe you're just filled with sunshine to be able to do it easily? (^_^)
ОтговорИзтриванеAnyway, I have a little gift for you at my place. Please come over when you have the time. oxx
Very cool! I just love your pice of art, that sun face is wonderfulllllllllll!
ОтговорИзтриванеStarting the year with good news!!
Dear Ross,
ОтговорИзтриванеI'm happy for you and for this nice humanitarian initiative, I'm happy your collage has arrived, I like the idea of sun picking up leaves to make itself brighter and cool. Genius!
A big hug, I wish you a good Sunday,
See you soon.
Thank you, Amalia, for the lovely Stylish Blogger Award! I feel so honoured to receive it from you!:) I wrote more about it in your blog...
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat about the collage - in fact it was quite difficult to create the picture I saw in my mind on such a small canvas - 3 1/2''x5''! I had some other ideas but they needed more space, so if I make them some day, I'll show, I promise!
Thanks for the nice words! I'm not sure whether the sunshine is inside of me, especially in periods when I have troubles and feel sadness or anger.:( Maybe I WANT to fell like that (who doesn't??)ox
Thank you, Horacio, you are so kind! Yes, it's a nice start of the year! I'm eager to see what is going to happen with the project in future. The sun's face ? This is a happy sun!:)
ОтговорИзтриванеRosi, my dear, thank you! I'm so happy you liked the idea of the sun, picking up the last autumn leaves - a chance to look charming and to make their beauty last longer! Maybe that's why there're so many sunny days during the fall...:)
ОтговорИзтриванепак чудеса при теб, Роси, и това Слънце, което връща листото обратно, е много мило :)))))
ОтговорИзтриванеБлагодаря ти, че си ми отделила от скъпоценното си време!!!! Радвам се, че ти харесва! Колко ми е интересно, че така го тълкуваш... Идеята ми беше, че слънцето се кичи с листа, за да бъде по-хубаво и да разнася спомена за есента по-дълго време. Но и твоето усешане ми харесва - връща листата, за да ни радват с красотата си още малко! Прегръдки!
ОтговорИзтриванеСтрахотна идея е това с хартиеното одеало :) Подобна, само че с плетени елементи, имаше и по Коледа от мами плетачки. Много е мило, че непознати, различни хора се събират в името на една идея, която освен всичко друго е и много красиво реализирана.
ОтговорИзтриванеБлагодаря ти, Рос!:) Наистина чудна идея! Никой нищо не печели от това - само удоволствието да създадеш нещо красиво, което да се вплете в още по-красиво цяло и в крайна сметка да бъде от полза за някой в беда! От друга страна така можеш да откриеш някой бъдещ приятел от блог пространството, нали? Пък и цялата тази обмяна на идеи, стил на работа, интерпретации на темата страшно ме зареждат!
ОтговорИзтриванеSeems like a beautiful project, your interpretation of the topic is so lovely!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Asja! It was such a pleasure! If you have time, just have a look at some of the other collages - there're very interesting ones, besides some of the artists draw.
ОтговорИзтриване... have drawn, plus using paper...
ОтговорИзтриванеHey rossichicka :)
ОтговорИзтриванеWell that's so exciting to make art this way, and a beautiful concept.
For me, oh the post about the death of the old man who threw himself under the shopping trolley - welll it was a fib I must admit.
the calender "All is full of love" is beautifully composed.
Cheers from the dry part of the land of Oz :)
Yes, the whole idea about the quilts is wonderful! I'll let you know and see the whole "paper calendar", when ready!
ОтговорИзтриванеG.A.Rottenheimer's story is a fiction, but its source is life, isn't it? So the possibility for similar life stories is huge!
I wish you a lot of sun and to stay safe! I hope the disaster will pass away at last!:) I'm sorry about this tragedy!!
Ooh, looks like fun. I love what you created.
ОтговорИзтриванеI also love the calender.
Thank you so much for visiting too - always good to 'see' you.
Thank you, Abi! Projects are good challenges and I was so excited, while working! Be my guest!:-)
ОтговорИзтриванеRossichka Hello!
ОтговорИзтриванеI loved the idea of collage1
And I see that yours have your mark!
Is a real Rossichka!
(How I would like to see the vessel that your husband has to cook ... and try some of the foods he cooks :))))
Wish to you and your husband a good, good weekend!
I send a kiss
Dear Roberto! You are so observant and kind - thank you! Since that was the second paper collage in my life, I tried to use my technique of papercutting at least for the faces and I think I succeeded!
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat about my husband - he's a very good cook and prepares fantastic dishes when inspired. I promise to show you something interesting and the vessel, of course!
Have a nice weekend, too - both of you!x
Always come to your space is wonderful, magical and beautiful. Thanks for sharing your dreams.
Oh, do you really feel like that? I'm so glad! Thank you!!xx
ОтговорИзтриванеMy dear friend Rossichka, thank you as always for your beautiful words :D
ОтговорИзтриванеYour paper quilt is so beautiful and uplifting, well done it's sunny and happy :D
The mood is sunny and happy, because it re-creates my wonderful autumn walks in the park, when I was feeling uplifted! Thanks for the nice words - it's always a pleasure to visit your blog:) Have a happy weekend, Kimberley!x
ОтговорИзтриванеI absolutely love the collage! You manage to get that paper to sing:)
ОтговорИзтриванеO-o-o, my dear friend, thank you for the beautiful words!!! I'm glad you like it - coming from you, it means a lot to me!:)
ОтговорИзтриванеHi suggesting a name for my doll has ended.I would like to send you something beautiful,so where do I send it?.If you prefer you can give me a p/o address as I know some people do not like to give out their home address.Thank you for looking
ОтговорИзтриванеThis is great fun I'm guessing what to do as your blog is'nt in english. Posting a comment for my angel has ended .Only you and 1 other person entered,so I'm sending you both a present .Where will I send it? If you would prefer you can give me a p/o box address, and thank you again MARY PATRICIA
ОтговорИзтриванеOh, such a nice surprise for a Sunday morning! Thank you Mary Patricia, I'm sending you my address in a minute! I'm so eager to see what you have prepared for me!:) Have a nice day!