Another festival - another trip. This time to our capital - Sofia. Come along with me to the Capital City Puppet Theatre where we are going to introduce the performance of "Rapunzel".
Попадам на атрактивна реклама до хотел "Шератон".
Along my way I come across this attractive publicity of the festival.
Първият плакат горе вляво е на "Рапунцел".
I discover on the upper row the poster of "Rapunzel" - the first from the left.
Минавам край Президенството в момента на смяна на караула.
A change of the guard in front of the President's Office!
Отсреща е Археологическият музей.
The Archaeology Museum opposite to it.
Пред Националната художествена галерия както винаги е много оживено - неспиращ поток от коли и хора.
This is the National Art Gallery (the former Tsar's Palace).
За жалост няма да имам време да видя изложбата на Дега!
A lot of people hurry to see the exhibition of Dega's sculptures, that has been recently opened. Unfortunately I'll miss this chance!
Народният театър "Иван Вазов" - непреходно красив.
This is the National Drama Theatre wearing the name of the famous Bulgarian writer Ivan Vazov, who has written in all literary genres, including dramaturgy.
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Ivan Vazov |
The smallest theatre in Sofia - "Theatre 199" welcomes its audience with this wall of celebrity, keeping the stamps of famous Bulgarian actors.
Любимото ми пространство на "Раковска" и в цяла София - ВИТИЗ "Кръстьо Сарафов" (сегашен НАТФИЗ). За първи път правя снимки - като студентка не съм се сещала за това!
"Rakovska" is the street of theatres. Its' my favourite place in the city, because here is situated the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts that I have graduated from many years ago....
Много рядко минавам оттук, но винаги се зареждам емоционално!
I always feel excited to pass by it, to stop and remember those happy, special days...
Последните лъчи на залязващото лятно слънце осветяват красиви сгради - буквално на всяка крачка.
There're beautiful buildings like these ones everywhere around...
But... the walk is over. It's time for puppet theatre!
П.П. По-късно ше разбера колко прекрасно е било откриването на фестивала - вижте!
P.P. I've missed the opening of the festival - feel its atmosphere here.
Oh, wow! So much to see here, Rossichka!! I find it fascinating when you post about your country... Again, I LOVE the beautiful buildings. I can just imagine the scent of it - don't you just love the smell of old buildings? :) It must be exciting to have your show performed there...
ОтговорИзтриванеBy the way, did you know that Indonesia also have puppet performances? We have "Wayang Kulit" and "Wayang Golek", maybe you've heard of them? oxx
I love old buildings, too, especially those that are nearly ruined but are still beautiful. I like the smell of theatre stages, you know, and this happens only in old theatres.
ОтговорИзтриванеOh, yes, I've seen Indonesian traditional puppets - we learned about them in the Academy, they are extremely beautiful and as far as I know, there're still puppeteers who continue the tradition!xx
What do their names exactly mean? Would you tell me, please!
ОтговорИзтриванеудивителен спектакъл! благодаря,че сподели, Роси!! :))))
ОтговорИзтриванеit's lovely seeing these buildings! I've always loved puppets...there is something fascinating about them.
ОтговорИзтриванеIsn't that nice? You actually studied about them in the academy? Well, 'Wayangs' are basically puppets. 'Kulit', meaning 'skin' refers to the material used, which is animal skin. They are flat and performed in a stage shone by a very bright light from the front. So basically, when we watch Wayang Kulit, we watch the projected shadows on the wall. Very dramatic, indeed. Now Wayang Golek are made of carved wood, a lot more like your puppets, but of course with very traditional Western Javanese designs. They are beautifully detailed and are performed more or less the same way yours are. Both of these are used to tell the Mahabarata stories of Hinduism origin.
ОтговорИзтриванеSorry, I hope that wasn't too much info? Hehehe... :)
Oops! Sorry! About Wayang Golek... they're actually performed from underneath, not above! A lot like The Muppet Show? (^_^)
ОтговорИзтриване- Хубавото трябва да бъде видяно от повече хора, Ясмина! Кой знае какво е било усещането "на живо"!
ОтговорИзтриванеHello, RECREATION! I saw some of your sculptures in the blog and I'm just wondering what did happen with them? Did you dress them, did you finish them? The process of creating puppets is similar sometimes, but the most important about them is the technique that allows their movements.
ОтговорИзтриванеDear Amalia, thank you SO MUCH for the information - it wasn't boring at all, on the contrary! In fact sometimes we use the so called on our professional language "Javanese puppets" - that means puppets, which are moved, as you wrote, from bеlow, with a long rod through the body, that connects it with the head and rods in the hands, so that they could be ruled by the puppeteer. This system is very difficult to manipuilate with (I have learned and acted)- one's arms and shoulders get quickly tired. By the way, I use exactly that kind of puppets in "Rapunzel", but the actors move the rods behind the back of the puppets!oxx
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments, always good to have you visit, a hug, paty
ОтговорИзтриванеAlways glad to see you've been here, too! Have a lovely Sunday!
ОтговорИзтриванеHappy autumn, Rossichka :)
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks and the same to you!:-) I admire your energy and enthusiasm in finding and introducing to us so many good illustrators!
ОтговорИзтриванеOne thing about Europe is the richness of the history, and then they celebrate it. The guards' uniforms are so fancy and rich. I love old-fashioned uniforms! It is wonderful to read more about your country. I like personal tours. Have a great weekend.
ОтговорИзтриванеMaybe I should have a post about the traditional Bulgarian folklore costumes - they are very beautiful and rich in colours! I'm glad you are impressed! It was a pure coincidence to pass by the President's Ofiice in that minute, so I took the shots. Lovely Sunday, too!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for sharing these photos, it's always nice to see bits and pieces of your country!
ОтговорИзтриванеAnd thank you for regularly stopping by my blog and leaving your kind words!
I like your drawings, doodles and photos, that's why I visit regularly your blog! Every time there's something interesting to be seen. I'm glad I can show all of you some parts of Bulgaria, the way I see it!
ОтговорИзтриванеWOW!! Wonderful images, I'd LOVE to visit Bulgaria someday! What a gorgeous country! xo
ОтговорИзтриванеRapunzel is one of my favorite childhood fairytales! Ahh...Good old days :)
I think that there're several fairy-tales which as if mark our lives in a way, but we realize that when we are already adults.
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat about Bulgaria - there's so much to be seen, yes, especially its nature!:-)
Здравейте Rossichka.
ОтговорИзтриванеI dare not keep trying to write in your language. In fact,Google does it.
I have copied and translated from Bulgarian to Spanish and I think I understood perfectly. But you know that Google sometimes cheat and do not want to change my words.
I just wanted to thank you for your comment. And, of course, to say, really, you live in a beautiful country.
With a culture so important.
Greetings and kisses.
ОтговорИзтриванеAh rossichka
ОтговорИзтриванеI just did a great commebnt and it got gargled. It was witty and intelligent - nothing like my usual posts! heh.
Oh I love your country. When I am president I will give you the job of chief tourist manager for sure!
But seriously I never wanted to go to Checkoslavakia before I saw your blog. Neither coukd I spell it.
Of course I still don't want to go to Checkoslavakia, but now I want to go to Bulgaria!
That big puppet looks wonderful.
Oh with the ballet thing. I didn't mean to say puppetry is like bad ballet! Far from it. I was meaning that my work is a time slice of a staged movement - whereas ballet and puppetry have those wonderful spatial and temporal parameters.
Oz :)
I will teach you some australian soon !
Hello, Roberto!
ОтговорИзтриванеIt just happened so that I wrote posts with some information about Bulgaria. I decided that it would be much more interesting for my blogger friends than to read about the puppet performances I saw. From the other hand I haven't forgotten that I promised to write about some other famous Bulgarian painters, so that will happen one day!:)
Have a lovely week!
Oh, Andrew! I think I know how you are feeling for it happened to me several times! I wrote comments from all my heart, I put the words in the best possible way and... they disappeared somewhere in the blogging space... Never mind, I find your comments always charming and witty and the last one makes no exception to the rule!!! So, cheer up!!
ОтговорИзтриванеWell, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but there were a couple of words that I couldn't find in the dictionary and that's why I didn't understand you quite well.:-)But if you only knew how hard it is sometimes to fill the stage area with movements, with life!!
Greetings from Bulgaria!!
your place has so much to offer and see, full of life and beautiful people.
ОтговорИзтриванеMaybe you'll come one day and see?:-))))
ОтговорИзтриванеHello! Well I started Rapunzel last night after seeing this. We should compare notes :)
ОтговорИзтриванеMine has a long red beard :)
Well, maybe the next time (if there is a second time) I could try to give a different point of view to the theme, read the tale from another angle! Then, who knows, maybe it'll turn out to be that she in fact is not SHE??:-)
ОтговорИзтриванеBy the way, "Rapunzel" is taking its way to another puppet festival - this time in Ukraine. Today. I'll see the staff in Rousse in a week on their way back home.
Wow!, what a beautiful trips.
ОтговорИзтриванеContratulations, thanks for sharing.
Well, my trips are over now. I'll stay at home. I need a rest (some days ago I had a premiere in the puppet theatre). Now I long to go back to papercutting, 'cause I missed it! Thanks for being here!
ОтговорИзтриванеOh. Oh. Oh. Now I must visit your amazing country. The art, the history, the architecture, culture...all so fascinating. And now I've met you, I have no excuse not to come and explore the delights of Bulgaria.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for visiting my blog, Rossichka, I so love your comments. It is real pleasure every time. Now I must go on a long browse around 'Out of the Shell'! xx
You are welcome, dear Tessa, to my blog, to Bulgaria... I know you will find a lot of reasons to feel excited if it happens to visit it one day!:-) I am SO HAPPY to meet you in my blogging world - enjoy your "exploration"!xx
ОтговорИзтриванеThank's , kisses.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love your style and enjoy your drawings!:)
ОтговорИзтриванеHi rossichka,
ОтговорИзтриванеnice the festival and nice your blog.
Thanks for words you wrote on my blog, you have been very kind, I liked them very much. Compliment for your blog, paper cut-outs are beautiful.
See you soon, bye, Rosi.
What a wonderful surprise! Hello and thank you for your nice words! I'll be glad to see you in my blogging world again1:-)