Били ли сте някога в Муминската долина? Ако "да", със сигурност познавате тези странни и симпатични същества, които я обитават или преминават през нея по пътя си... Ако ли "не", непременно вървете! Не губете време, за да се насладите час по-скоро на живота там - привидно спокоен, но всъщност "врящ и кипящ" от вътрешни енергии, неочаквани събития, нечувани приключения...
Have you ever been to Moominvalley? If "'yes", then you can recognize these weird and amiable creatures that live there or just cross it on their way... If "not", hurry to learn everything about it as soon as possible! Don't waste a second and you'll enjoy the life there - idyllic and peaceful, but also full of unexpected events and fantastic adventures...
09.08.1914 - 27.06.2001
Чудя се с какви думи да опиша създателката на този причудлив и вълшебен свят - Туве Янсон, без да прозвучи шаблонно! Но тя Е и вълшебница, и фантазьорка, и мечтател, и мъдрец, и изключително талантлив писател и художник... Туве Янсон - любимата ми детска писателка!!!
I'm wondering how to define the creator of this magnificent world - Tove Jansson, without using cliches! But she IS a dreamer, an enchantress, a woman of wisdom and an extraordinary talented writer and artist... Tove Jansson - my favourite children's author!!!
Паметник на Муминтрол - най-известният герой на Янсон, създаден от спътницата в живота й.
A monument of Moomintroll - Jansson's most renowned character, created by her life partner - Tuulikki Pietila.
Да се върнем в Муминската долина... В нея и околностите й има всичко - и поляни, и река, и планини, и море. Сезоните се сменят и долината е красива и вълнуваща по различен начин през всеки един от тях. Семейството на Муминтрол живее в овална синя къща, уютно подредена, практична и удобна.
Let's go back to Moominvalley... One can find everything in and around - meadows and a river, mountains and sea. The seasons follow one another and the valley always looks beautiful and exciting, though in a different way. The Moomin's family lives in an oval-shaped blue house, cosy and comfortable.
Уголемената къща е атракция в парка "Муминуърлд"във Финландия.
The enlarged house - an attraction in the "Moomin World" Park in Finland
През зимата муминтролите спят зимен сън, но това въобще не означава, че животът в долината спира. Напротив!... Всякакви същества, нечувани и невиждани от нас, се появяват, остават или си отиват, преминават от книга в книга и се настаняват завинаги в паметта ни (дори епизодичните са изключително ярки)! Най-хубавото е, че ги виждаме такива, каквито са във въображението на писателката, защото илюстрациите са нейни!
In winter the Moomins hibernate, but this doesn't mean that the life in the valley stops its run. On the contrary!.. All kinds of creatures - uknown and unseen before appear and stay or leave. They are so amusing and incredible that one can never forget them! And the best thing is that we can see them in the way Tove Jansson saw and created them in her imagination, because it was she who illustrated all her books!
Обожавам този автопортрет! Особено двата хатифната отпред - събратята им винаги и навсякъде се движат в големи групи, затова е странно, че тези двамата са се "измъкнали"... А на Муминтрол явно му е толкова уютно, че сладко е заспал в прегръдката на създателката си!
I adore this self-portrait! Especially the two Hattifatteners - their families and relatives move always and everywhere in big groups, so it's pretty interesting how these ones have managed to "escape" for posing!:)... And have a look at Moomintroll - fallen asleep in his creator's arms, he's obviously feeling comfortably!
П.П. Този пост е първият от серия, посветена на Туве Янсон. Избрах рождения й ден за начало. Докато публикувам втория, тези от вас, които не я познават, могат да прочетат някои от книгите й. Явно издателство "Яков" се е заело със задачата да популяризира творчеството й в България, за да наваксаме непростимо огромното закъснение, но това е тема за друг път! Ще се забавлявате, повярвайте ми! Колкото сте по-големи, толкова по-добре.: )))))
P.S. This post is the first of a series, dedicated to Tove Jansson. I chose her Birthday for the beginning. If you haven't read her books yet, it's not late! You'll remain amazed and enchanted, I'm sure!
фотопортрет от Пер Олов Янсон
this photo portrait was taken by Per Olov Jansson
N.B. Само да ви припомня, че утре ще дам първите си награди по случай рождения ден на блога . Ако искате да пробвате шанса си, оставете коментар В предишния пост. Късмет!
I just want to remind you that tomorrow is the deadline for participating in my giveaway. Don't hesitate - just leave a comment IN my previous post! Good luck!
Want to add a cheer for Tove Jansson too! She is high on my list of admired people and I would have so loved to meet her!
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat a wonderful quiet wise voice there is in her stories.
There're so many levels in her stories! I would have loved to meet her, too! Some years ago I had the chance to get acquainted with her translator in Russian - Lyudmila Braude. I think they knew each other...
ОтговорИзтриванеHello, Rima,I'm happy you were here!I hoped you'd read this post! And guess what? I am reading your "Five chapters of summer" at the moment!
Tomorrow is my blogaversary with a giveaway- you could learn more about it from my previous post.:)
wow rossichka so my education continues eh?
ОтговорИзтриванеIt's so interesting the different cultures.
Did I tell you I love that house?
Well it's so so fairytailish.
And Rima? Isn't she superb herself?
cheers from land of oz
PS thanks for the education and enlightenment
непременно ще си купя книжките й, когато се прибера :)))))
ОтговорИзтриванеHello, Andrew! I know you'll be a good student, 'cause Tove jansson won't give you another choice!:)))) Don't worry, I discovered her when I was around my 30's, while there're countries where people know her books from "the cradle"! It doesn't matter. She is an author for all cultures, for all ages, especially for the adults! By the way, she has a wonderful sense of humour and I'm sure you'll like it!
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat about Rima... Yes, she is an extraordinary person!!
Дотогава планирам да пиша още за тях, така че няма да имаш друг избор, освен да задоволиш любопитството си! Американците започнаха ли да свикват с черното? :-) Много ти отива!
ОтговорИзтриванеHello Rossichka! Wow, you are continuing your quest to fill our heads with knowledge and extraordinary finds! I'm very grateful for this, Tove Jansson's world is definitely one worth exploring. I looked up her work and they are simply wonderful. You have such a good taste, my dear friend. :))
ОтговорИзтриванеAnd now I won't be able to get that blue house out of my head! I want to live in one!! (^_^) oxx
Dear Amalia,it seems like I am "educating" you, but I have a lot to learn myself about Tove Jansson, too. The main reason for this delay is the lack of information we had here, in Bulgaria, and, of course, the non-existence of Internet years ago! Just think about all the Scandinavian countries, the ex-Soviet Union, Japan and England, where Tove Jansson works were widely well-known throughout her life!... Yes, the house is beautiful outside, but if you know how nice and cosy it's in there...:))I'll write new posts in future and I hope you'll read some of her books by then. (I suppose your daughter will like them, too!) As a matter of fact Tove jansson wrote for adults. too.
ОтговорИзтриванеHello Rossichka, I have been reading you here and there, I finally came to say hello, of all times, when I am taking a break from blogging! I read your blog this morning and what a treat it is! Have a wonderful summer.
ОтговорИзтриванеHello, Ces, well, that's a surprise! I have been reading you, too in Amalia's blog. Thanks for visiting and for your nice words!:)I hope you enjoy your summer!