петък, 25 юни 2010 г.


От  много дълго време се занимавам с деца на възраст от 6 до  12 години. Уча ги да изработват кукли и да играят с тях. Това ме прави щастлива, зарежда ме само с положителни емоции и енергия! Работила съм в различни градове и пазя страхотни спомени от тези срещи.  Дано е така и с някогашните деца, най-възрастните от които сега трябва да са малко над 30- годишни.

I've been working with children aged 6 to 12 for many years. I teach them to create puppets and to play with them. This makes me happy and gives me еnergy and only positive emotions! I keep deep in my heart wonderful memories and I do hope that the already grown-up children remember those days with a smile, too. Some of them must be over 30 now!...
В част от заниманията си изработваме импровизирани кукли. Тези, например, са от картонените рула на тоалетната хартия, апликирани с листи от гланцови блокчета.

We like to create  improvised puppets. These, for example, are made with the use of  toilet paper rolls and coloured paper.
Вкъщи събирам купища найлонови торбички. Изхвърлени в природата, те се разлагат за около 200 години, което е доста тревожно, нали? Ние  ги правим по-полезни за момента, превръщайки ги в различни кукли. Като...

I gather at home numerous plastic bags of all colours and sizes. Well, you know that they decay in nature for about 200 years and that's еmbarrassing, isn't it? So we make them useful in a way - we  create something for fun. Like...
 Животни, цветя, насекоми...
Animals, flowers, insects...
И най-различни човечета...
Or different kinds of fellows - male and female...

Най-интересно е обаче, когато куклите оживяват...  Децата обичат да бъдат кукловоди!
Children enjoy most when puppets come to life... They adore to be puppeteers!

... Но за мини-спектаклите и другите кукли ще ви разкажа в друг пост.
... About the mini-puppet shows and the other kinds of puppets, I'll tell you some other time.

15 коментара:

  1. Rossichka my dear, your comments, as always touched me so very deeply. I'm so thankful to have a friend like you. :)

    I see you've finally presented us with some knowledge of puppetry? It's amazing how diverse art is, isn't it? Those are incredible looking puppets, considering they are made of things we might have thrown away in the first place. Can't wait to see what you'll show us next. (hugs)

  2. My dear Amalia, puppetry is a huge theme. When I gather to write something serious about it, I'll need more time in order to translate it properly in English ( I can't let my thoughts just flow like in the maternal language...). I adore improvised puppets. I've always enjoyed making and playing with them.Yes, you've caught the essential thing about them - they are usually made of subjects that we won't use any more or such, that we use, but seen from another "angle". When I was at the Academy, we studied for several terms "improvised puppets". It was great fun!!! By the way, here's a site that might be interesting for you - www.machielbraaksma.nl. The "creatures" there are NOT puppets, because they are not made to be played with them, but are improvised, sure they are!!.
    As for the "Bridge Over Troubled Water"... I absolutely love your art and I'm happy that although far away from each other we feel close in a way!xx

  3. Браво за ентусиазма! :))))))

  4. Той не секва! Много зареждащо е! Ако знаеш как ме зарадва, че си отделила малко време и за мен!:-) Хубаво да си прекараш там - да ти се напълнявт очите и душата!:0)

  5. Благодаря, Роси, и да знаеш - ако не съм коментирала в другите ти постове не значи, че не те следя изкъсо ;) историята на Аби Съндърленд ми дойде точно навреме, защото тъкмо се бях зачудила какво стана с нея, и ти се появи да ми обясниш :))))и... добро утро, имай вълшебен ден днес :))))

  6. Добро да е, мерси! Денят ми започна с хубава новина и сладък разговор по телефона(!!) с моя скъпа приятелка от друг град.С нея ме свързват едни отминали години на младост,приятелство и работа в куклените театри на България! Ех... защо живеем толкова надалече една от друга!...
    Що се отнася до Аби, не знам защо толкова ме развълнува нейната история (тя всъщност продължава!)... Представям си какво ще разкаже в блога си!! Вече са я посрещнали и сега пътува към Лос Анджелес. Весела и богата на хубави емоции седмица!:0)

  7. it is rewarding indeed when you truly enjoy what you do.

    my daughter love this kind of art as well and she is attending a Clay Club at the moment.

  8. Ps, just showed these to my daughter and she like what she saw.

  9. I am so glad your daughter liked the puppets! Her age is perfect to begin attending any kind of clubs or studios. It's impossible to invite her to my studio (!) but is nice that she learns to work with clay (by the way this is my dream and if I have the chance, I may have the opportunity to try and make something from clay this summer!...) Children have a strong imagination and we must help them to keep and cultivate it, because it will make their lives more beautiful and exciting when they grow up! Ysabelle can try to make some puppets from rolls or plastic bags, if she wants! What about me... Maybe I will write a post about creating improvised puppets.

  10. That looks like so much fun! I love the little orange puppet in the 2d last photo...kind of looks like E.T! And I'm sure that these kids, just like the ones you've taught before, will remember these times with much joy :)

  11. I hope so!!... At least one day they will teach their own children how to make puppets, maybe they will find more time to play with them and they will keep their love for THEATRE all life long. Last year, during a puppet festival, I watched a young puppeteer and told him after the performance how much I was impressed by his way of acting... Well, what my enormous surprise was to hear that he had been "once upon a time" a member of one of my puppet studios!... Of course, I didn't recognize him, because the boy had become a man, but I REMEMBERED him very well! I felt so HAPPY!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog!:-)

  12. you do a great job! Kids are great to work with - keep up the good work!

  13. How nice to see you here! Yes, it's great to work with children! I've been rehearsing the last couple of weeks with 14 boys and girls. Tomorrow will be rhe Great Day! I hope to post some photos later...:-)

  14. Россичка! this is wonderful! thank you for sharing it all! and I love being able to read the Bulgarian and understand quite a bit... so cool! and thank you for all your kind words about my endeavors on my blog too!

  15. Oh, how nice to get in touch! We have experiences to share - past and future ones... Thank you for visiting! I'm not surprised that you can understand a little bit the Bulgarian. I myself can speak and write in Russian (не много), because we learnt it at school! :)
    P.S. I'm glad you saw this post, but I asked you to see the one from August, 4th!! Пока!
