петък, 28 май 2010 г.


Така се случи, че преди няколко седмици трябваше да лежа, за да се лекувам. Когато дойдох на себе си, изпитах желание да рисувам. Не ми се беше случвало отдавна. Аз не съм художник, но винаги съм си драскала по тетрадките, а по-късно по лекциите и в анализите на пиесите. Обикновено отивам на среща със сценографа с нахвърляните си представи за куклите и сценографията. Като дете много точно прерисувах - ето някои от онези рисунки. Била съм 6-7 годишна.

It happened so that I had to lie in bed a couple of weeks ago. I was ill and very miserable, but one day, all of a sudden I felt the desire to draw. It hadn't happened to me for a long, long time... I drew a lot in my notebooks and exercise books at school and at the Theatre Academy (but who doesn't?) Before beginning to work with the scenographer I usually make some sketches of the puppets, the way I imagine them. I don't pretend to be an artist at all, but when I was a child I used to copy (from watching) my favourite illustrations quite well. Like these ones. I'd been 6-7 years old.

Та... пресегнах се и хванах първата попаднала в полезрението ми книга.
So I took the first book I saw.

Eто какво се роди в легнало положение...
Here's the result...
А тези вече си ги изфантазирах...
And some profiles...

След няколко дни дойде времето и на изрезките.
Един цигулар (макар че първата му цигулка по-скоро  прилича на китара!). Той бе повлиян от блога на едно момиченце - http://pasztohylili.blogspot.com/

Some days later I began to papercut again.
This violonist (his first violin looks rather like a guitar!) was born under the influence of a little girl's blog - http://pasztohylili.blogspot.com/ It's for you, Lili!
А ето го и с новата цигулка.
And here he is with his new violin.

След него се появиха и тези спящи човечета...
And finally appeared these sleeping fellows...
Сладък сън след концерта...
A sweet dream after the concert...

8 коментара:

  1. These are such treasures, Rossichka! It's so wonderful that they're well-preserved. And you know? I love your sketches, you have a unique style and I think you should do more of them! :)

    Ah, that little paper butterfly looks lovely, do you think it's flying my way? oxx

  2. Thanks, Amalia, for the encouraging words! They mean much, coming from you! These drawings and a lot more are well preserved, thanks to my dear parents!
    What about the butterfly... I'll cut out one especially for you, but meanwhile you can see more in the label "paper cutting"...x

  3. Hello and thank you Rossichka for your kind words on my new works! :)
    And amazing that you met Dessi! Ha! Out of all Bulgarians! What a coincidence :))
    These papercuts and drawings are fascinating :)
    One of these fine days I will make puppets too!
    I wish you splendid sunny days x Rima

  4. Some parts of our lives and souls cross in the blogging space - and we find people, far away from us and with a differnet kind of living, that we feel close in a way...:-)
    It will be interesting to see your puppets one day! I visit from time to time some of your puppet links and feel so happy!
    And... thank you for your nice, encouraging words!

  5. Thank you for sharing all of this with us! >All of your work both past and present is very charming!

  6. this is absolutely amazing! I think you are getting so great at this Art

  7. Oh, thank you, Vita! I'm doing things as I feel them, following my inner necessity to take the scissors:0). I am "discovering America" all by myself(as we say when one thinks he's discovered something and it turns out to be discovered long before him)and am trying not to be influenced by other paper artists.It's nice when you visit my blog!!
