събота, 1 декември 2012 г.



Привет от Кения!

Hello from Kenya!
Къщата, в която сме отседнали, се намира в най-прекрасната градина на света, която съм виждала! Вече близо седмица стъпвам по алеите й, покрити с камъчета (да не става кално, като вали) и не мога да й се налюбувам! Цвете, птица, делва, пътечка... пълна е с изненади! Вижте!:)
We are staying at a house with the most marvellous garden I've ever seen! Every day I discover something new - a flower, a tree, a path, a pot, a bird... Have a look!:)

Работата по проекта е изключително интензивна! Поради липсата на време разказът ми е без думи, но се надявам да ви е харесал. Обещавам още снимки!

The work upon the project is really very intensive - no free time! But new photos? That's something I can do!
Ето защо отново сме тук!...

Here's why we came back!...

16 коментара:

  1. :))))))) леле каква хубава закуска си ми спретнала, сега ще ги разгледам пак, бавно и на голямо :)))) целувки на всички дечица! :)))

  2. Дано ти се е усладило!:)

  3. Отговори
    1. I have the feeling that if a draw some peculiar flower I could really see it somewhere in the green!:)

  4. Hi R.
    You know what?
    I did not know you traveled again. then I began to see the pictures and I thought, "Oh, but then Bulgaria has a tropical climate"!!!!
    Ha, Ha what a fool I am!
    OK. really you're in Paradise, surrounded by beautiful Angels, by what I see in the last photo in the series :)
    I send you a big hug and a kiss
    I want to be there!

    1. It's worth the journey and the experience! The children are innocent like angels, beautiful, talented, musical, wondeful, but with such a hard childhood !:(((

  5. What wonderful photos!! all flowers look so beautiful!! yes its true what you and Roberto say about the children, I send you a hug from here!! enjoy every moment!

    1. A short break at noon, some writing to do, a preparation for the afternoon training session upon dramaturgy... It is so hot, difficult to breathe, but there're clouds in the sky, promising some rain.
      I'm gonna make a cup of delicious Kenyan coffee and start to work, but with the feeling that somewhere in the big, big world my family and lovely blog friends like you, Ale, are thinking of me! thank you!:)The kids are really amazing! Oh, what good dancers they are!!:)))))

  6. Отговори
    1. Beauty and poverty, smiles and dust, sun and rain... But colours - bright, amazing colours everywhere!:)

  7. I am so happy for you to be in Africa again. I remember how much you loved it last year.

    Your photos are beautiful, some of them make me want to lean in and smell, flowers... do that.

    wishing you a fabulous time.

  8. Thank you, Tammie! x
    I can just imagine how gorgeous YOUR pictures from Africa would be!:))) Do you know, here trees are smelling so sweet! I haven't found a smeelling flower up so far...

  9. Such beautiful shots from Kenya.
    I love the colors, the tropical feel.

    Just when I'm waiting for our first snow here.

  10. And I don't know how I'll adapt to the drastic difference in temperatures while coming back home... The colours in nature and of people's clothes here are shockingly BRIGHT!!!
    P.S. Africa makes me realize what a miracle snow is!:)...

  11. I was checking the flowers. I had seen them, but didn't leave a comment. So a bit late: incredible nature, fantastich photographs. I can imagine that Afrika is an enchanting continent.

    1. I'm glad you've seen them! Just imagine how many other species there are!... Draw the most fantastic flower - I'm sure it's existing somewhere in the world!:)
