понеделник, 10 август 2009 г.
Ето го началото!.../Here's the Beginning...
Не мога да повярвам, че този момент дойде! Дълго време само си мечтаех за собствен блог, ядосвах се, когато край мен прелитаха интересни теми и събития, а аз нямаше как да ги запечатам и споделя с други хора, но главното - все не намирах достатъчно време, за да го създам. Нямаше кой да ми помогне и се страхувах, че ще ми е трудно да се справя сама.Честно казано, не съм много по споделянето. Но и това се случва. И тогава "излизам от черупката си". Този блог е за такива моменти.Всъщност не знам точно за какво ще пиша. Със сигурност ще е за куклен театър и моите куклени постановки, за детска литература и работата ми с деца, за пътешествия и красоти, за интересните блогове, които следя и невероятните хора зад тях... За живота ми такъв, какъвто се случва. Ще се радвам, ако някой се спира понякога в "Out of The Shell"!
I can't believe THAT moment came! At last "I gave birth" to my blog - after so much time spent in hesitating, dreaming and awaiting for the most suitable moment.
To be honest, I don't love to share my thoughts and feelings. But still it happens from time to time. And then I "come out of my shell". Well, this blog is for moments like that.
I'm not quite sure what I'm going to write about. By all means - about my work in the puppet theatres, about children's literature and illustrations, about my expected and unexpected journeys, about some of the blogs I follow and the wonderful persons behind them, about those things in my life that make me sigh, cry, laugh, exclaim, hope, love...
I'll be so glad if someone stops for a while in "Out of The Shell!" Be welcome!
Hello! :) I am so looking forward to more from your blog, and to see that Painted Lady which flew from your country all the way to our village. About sewing machines...I would be scared of an electric one; I'm quite happy to have my old thing, it only does one stitch, but that is enough for me!
Nice to see you, Gretel! If I meet the Painted Lady again, I will "catch" her on a photo! As for the different kinds of sewing machines... What is important is the result, isn't it?:-)
Браво и честито. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеHello! :) I am so looking forward to more from your blog, and to see that Painted Lady which flew from your country all the way to our village.
ОтговорИзтриванеAbout sewing machines...I would be scared of an electric one; I'm quite happy to have my old thing, it only does one stitch, but that is enough for me!
Txs, Bla!
ОтговорИзтриванеNice to see you, Gretel! If I meet the Painted Lady again, I will "catch" her on a photo! As for the different kinds of sewing machines... What is important is the result, isn't it?:-)