вторник, 5 юли 2016 г.


И така - какво ново при мен? Ами пак дойде времето на Театрална ваканция в музея - летният проект на нашата театрална група. Темата този път е морска!

June melted like an ice-cream and at its end our theatre group started Theatre vacation in the museum - our already traditional summer project for children, aged 8 to 13.

Първи започнаха писателите - те съчиниха историята за финалното представление...

First were the writers - they created the story for the final performance.


Екомузеят ги приюти, а "експедициите" в другите музейни пространства обогатиха познанията им за миналото на Русе.

They work in the Eco museum, but had also some archaeological "expeditions" for enriching their knowledge about the history of Rousse.

След това историята прочетоха сценографите и тутакси се захванаха да майсторят кукли, реквизит, декори...

Then the story was given to the set designers and they began to draw, cut and glue with passion!

Тази година куклите са импровизирани - голяма забава пада!

This year the puppets are improvised - i.e. we turn everyday objects into puppets. Oh, how funny it is!

Ето какво се случва с един от най-важните герои в нашата приказка  - Окрон. На всяка репетиция той оживява с помощта не на един или двама, а на цели девет актьора! Задача сложна дори за професионалисти, но не невъзможна за нас.:)

This is Okron - one of the main characters in the fairy tale. As you can see he is manipulated by NINE children! This is a hard task, that needs a very good coordination  and concentration.

Тази година отново си имахме студент-стажант от Холандия - Роби! Времето прекарано с него ще помним с усмивка!

This year we had an intern again- a student from the Netherlands. Robi inspired the kids and they loved him! We spent wonderful time together!

Актьорите изпробват различни техники, преди куклите да са готови....

While waiting for the puppets to be made, the actors have different tasks for developing their artistry and puppet-manipulating skills.

А през това време музикантите свирят ли, свирят!

The little musicians play hard and with enthusiasm...

И танцьорите подготвят своите танци с много устрем и грация! 

And the amazing dancers create their dances for the most important moments of the play!

Колко много работа ни чака още - цяяяяяяяяла седмица! 

We have just one week till the premiere - there's so much to be done! And we all  - children and adults, do it with a smile!

6 коментара:

  1. oh my, such a talented group of people. I am so impressed and feel joy about your project. Wishing you all a grand time!

    1. Thank you, Tammie!
      24 hours pass by so quickly these days, I'm just wondering how long they will seem to us when the project is over!

  2. Rossichka, the show is going to be amazing. What fun you all seem to have been having while working hard to prepare for the performance. I love to see all this brilliant teamwork! xo

    1. Thanks to the good team we hope we'll be ready for Sunday - after just two weeks for everything!
      You find always time for me, Frances, thank you! Promise to get back to normal blogging soon.:)

  3. Dear Rossi, what a big enterprise!!! Everything done by the children: writing the story, costumes, music, dance, play...
    I very much like the octopus and all the hands! I see the dutch boy and I think he has learned an incredible lot. Did you mange to pronounce his name? Good luck with the final performance! And hugs for you! Love, Hedwig

    1. Hello, Hedie! Tomorrow is the big day. This morning we had the general rehearsal... Hope everything will go fine!
      Yes, the Dutch boy was here, right now he's participating in another theatre project for children at risk. I pronounced his name, only the first sound is difficult for us.:)Thanks for the wishes!xx
