сряда, 8 юни 2016 г.


Наближи ли месец май, животът ми затуптява с нов ритъм: от бърз по-бърз, препълнен с емоции, грижи, копнежи, труд и радост. Подготвям финалните представления с театралните ми ученически групи.

It's May again and my life changes drastically its rhythm: 
hard work, less sleep, no time for blogging,  problems, worries, enthusiasm and joy. We prepare the final shows with my children theatre groups.

Това са моите театрални звездички, истински скъпоценни камъчета! Най-малките, които за пръв път играха пред публика в Историческия музей в Русе - освободени, вдъхновени, пълни с енергия, талантливи! Ах, колко прекрасна беше ДЕТСКАТА НОЩ В МУЗЕЯ!

These are my little stars, my theatre kids - pure gold! They had their first performance ever in the CHILDREN'S NIGHT IN THE MUSEUM. So talented, so full of energy, inspiration and artistry! 

А по-големите (вече шестокласници!) имаха невероятна премиера: две представления едно след друго поради големия интерес - вълнението и удовлетворението им на края бяха неописуеми. Омагьосахме публиката с няколко миниатюри на ултравиолет - за догодина подготвяме голям спектакъл!

And my elder ones (teens already!) had an unforgettable premiere: two performances, one after another, because lots of people had come to watch them! As you can see, we had prepared magical puppet miniatures. We are planning a big performance for the next school year.

Мечтаем си и за истинска театрална сцена - цялата в черно, за да бъдем абсолютно невидими с черните си облекла!

Our dream now is to perform on a big stage, all in black, so that we were absolutely invisible in our black clothes. (Me and my colleague had the chance to perform with the kids, oh, what a joy!)

Успоредно с интензивните репетиции, съботните ни работилнички в мола, разбира се,  не спират. Ето поглед към две от тях...

Those of you who know me, can suggest that I was busy not only with rehearsals but also with the Saturday workshops at the mall. Enjoy some moments from them!

Подготовката поглъща голяма част от времето ни, но си струва, нали?:)

It's worth the efforts, no doubt!:D

Ще се опитам да пиша отново скоро, дано имам сили и време, че проектите ни с деца продължават. Кои са новите - със сигурност ще разберете... 

I hope I'll post here again soon, not after such a long, long pause! At least I'd like to. Thank you all for stopping by! Hope you all well, waiting for the Summer!!!

15 коментара:

  1. Wow, wow, wow and more wow! Rossichka, you certainly have been a busy lady. What wonderful results have emerged from your guidance.

    It's delightful to see how these young performers are learning how to make magic and charm audiences with their creativity. I am imagining thousands of smiles!

    Your photographs of the workshops at the mall also interested me very much. The children chose a wide variety of ways in which to use the materials. No boundaries to expression thereabouts will surely encourage future exploring, too. xo

    1. Thank you, thank you, most sincerely, Frances! I am still a bit tired, but very happy! I am proud with my kids and hope this experience will be useful for them in their lives.:)
      Yes, we try to stimulate the children's creativity, offering different materials for crafting and unlocking the imagination. Hope you are doing fine, enjoying warm sunny weather!:)

  2. Отговори
    1. Мерси, Виолке! Твоето мнение значи много за мен!!хх

  3. This has made me smile and smile and smile. Wonderful work.

    1. I smiled with pleasure on my turn. Thank you, Charlotte! Have a lovely week-end!

  4. Bravo. Tout ce qui éveille l'enfant sur le chemin de sa vie est une acquisition qui le suivra longtemps. Belle soirée.

    Je t'embrasse.


  5. How busy you are, and what wonderful results!

    1. Thank you, Gretel! By the way, right now, we are in a small village in the countryside with my husband - having dinner under the stars; birds,butterflies and dragonflies were our companions in the afternoon... A one-day escape to "recharge" before the busy month that's waiting for us!:) Hope you are doing fine!xx

  6. Oh Rossichka! You have an unstoppable enthousiasm. You always find new ideas and the spirit to stimulate these kids in their creativity! You do amazing work. I can imagine how tired you must be sometimes. So many things to think of, so many people asking you things, so much to organize and keep everybody happy... Working together is wonderful but
    I am happy to hear that you found time to be away from it all for a special dinner. I wish you a fantastic summer with al your activities, but dont forget to recharge! Love, Hedwig

    1. My dear friend, you are right about everything.:) I feel tired... in the morning, before the first cup of coffee, but after that I can (still!) work with enthusiasm... I "recharge" in doing some small things that give me pleasure. Still I can't wait for the middle of the next month when all the current projects will be over... Have a wonderful weekend! Love!xx

  7. It all looks and sounds like so much fun. I am so glad you do such sweet things in your community. I can only imagine the children will cherish these memories forever.

    1. Thank you, Tammie, for your encouraging words! We do hope the seeds will grow into wonderful plants!:)
