вторник, 12 юли 2016 г.


Ето че неделята дойде много бързо - денят на дългоочакваната премиера! (вж. предишния пост)

So... Sunday came quickly - the day of the premiere! (see the previous post)

Публиката зае местата си в Лапидариума на Историческия музей...

Our public in the yard of the History Museum...

Украсата създаваше усещане за вълшебство...

The magic was already in the air...

Ще споделя малко снимки, по които бихте могли да предположите, за какво се разказваше в историята, написана от децата!
За едно малко момиченце, разбира се...

I'll share some moments from the performance so that you could imagine what the story was about...:)
Yes, about a little girl...

Прекарващо лятната си ваканция на острова на своя дядо - изследовател...

Staying for the summer with her Grandpa on his little island in the sea...

Какво по-подходящо място за приключения?

The perfect place for adventures!

Изпълнени с напрежение...

Full of suspense...

Истински чудеса...

Real miracles...





И щастлив финал!

And a happy ending!

Моята млада колежка и асистентка... Беше истинско удоволствие да работим и се забавляваме заедно!

My young colleague and assistant... It was such a pleasure to work and have fun together!

Време е да закрием проекта!:(

Final words by my husband and me... It's time for closing up the project!:(


The bow!


The diplomas!

Надяваме се щастливите спомени да останат дълго у всеки!

Hope everyone (the leaders, the children and their parents) will keep the happy memories for a long, long time!

П.П. Безкрайно благодарим за снимките на нашите приятели Д.Станева, П.Стаменков и Арена медиа!

P.S. We can see how everything looked like thanks to our friends D.Staneva, P.Stamenkov and Arena media, who took the photos! Thank you!!

19 коментара:

  1. Ohhh Rossichka, it looks wonderful! I can see it is an underwater story. What an creative bunch of children and leaders ofcourse! I love the octopus, all the different disciplines, and also the simple attributes and the use of simple every day things to make the props.
    Isee you had a beautiful place to perform and very nice weather! Now you must be proud and satisfied and probably very tired!
    Congratulations and big hugs for you! Hedwig!

    1. And proud, and satisfied, and tired, yes! And a little bit sad... The experience is still fresh, no everyday busy schedule... Walking outside, we meet children and receive hugs - it's heart melting!:D
      I've already begun making plans for my vacation!:)
      Have a lovely July, my dear Hedie!xxx

  2. Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! Rossichka, it's grand that your friends were able to take so many photographs of this terrific performance by the very talented (and inspired) young people. What a display of imagination...what joy on display.

    I think that many of these children will be continuing to travel a creative path throughout their lives. They have caught the magic! How lovely for you to open this world to them. xo

    1. I dare dream that will happen with some of them.
      We could not succeed without the parents' trust and support! So... it's a long, mutual process.
      All kids have a talent, I am convinced in that! We just have to help some to discover it, others - to develop it.
      Thank you, Frances, for the beautiful words!!xx
      By the way, the photos are more than 600.:DD

  3. Hi, Rossicka. First I want to apologize because lately, I have not come to your blog. (Only, I will say in my defense that, neither, I went to other blogs)
    Always amazes me the call that you have with children. Just today I was talking with someone here in my small town, about calling children to make art, and how difficult is this. I think I'm disappointed about this. And finally I think my task is in solitude, there are people who make art in group, and others are lone wolves. (I belong to the second group) I wonder if when these children grow continue maintaining contact with you, and if anyone has decided to be an actor or actress.
    Congratulations to the whole group. I guess that after the project was carried out you can sleep very quiet and happy, right?
    And one more thing: Who is the writer of the play?
    Kiss and hug!!!!! :)

    1. Dear Roberto, I'm so glad to hear from you! Hope you are OK and will have time to visit Blogland more often.:)
      I've always been working with children, since I graduated from the Academy - small groups, up to 10 kids... But this project (like those in Shiroka Luka and Kenya) is bigger and is on a different level, has different goals... We think some of the participants could work in the sphere of scenic arts one day, but this is not our final aim, of course. There're kids who definitely have a talent for writing, drawing and acting. So... the future will show. As for the play - the writers' group invented the story and we enriched it, while putting it on stage, due to the analysis... (see my previous post!)
      Do you have already snow at your place, or it's early for it? Big hugs!xx

  4. Oh how precious and wonderful. It all looks grand and good weather to support it being outdoors. It seems that everyone is so talented. Not only do i feel the performance is a special experience for everyone involved and the audience, but to be part of the creation, follow through and completion is such a grand experience showing that dreams can come true by taking all the steps. Congratulations!

    1. Yes, several steps that led to the final performance - all of them made by the children. It was a big challenge to combine them all for a few days (mutual, 2-hour rehearsals of dancers, musicians and actors), but we did it! A great satisfaction and a big fatigue!:) Thank you, Tammie, your words mean much to me/to us!

    2. yes, big success/satisfaction often arrives after large fatigue.

  5. What a wonderful project you did with the children, Rossi! I admire how you managed to create such positive activities for them to be involved in. So lovely to see how successful the show was. I have no doubt you have a long list of creative projects coming your way. Wish you all the best with them! ;)

    1. Thank you, Amalia! Yes, although it's summer - the vacation time, there're two autumn projects that are "knocking on the door". I'm preparing for them, while having a rest at home (you know how you feel when your mind is busy!), I have some work with the composer and the set designer and just then I can think of a real rest at the seaside! Hope to see you soon here!:))

  6. thank you sooo much my Beautiful Witch Rossi :))
    i always appreciate your visit to my boring little blog that i've abandoned so much...
    Also, i do appreciate all what you share here on your blog!
    i dont think i can get on your level of dedication towards art... i'm such a lazy human being haha :((

    Much love,

    Lazy Mita

    1. Hehe, maybe we have just different rhythms of living... For now. But who knows what will happen in future?
      Your blog is full of beautiful and mysterious drawings, that need a lot of time, Talent and concentration to be done. I wish I saw more of them... Hope you are doing fine, beautiful Mita!!xx

  7. Hi Rossichka, how nice is your post, love all the moments you share with us here on your blog!
    I'm sure all those children enjoyed working with you, they will keep great memories of it!
    Take care.

    1. Hello, Ale! It's nice to see you've been here! Thanks for the sweet words, I think the wonderful memories are mutual.:)
      I suppose you don't stop to draw, I'll visit your blog in a while! Bye!x

  8. What a fabulous day! You have enriched so many children's lives, and I am sure that many of them will remember their happy days with you forever! 😊

    1. Thank you, Gretel! Some of the children participate in the next edition of the project. The most enthusiastic ones take part in our annual workshops and groups of creative writing and puppet theatre. And we receive smiles and hugs very, very often, while walking on the streets...:D

  9. How wonderful and such beautiful photos, they really capture the moments. I love the change from scene to scene and the suspense is so clear.
    Thank you for visiting my new blog and yes, we're very lucky to live between the ocean and the woods. I'll be sad to move, but hopefully it will be just as nice :D

    1. Thank you!:) So that's what I'm doing... Plus working with my husband as theatre pedagogues with the Children's Opera in our city. We've just had a second premiere of "West side story" yesterday evening... And today our summer holiday begaaaaan!:)
      Oh, I see a new page in your life is going to open. Good luck!!
