четвъртък, 11 август 2016 г.


След върволицата изморителни месеци, вече е крайно време за почивка. Опитвам се да се отпусна вкъщи, да се поглезя и разсея, но знам, че ще бъде съвсем друго, когато отскочим до морето. Тук няма как да избягам от мислите си (нов проект се задава само след няколко седмици); там другият ритъм на живот и различното битие би трябвало да не ми позволят да мисля за работа...
Стоейки повечко пред компютъра, свалих най-после снимките от отминалите месеци. Колко събития и хубави моменти са останали несподелени... като това букетче диви теменужки, които НАИСТИНА ухаеха сладко.:)

Oh, what a busy first half of the year it has been! Though I'm officially in summer holidays, I still cannot relax to the full - my brain is working, busy with a new project that's going to start very soon. I can't escape from my thoughts, but maybe everything will settle down when I leave home, the hot city and go on a short vacation to the sea. For now, I'm still here, trying to have a rest, to sleep more, to enjoy myself with things, books and tastes that I like and to expect impatiently the happiest day of my summer...!
Looking through the many photos I've taken since March, I realized that I haven't shared with you some lovely experiences and moments... Like these fragrant wild violets...

Или тези изкусителни подаръчета от Брюксел....

Mmm, some gifts from Brussels....

Спомен от рождения ми ден...

My birthday cake...:)

Невероятната експресия на актьорите от театър "Маска" от Букурещ, които за поредно лято придадоха допълнителен чар и театрална магия на красивия ни град.

The amazing live performance of  theatre "Mask" from Bucharest, that turned the beautiful centre of our city into a place, full of magic, theatre atmosphere and joy...

И може би най-важното - втората премиера на  Детската опера в Русе, "Уестсайдска история". Със съпруга ми отново ряботихме като театрални педагози - дълъг, труден и изключително интензивен процес. А децата - прекрасни певци и все по-добри актьори... За жалост, в суетнята около премиерата почти никой не е снимал.:)

And "West Side Story" - the second musical of the Children's Opera in Rousse . We were invited again with my husband to work as theatre pedagogues and passed through a very intensive period with the talented children (oh, if you could only hear them singing!) The premiere was at the very end of June, but unfortunately, we don't have photos...

Вчера моят блог навърши 7 години! Нито за момент не съм губила ентусиазма и желанието си да пиша в него, защото той си остана моят малък остров, място за срещи с интересни хора, сродни души и истински приятели. Тъй като отдавна не съм правила подарък по този случай, сега искам да зарадвам някого от вас. На 21 август ще избера на случаен принцип един от коментарите и ще изпратя на неговия автор малко хартиено подаръче, изработено от мен!:)

Yesterday my blog turned 7 years! It's quite a long time and I am still glad to have it, to post here important moments of my life, to feel you close to me, my dear readers and true friends! Today I'm feeling as enthusiastic about running it as I was in 2009. And although the major part of the people from the first "circle" of followers chose Facebook or simply left Blogland, I don't think I'll leave my little island. Thank you for your support and friendship, I'm so happy to communicate with you!...
I haven't celebrated a Blogaversary since a long time, so I would like to make a small giveaway to someone now - a paper cut of mine. Just leave your comment. I'll make a random choice and will announce the winner on 21st of August!:)

13 коментара:

  1. Thanks a lot, you are very welcome here!:)

  2. Dear Rossichka, I can imagine how active your mind must always be. You have such imagination that it cannot be contained! I hope that your seaside holiday will bring you a certain change of page delivered by the pace of the sea itself.

    The wild violets are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that photo, as well as the very interesting pictures of the Mask group's performances at various sites. I would have liked to see them in person.

    Lovely birthday gifts and a cake with candles for making a wish that will surely come true.

    Best wishes on you seven years of blogging. As you know, I also like staying with blogging, for many reasons. It is a comfortable place to be oneself and have to opportunity to connect with many interesting people...like you! xo

    1. Dear Frances, it's still a mess in my head and I'm so glad that I succeeded to write a post after the one-month silence. The next few weeks will keep me probably away from blogging, but I will return as soon as I can, because I need and love this place, just as you do! Thanks for your support, always kind and gentle!xx

  3. Dear Rossi, congratulations for your blog! I very much like to come here and see about the things you do and show. I like your 'voice', always so positive and kind. Your work is amazing. You inspire the children and stimulate their creativity. I can not think of a more important job. I don't know how many years I come here, but you became my friend and I hope this will continue for long times. Have a nice vacation and go on doing the good work! Love, Hedwig

    1. Dear Hedie, just like you I hope that our friendship will not melt like snow...:) I am so grateful that our life paths crossed! Thank you SO MUCH for believing in me and in what I do! Your words always warm my heart!xx

  4. Rossi, what I like most about your blog: one can feel you make (write) it with your heart (it's so refreshing) and it is so special to me, because you (I don't know exactly how to explain it in English) ... hm ... you run it your way, it wears your mark ... (oh, I can't find the right words) ... you follow nothing but yourself all the time (it's the closest, but not exactly what I wanted to say ) ...

    Anyway, keep on! I am your fan! :)

    See you!

    1. Oh, sweet Maja! I didn't have an idea that my blog reflects in such a way in your heart... What can I say, but thank you! You are very dear to me, too! Hope that we'll have many more occasions of meeting in this virtual world and, who knows, maybe one day in the real one, too?:)

  5. I love your windows into life with your art and theatre and teaching. It is wonderful to visit and to catch up with you the intersphere.

    1. Dear Charlotte, you've said it so beautifully! Do you have in mind my blog?! (I'm blushing...) Thank you! It's a pleasure to know you!

  6. I am not commenting to win anything, just to congratulate you on your seven years and wish you a happy rest of summer!

    1. Thank you, my dear Gretel! This blog is so much connected with you, your comment to my first post and That Butterfly!:)
      I hope to write my next post from the Black sea!xx

  7. It does look like you are experiencing some nice things.
    I hope you had a lovely birthday.
    Also that your new project will go smoothly and feel wonderful to you.
    Happy Blog celebration to you!
    I also have noticed that a lot of people have lost blog land..... kind of sad. changes changes.
    Sweet of you to have a give away.

    1. Just some more days and I'll stop thinking about the project for a while (at least I hope so!). My plans about the vacation at the sea slightly changed today, but I'm just postponing the so-long-expected relax!
      It's always lovely to read your comments, Tammie!
