четвъртък, 5 март 2015 г.


Отново се закичихме с мартенички! Отново посрещнахме баба Марта с нетърпение и надежда за хубаво време (пролетта сякаш наистина подрани)! През последните няколко дни се радвахме като деца и сега бабомартенските бижута са неизменна част от нашия тоалет!:D

On 1st of March we pinned to our clothes and tied around our wrists "martenitza"-s - to meet Baba Marta and make her smile!

Ето някои от мартеничките, които направихме вкъщи. Да, настъпва шарена бъркотия, но радостта да подариш ръчноизработена мартеничка, е голяма!

Here're some of the bracelets we made with my husband for friends and relatives.

И тази година влязох в ролята на баба Марта в интерактивен спектакъл с деца. Последваха снимки за спомен, стихчета и песнички... вероятно Дядо Коледа се чувства по подобен начин!:D Усещането е прекрасно!

This year I acted as Baba Marta again and the children took a lot of pics with me after the performance! I felt like Santa Claus in a way!:D It's the only opportunity to put on a traditional Bulgarian costume!:)

This is in Sofia, but everywhere else the streets looked like that!:)

Снимка: Румен Добрев
Photo: Roumen Dobrev

За жалост, небето не е вече така синьо, както в заглавието, но мартеничките ще ни карат да се усмихваме, дори когато завали, нали?

Unfortunately the sky is not blue any more, as the title says, but we will wear martenitzas to keep our spirit high when it rains and snows in the next few days!

More photos about this unique Bulgarian custom - here.:)

10 коментара:

  1. Hope your sky is blue today and bring more joy to your heart, thanks for sharing this Bulgarian custom with all of us.
    Let us keep our spirit high every day.

    1. Dear Ale, I am so glad you've been here! Yes, this is a custom EVERYONE loves!
      I want to tell you that I can't comment in your blog anymore, maybe because I don't have a Google + account. But I read everything you post there and it was a delight to learn about the process of creating Miss Fox (as well as to see your fluffy white cat!) Have a lovely March!

  2. Rossichka, I am so happy to know about this annual celebration...your martenitza bracelets are lovely! More snow is falling here today and even so...we are hoping, even yearning for spring.


    1. So do we... It's already raining and the temperatures jumped low.:( Oh, poor snowdrops, violets and tree buds!... It's still winter, still early for spring!
      Frances, I will be glad if your have a look at my previous post, thank you!

    2. Oh Rossichka, how could I have missed seeing your post about the spendid Rapunzel production. (Must be the snow...that will be my excuse, or alibi.)

      The puppets and staging look so very good. I continue to be amazed at what you accomplish, bringing wonderful stories to new audiences, with your imagination combining tradition and contemporary ingredients.

      Yes, this Rapunzel is a wonderful story, and I'm now envying the luck of the next audiences who will have the opportunity to see a performance.

      xxx ooo

    3. Oh, thanks from all my heart! I just wanted you to know about this experience of mine, because you follow my professional steps.:)
      If this can sound consoling for you - it's raining and snowing here, too...:(

  3. it looks like you had such a special time
    creating experiences
    and memories that will go on and on
    thank you for sharing it with us!

    1. A new experience will create memories that may lead to another kind of experience, yes!:)

  4. Отговори
    1. ;))) Oh, what a gentleman you are..., thanks!:D
      Actually the little children believed I was real and talked to me in a "Dear-Santa Claus..." manner...
