четвъртък, 5 юни 2014 г.


Аз съм богата! Изпълнена с празнично вълнение и предчувствия за предстоящи приказни часове с тези две книги - ръкописите на Емили Дикинсън и автобиографията на Туве Янсон!

I am rich!! A proud owner of two precious books I have longed for! Here they are - coming from England...
Това е съвсем ново, рядко издание, което ни дава уникалната възможност да надникнем  в творческия свят на Емили Дикинсън. Невероятни поетични образи, нахвърляни на употребявани или неизпратени пликове за писма! И колко мъдрост!

"The Gorgeous Nothings" is a rare book, a real treasure, that gives us the happy chance to have a glimpse of  Emily Dickinson's creative process, through reading (and seeing) the full collection of her Envelope Writings!! (Thank you, Robyn, for the information!)

Когато прочета книгата, може би ще публикувам любимите ми стихове...

After I read them all, I will probably post my favourite ones...
Най-после - "Дъщерята на скулптура" е в ръцете ми! Не мога повече да чакам някой да се сети да я преведе...

And finally I hold in hands Tove Jansson's autobiography - "The Sculptor's daughter"!! It's still not translated in Bulgarian, I couldn't wait any more...:)
Малката Туве...

Little Tove...
Родителите й - илюстраторка и скулптор .

Her mother was an illustrator, her father - a sculptor.
А иначе - почти няма ден, в който да не вали...

We have a rainy spring this year...

И това изненадващо започва да ми харесва. Особено, когато се наслаждавам на зашеметяващите цветове навсякъде - и когато пътувам...

It's strange, but I'm slightly getting used to it and I like it, especially when I see "the result" - amazing countryside...
И когато вървя по улиците...

And beauty everywhere in the city...

21 коментара:

  1. Aren't books wonderful. I don't blame you for not waiting on the Tove Janson book. She was wonderful.

  2. :))) I'm so glad that you love her, too!:)

  3. Enjoy those treasures, Rossichka. I can easily see why they are dear to you. Do you ever look at Merisi's blog, Vienna for Beginners? She often incorporates Emily Dickenson's poetry into her posts. I think you will like a visit to her Vienna. (Merisi often comments over at my place, so you could click over from there. Thank you, also, for your kind comments.)


    1. Dear Frances, I am curious to see Merisi's blog, thank you! I like Emily Dickinson's style a lot. I read her poems first in Bulgarian in a very good translation!
      Have a lovely Sunday!:)))

  4. Аууууу, истинско съкровище, Роси! Завиждам...;)
    Щастлива късна пролет!:*)

    1. Понякога се чудя аз ли откривам книгите или те мен?:)

      Мноооого прегръдки и пожелания за лекота, радост и щастливо лято! Мислим си за теб, да знаеш!хххххх

  5. Hi; Rossi. I know about the excitement when you have a new book in your hands! My anxiety, normal for me, is multiplied by 100.
    And I must wait until the evening. because during the day, my time does not allow me to take a moment to read. It is a treasure in our hands.
    Sometimes I think about times past, when, in my country, Spanish colony in America, a person was waiting for a book, for months, until his book finally arrived. Oh, I could not have lived in that time !!!!
    I wish you pleasant reading hours. and I wait, (anxious) for your favorites ones!!
    have a nice weekend!!!!! :)

    1. I also wait for the evening, even for the night to come. Then I finally have some free minutes to read. But I am afraid that this time I have to postpone the true reading, because my time is "swallowed" by the project for children that our theatre group has just started...
      I promise I'll do my best to have a nice weekend, Roberto! Hugs!!

  6. Dear Rossi, how good to know that you are so happy! I have never red Emily D, but it must be wonderful to have a peep into the creating proces. To see the scribblings in her handwriting is very special, makes you feel close to her!
    I am more familiar with Tove. I have that book (in Dutch) and another book: The summerbook. Do you know that one? I like it even more.
    Your country is beautiful. Rain makes it so green!
    And how are you??? I see you not often in 'blogland'. Everything oke?
    Love you, Hedwig

  7. My dear Hedie, I am O.K., but really very busy. Today, for example, my children's theatre studio had a performance and we were all very excited, it went so well! I will be occupied with work in the next couple of weeks - we are running another summer project and we have again a volunteer from... Holland!:)))
    I am sure youcan find Emily Dickinson's poems. She is maybe the most favourite American poet (amongst women). As far as I know she had written more than 1000 poems and fewer than a dozen were published while she was alive! Can you imagine that??
    Have a sunny Sunday!!xx

    1. Oh, I have "The Summer book", also ordered from the U.K. But I prefer and adore Tove Jansson's books for children, which are actually for all ages!:) This yearwe celebrate her centenary!

  8. Happy that you received your books. I read that Tove Jansson's autobiography as a child because I was a great fan of moomins. Of course I was slightly disappointed but that didn't stop we from reading her other novels for adults too (which I found a little depressing). I should re-read them now when I would probably appreciate them more. :-)
    Also, thanks for the Emily Dickinson hint, if I pump into that book, I'll buy it too.

    1. I prefer the books about the moomins! I've even directed two of the stories on puppet stage.
      "The Gorgeous Nothings" was bought for me in England.:)

  9. Hi Rossi!! thanks a lot for your comment, and please have a nice week end, dont work too much please!!! :)

    1. This afternoon and tomorrow I'll have a rest!:D But yesterday, oh, I was so happy with my children's studio performance!
      How is your autumn? Is it already cold?
      Thanks for stopping by, my friend!x

  10. Dear Rossi, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! How are you? How is your summer workshop? Is it a success? I think so. You know how to do it! I am very curious about everything, but you will show us in time, I hope. On your blog. Till that moment I wait patiently. Love you, Hedwig

    1. Hello, Hedie! Everything was just fine!! Today is my first free day and I began to choose the photos for my post on the theme!:)xxxxxxx

  11. Dear friend! Thanks for your sweet comment! I am alright, don't worry! Not lonely. But in a crowd on a party I can feel lonely so I have find courage to mingle in, but then the party can be so much fun and so warm and happy that I miss my friends when it is over. Party's bring me mixed feelings.
    I hope you are still going strong and that your summer workshop is a succes! And that you enjoy your son!
    Love you too! Hedwig

    1. I understand those mixed feelings. It's the same with me sometimes and, as a matter of fact, as I grow older, I prefer to stay at home...
      Our son helped us with the project - he was an assistant in the MASK workshop and I am glad that he had that chance!
      I hope to post soon!:) Have a wonderful new week!;o)

  12. I am so happy for you rossichka! the books look wonderful and i can tell they are inspiring to you! rain and then sun creates beauty, if not to much of either one ;-)

    always so lovely to have you stop by!

  13. I was overwhelmed with work (I will write about it soon) so I had to postpone the reading for July. But I still had a look...:D
    We have them both - sun and rain, but unfortunately the rain was too much and a couple of days ago it was a National day of mourning because of the floods...
