четвъртък, 3 юли 2014 г.


Какъв юни! Изпълнен с много положителни емоции и светлина!  С високи температури, яростни дъждове и онези трагични наводнения...:(
What a June! Full of joy, enthusiasm and light! With summer temperatures, rains, floods and a National day of mourning...:(
В самото начало на месеца - представление на детската куклена студия, която ръководя.
In the very beginning of the month my children's puppet studio participated in the Children's Night of the Museums. An incredible group of talented kids (aged 10 to 11) whom I love from all my heart!

Толкова ги обичам тези чудeсни, талантливи деца!:))))))))))
Aren't they sweet?:)))))))))))

След това - второ издание на "Театрална ваканция в музея", проект иницииран, организиран и проведен от нашата театрална група. За малко повече от две седмици 50 деца от І до ІV клас създадоха заедно спектакъл.
В ателие "Перо" написаха сценария...
Right after that started the second edition of our theatre group's project "A Theatre Vacation in the Museum" (here's a video). For two weeks and a half 50 children aged 7 to 11 created together a performance, based upon the story that the dramatists wrote...

Да надникнем в ателие "Сръчко"!
Let's have a look at the scenographer's workshop!

Докато драматурзи и сценографи вдъхновени творяха, в ателие "Сцена" актьорите усвояваха тънкостите на играта с маски.
While the writers and the artists worked hard, the actors were learning how to use masks.

Кулминацията беше финалното представление - една история с извънземни, полет в космоса и приказни същества, която се случи в Регионален исторически музей-Русе.:D
And here's the performance - with aliens, fairy tale creatures and a space ship adventure, held at the Regional Museum of History.:D

Към групата ни се присъединиха млади хора, имахме си и стажантка - студентка от Холандия!
Our assistants were young, a Dutch girl had her internship with us!
Интересните събития, в които нашето семейство участваше, следваха без пауза.
- Римски пазар в археологически комплекс Сексагинта Приста (в програмата на ІІІ-ти фестивал "Аз, градът")...
The interesting cultural events in which our family participated followed one after another, without a break!
- The Roman Market, situated in Sexaginta Prista archaeological complex...

- И Детски панаир на изкуствата, организиран от фондации Изиарт и Америка за България.
- And the Children's Art Fair, organized by Easyart and America for Bulgaria foundations.

Обаче нямам сили и най-вече време за специален пост, защото Лятна театрална академия за деца в риск - Широка лъка и магическите Родопи ни очакват!
Sorry, but I don't have time for a special post, because the Summer Theatre Academy for children at risk in Shiroka Luka is waiting for us. And we are eager to see the magical Rhodope mountains again!

Какъв юни само!! Пренаситен от работа, нови преживявания, зареждащи контакти с деца, срещи с приятели, емоции, преумора, сладък сън... Задъхан, творчески, усмихнат!
С пожелание за вълшебен юли и до скоро!:))

What a June!! Overfilled with tasks, hard work, new contacts, wonderful children, dear friends, inspiration, smiles, exhaustion and sweet dreams...
Stay tuned and enjoy your July!:))

12 коментара:

  1. Rossichka, what joy this post has delivered to me! It's quite thrilling to see how the children found so many ways to express themselves. What a wonderful guide you are, helping these fledgling performers to take on so many different roles.

    I was very intrigued by the photographs of the mask-making. So much expression appeared in the finished masks. Wow!

    Hoping that all that fabulous June energy will continue to allow many successes in our new month of July.


  2. Thank you, dear Frances!:) We, the trainees, were all professionals and tried to give the children as much as we could.
    What about the masks... Actually this is the "paper mache" technique. The kids were very skillful and good learners. Did you watch the video? There you can see exactly this process.
    Hope we'll keep the energy, although I'm feeling I do need some rest.

  3. Ехееей, колко интензивен и богат юни! :)))) Щастлив творчески юли желая, Роси! И една среща сред пъстротата от събитя...:) До скоро! :)

    1. Среща радостна, цветна и безгрижна!... Направо се гмурвам в юли с нетърпение.:) А за теб да е слънчев, спокоен и усмихнат, Дени! хх

  4. Hey, Always, I'm speechless when I see the work that you and your husband do. I began to see this post and when I came to the video, I began to see ... and at one point I said: That man is not Rissichka husband? ... And then I saw you and heard your little voice !!!!! :)))) and I could not continue reading your post! Ha Ha!. I came directly to write this.
    Congratulations to you; your husband; and children! :)

    1. Thank you, Roberto! Me and my husband, we create the project ideas and organize everything to happen, but more people take part in the implementation!
      So... you saw us nearly "in flesh and blood!" :DD

  5. Rossi! You are a wonderwoman. Everytime you find new ways to let children express their creativity. Everytime a post is radiating with their joy. Happy faces, happy masks!
    And like Roberto I wondered is the man in the video your husband? And then you! Moving, talking, smiling. It isn't neccesary to understand the Bulgarian. Better even if you don't, because then you can focus on you! It's always great to see a person doing what he or she can do best. Like a fish in the water.
    I also wondered about the Dutch intern. The one who I thought it was, she speaks Bulgarian so now I am at a loss.
    But, please, take care of yourself. I hear sounds of tiredness through your words, starting some post back. Don't get exhausted! I have a little (minuscule) experience in working with children and I found it very tiresome. It gives you energy to stimulate them and make them enthousiastic, but it's give give give and it can drain your energy.
    I wish you a good stay in the mountains. You are a fantastic person! Love, hedwig

    1. Oh, oh, oh, I've blushed!:) I am not anything special, there are so many people who make similar things (for example the whole team in Shiroka Luka from where we have just returned.
      I am O.K., not that tired, full of enthusiasm and smiles! I will post soon about this newest experience, but I still don't know how to construct my post... xx

  6. Qu'il est plaisant de voir toute cette jeunesse pratique le théâtre ou bien encore les arts plastiques. Et c'est bien au moment où se forme le goût de l'art chez l'enfant qu'il est si important de le lui faire découvrir. Un acquit pour le reste de sa vie, et pour certains, une découverte d'une passion qui se transformera peut-être en geste professionnel.
    Bel été à tous


    1. Yes, that's exactly what we have dedicated to since we created our small Theatre group "Kamila". Alongside the puppet performances, of course! Thank you for the support and the encouraging words!:) Have a wonderful summer, too!

  7. Gosh you have been busy! What a lovely group of children and how lucky they are (and talented too!) Amazing work Rossi! :)
    Jess xx

    1. I like to be busy that way, thank you !:D Especially when we can see the result of our work... When I look at the photos (many, many times) I discover so many details, it's thrilling!
      Have a lovely summer, Jessie, hope to be in touch!:)
