четвъртък, 17 юли 2014 г.


Всяка година в края на юни и началото на юли в магически красивото селце Широка Лъка се случва чудо - Лятна театрална академия за деца в риск . Нашата Група за театър КАМИЛА е участвала по един или друг начин в нея - като ръководители на ателие Кукли, обучаващи по програма "Театър и образование", помощници или кукловоди във Вечерта на талантите.
Every year in June-July something miraculous happens in the beautiful Rhodopean village of Shiroka Laka - the Summer Theatre Academy for Children at Risk. Throughout the years our family theatre group KAMILA has participated in it like trainers, leaders of puppet workshops for children and adults, puppeteers, actors.

И тази година престоят ни беше хубав като приказка, която писахме заедно с децата, доброволците, стажантите, колегите, приятелите, спонсорите...
This summer our stay was like a fairy tale, that we wrote together with the children, the artists, the trainees, the volunteers, the sponsors...

Имаше МАСКИ...
There were workshops in MASKS...



Разбира се - много репетиции...
Of course - lots of rehearsals...

А в последния ден - спектакъл с етнтусиазирана многобройна публика от цяла България.
And a colourful performance with a cheerful audience in the last day.

Все още всички снимки не са споделени, буквално всеки ден някой публикува нови (за жалост нямам от ателиетата по йога, бойни изкуства и музика). В този пост болшинството са наши, но има и няколко "чужди", запечатали моменти, в които съм била зад кулисите...
I'm sorry I don't have photos from the yoga, martial arts and music workshops. These days nearly everyone from the team is posting photos, so probably I'll find some.
Тази година имаше стажанти и доброволци от Холандия, България и... Кения!
We had trainees and volunteers from Holland, Bulgaria and... Kenya!

Каква радост беше да се срещнем отново с трима от кенийските артисти, които обучаваме!
What a joy it was to meet again three of the Kenyan artists whom we work with in the KACP project!

Колкото и да ми се иска, не е възможно да публикувам всички снимки, нито да избера най-милите моменти на споделена близост и радост от това, че сме заедно.
По-важното за мен е да добиете представа за това, което Фондация "Ден Гри-Х" с ръководител, вдъхновител и организатор режисьорката Елена Панайотова и екипът от  артисти постигнаха през изминалите дванайсет години! А именно: възможността на децата в риск да се срещнат с изкуството, да разкрият и развият творческите си заложби,  да се себеизразяват, да създават красота, да творят заедно, да израснат духовно и, разбира се, да се забавляват и наслаждават на резултата от винаги интересния творчески процес. Резултат, който би бил невъзможен и без основния спонсор от Англия!

It is not possible to show here all the photos I've taken. And it's not necessary. But I do hope that you got an idea of what the main goal and the achievements of this project are - to give the children at risk the opportunity to make art, to discover and develop their talents, to create together, to enrich themselves emotionally, to enjoy the creative process and the result of their mutual work! And the person who inspires and  leads the team of artists is Elena Panayotova - a theatre director, who doesn't stop dreaming and together with the main sponsor from England encourages the children to dream, too!

Следващият пост ще бъде посветен на красивите широколъшки къщи - такива, каквито ги почувствах тази година!:)
My next post will be about the unique architecture of Shiroka Laka, so stay tuned!:)

16 коментара:

  1. Wow, Rossichka! This looks spectacular! What a fantastic achievement in so short time! It looks like a professional theatre. The costumes are so rich, so much colors and feathers, all those happy and concentrated faces. The dancers are beautiful.
    What a lucky children!!!!! I have great admiration for you and your team. Love you, Hedwig

    1. The workshop leaders are professionals. Every year the visual artists do their best - their room is the place which everyone likes to visit (and help, when needed!). It is full of different "treasures.:) Our son was a volunteer there.
      Thank you, my friend!xx

  2. Rossichka, seeing such imagination set free has brought me so much joy! Those children have had a wonderful opportunity to realize how talented each of them is.

    Bravo to you and to all the others who waved your own magic wands to summon up the creativity in other little heads and hands and feet and hearts, too. xo

    1. The participants were orphans, children at risk, children from the village and the kids of some of our colleagues! And, yes, all of them were lucky to have this wonderful opportunity to spend three weeks in the world of arts!
      You've said it so beautifully, thank you, Frances!:)

  3. Rossichka! I'm speechless!
    No, really do not need to show more photos. The photograph of the two girls with their eyes closed, highly concentrated in her action, is sufficient. I love your work! It is very exciting. and I suppose there is no more satisfying experience than the players when the play ends, and hear the applause of the audience!
    I congratulate you and admire you and your whole group of collaborators. I love the name of the group: Kamila
    Have a nice weekend!!!!!:)

    1. The satisfaction lasts for long. Every new photo brings joy and smiles. We look at them again and again and we see things (emotions, details) that we couldn't notice then.
      "Kamila" means a "camel".:D
      Have a lovely weekend, too and thanks for the support, Roberto!xx

  4. oh how wonderful!
    such treasure-full experiences.
    memories to last a life time
    and connections of the heart.

    1. Oh, thank you for this sweet poem!:) "Connections of the heart" - yes, and so much love!!

  5. Отговори
    1. Thank you! I have posts from the last two or three years, too, under the label "Shiroka Luka" - you could more photos there.:)

  6. Wow! So many talented people and amazing children. Your pictures are stunning and I feel humbled by how wonderful they are and by how much fun the children are having. Thank you for sharing. Your World is so very different from mine, but very exciting too :D
    Thank you also for your lovely words, I'm not always very strong, but I try :D

  7. Maybe we both need something from the world of the other?:))
    What I've learnt during the years is that every child can make art and has a talent that can help him feel better, more self-confident and that "opens" him in a way.
    I wish you many new summer paintings to lighten your days!

  8. That really is a magical village! I would love to be a participant.

  9. Oh, if it could happen, you would enjoy working and having fun with the team!
    I'll post photos from the village next week. You can see my old posts under the label "Shiroka Luka'.
    Have a lovely weekend, Sasa!
