четвъртък, 31 юли 2014 г.


Искам да ви покажа неповторимите къщи на Широка Лъка.
I would like to show you the unique houses of Shiroka Laka.
Но не само поддържаните и реставрираните...
But not only the good-looking ones...

Или тези, каращи сърцето ми да трепне...
Or those, in which prominent Bulgarians lived during the last couple of centuries...

А онези, тъжните,  които са пусти, полуразрушени, сякаш забравени... Къщите с минало, но без настояще. Все още пазещи своите истории. Дано успея да предам очарованието им...
But also the silent  and sad ones - empty, abandoned, lonely, almost ruined... Houses,  keeping their histories. With past, but without present. Mystreious and beautiful for me. Just have a look...

Стъпала, които не водят никъде...
A stairway, leading to nowhere...
Врати, които дори не са заключени...
Open doors, unlocked...

Пейка, останала без своите стопани, но чула толкова много...
A bench, that knows lots of stories, but doesn't wait for new ones...
Нямам насита да ходя по калдаръмените улички на това сякаш неземно селце.
I adore the winding cobblestoned streets!

А погледна ли нагоре... Ах, тези родопски комини (някои от тях пушат дори през юли!)!
And when you raise your eyes - here they are, the famous Rhodopean chimneys, some of them smoking even in July!:D

Всяка врата (и стара, и нова) има собствена физиономия...
The doors (old and new) have their personalities...

А зад тях винаги е толкова интересно...
And it's always interesting to see what's behind them...
Опитах се да ви разкрия магията на старите самотни къщи в Широка Лъка такава, каквато я усетих. Може би именно благодарение на безбройните туристи, те все още са живи - в техните очи и във въображението им.
Какви други красоти си донесох в снимки - в следващия пост.:)
So this is the magic of Shiroka Laka's old houses. According to me. Partly ruined, but charming. Still alive in the eyes of the numerous tourists... What other beauties from the Rhodope mountains I have kept in my camera - in the next post.:) 
Прекрасен, вълнуващ и щастлив август на всички!!!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful, happy August, everyone!!!!!!!!!!

8 коментара:

  1. Hello, dear Rossichka! Thank you for showing this beautiful old village. I am very fond of old houses. It's such a pity they are abandoned and become ruins, allthough there is beauty in that, but melancholic beauty. The big stones found in the fields, the crooked rooftiles, the wooden windows, the stairs, the little streets with weeds growing eveywhere, are more beautiful than straight and modern buildings and big roads, I think, but perhaps life in these old houses was hard and bitter, because the owners were so poor. I tend to idealize the past and think it romantic. But I like very much to see your pictures!!! and dream away with them.
    Love you, Hedwig!
    ps I loved that doorknocker in the shape of an arm with hand!

  2. This is the destiny of the small villages (Shiroka Luka's inhabitants are around 500!!) - people leave them in order to search opportunities for job and better life in the towns and cities. But I suppose some of the owners will restore the houses if not for living, for guest houses (as others have done!), because the village is very special with its architecture and longstanding music traditions and is near to magical nature phenomenons in the Rhodope mountains.:)) See this -
    Dear Hedie, hope you are enjoying your summer! Be healthy and in a good mood!xxxxxx

  3. so many wonderful glimpses
    these are the details that catch my eye as well
    reminds me of times in Italia
    thank you for sharing
    lovely summer to you ~

  4. These houses were beautiful in older times (there are still lace curtains on the windows of some of them!) So many "talking" details...
    Italia? It must have been a remarkable life experience!!
    Happy August, Tammie!

  5. A town frozen in time. I could live there. I would love to live there. (I only need internet for work) but should be a extraordinary experience, I guess, to meet in the evenings at the tavern of the village, listen stories told by old inhabitants.
    The village in which I live also has 500 inhabitants, but, contrary to this, is growing every day more. for my taste, none of the two possibilities is good, I do not want your village die, and I do not want mine to grow :)
    I send you a kiss and a hug. for you and your husband! Thanks for showing such beauty!

  6. Shiroka Laka is under the special protection of UNESCO, it's an architectural reservee. To be honest, the taverns are full of tourists all year long, but old people use to sit on small benches in front of their houses and discuss life matters...
    Hope your village won't be overpopulated! But what to do, more and more people search for a quiet life, far from the big cities!
    Is spring coming soon or I am wrong?
    Big hugs and many nice moments with your family!xx

  7. Ah, i think, that tourist are someting like an unwanted invasion. but including us, have bedrooms that rent to tourists, here in my house. so, I must not complain about tourists. Ja Ja! :)

  8. On the other hand, you meet new people and probably make friends with some of them!:) It must be refreshing. By the way, I'm writing this just in the garden of our seaside hosts with whom we've become friends throughout the years. :) Today I made some pics and am going to send you some of them.:)))
