четвъртък, 16 март 2017 г.


Този пост е само за да дам знак, че въпреки заетостта си, винаги се връщам тук!

Hello, everybody!
I am really sorry for being here so rarely. I love Blogland and it's not the lack of time that actually stops me from posting, but the way I usually feel at the end of a busy day - no force for anything, even for commenting your posts, tired, and sometimes having to work again for the next morning.

I'm so happy and relieved now for I finished the big translation a couple of days ago . And here I am with my new post!:-)
It'll be nothing special... Just several photos from some lovely moments that I had meanwhile...

Няколко ЦВЕТНИ снимки с повод и без повод от изминалия месец...  

Flowers always cheer me up! No matter whether picked by me on the street...

Received on an occasion...

Or just given with love!

Имах късмет за четвърти или пети път в живота си да видя дъга. Тя се появи и изчезна изключително бързо, малко хора я забелязаха, но беше приказна гледка!

My husband and I, we had the rare chance to see a rainbow after a 10 minute afternoon rain! I think very few people noticed it! It vanished as quickly as it had appeared!

Hope you and your beloved ones are doing well!:)

9 коментара:

  1. Красивите кокичета ми напомнят, че пропуснах да посадя някои в градината - но пък затова ириси. И тях ги очаквах в съвсем друг месец, а те се случиха най-първите цветя тази пролет. Преди две-три седмици ме зарадваха съвсем неочаквано. Още преди минзухарите. След зимните студове свежи цветенца са си чиста радост.

    1. Здравейте!😃
      Да, така е... Знам, че не е хубаво да се късат цветята, но навсякъде из града е пълно с теменужки! А букетчето с кукуряка ми е армаган от разходка сред природата. Градинка да имаш е повече от прекрасно!

  2. How lovely to see a rainbow. Your flowers are so pretty and always brighten a home. I hope you are well and not too tired at the end of the day. I only really post on my blog in the mornings when my brain is fresh.
    Take care sweet friend.x

    1. Well, I'm an "owl", so I come to my blog usually at the end of the long day. Thus, you could read my comment with the morning coffee/tea. I suppose you garden is already full of spring flowers. Have a nice new week, Kimberley!xx

  3. I love the snowdrops! And spring is exciting :)
    love, hedwig

    1. Oh, yes! During the last couple of days the thermometer reached 20 degrees and the fruit trees are full of blossom now!
      I'm sorry, I cannot organize myself for a chat with you, it's always late in the evening when I get free. Maybe this or next Sunday?
      Hope you are doing well, Hedie!xox

    2. Right now I am going to work with a scenographer upon the costumes for the new musical. Bye!

    3. Hello Rossi! yes, I am doing well. Spring is here also, although not in abundance yet. Dont worry about the chat. i very much like to come here and see your fb posts.
      Love, Hedwig

    4. Lots of things are happening here... Going to concerts and meeting dear friends who live abroad, to name a few. They are here for a while, to participate in a big international music festival, running in our town - March Music Days. One of them is Marieta Petkova.😊 So, this is a very special month! Maybe these moments give us the energy we need for our projects?...
      Still I know we'll have a chat sooner or later, Hedie!
      Big hugs to you!
