понеделник, 20 февруари 2017 г.


Една истинска зима - дълга, студена и снежна...

We've been having the longest and coldest winter for the last decade. With lots of snow! Unfortunately I missed the days when it was new, thick and perfectly white for I was ill and had to stay at home. BUT... here are some pics from the park, taken around the end of January...

Съкровища по снежните пътеки...

Some treasures found on the snowy paths...

I like especially the winter flowers...:)

And this is my high school, situated in the park! Every time I see it, my heart sinks!

The temperatures were that low, that the river Danube froze! When I went to see it, the ice was melting...

But still I noticed a young man walking on the surface!! That day it was a bit risky though...

My blog friends already know, that if I'm silent, it's a sign that I'm really busy. Yeah, this time no exception to the rule.:) One of my major tasks lately is to translate from English the songs for the new musical of the Children's Opera. I'll write more about in another post.

Заета както винаги, но има моменти, които ме откъсват от това...:)

It's February. And... you know, there's always something that can cheer you up for a while. In a different way...

This wonderfvul papercut heart is a gift from my blog friend Nela! Actually they are three and make my home look prettier around St Valentine's Day.

Hope you are all doing well, waiting eagerly for the change of seasons, whatever they are in the different parts of the globe!

П.П. Тъй като за всичките седем години, през които имам този блог, само няколко души от България са коментирали (по-малко от пръстите на едната ми ръка), спирам да пиша на български, защото не виждам смисъл. Поне в настоящия момент. Неколцината ми приятелки (знаете си кои сте) ще ме извинят...:(

7 коментара:

  1. Жалко, следвам блога от поне три години от Германия, където нямам почти никакъв контакт вече с български / българи и за мен е винаги удоволствие да почета на родния език красиви, позитивни разказчета от такъв креативен човек като Вас. Не съм писала до сега, защото смятах, че няма нужда още някой да дава на всяка манджа мерудия .. Но ако всички останали в коментар секцията са имали същата мисъл, българската част съвсем се е затишила .. Разбирам решението, но пасажите със сигурност много ще ми липсват.

    1. Здравейте! Приятно ми е да открия, че все пак има и българи, които следят блога ми! Аз също не коментирам навсякъде, никой не е длъжен, но тук от години имам чувството, че говоря в празна стая... Може би ще се огранича до няколко изречения, както е в този пост, благодарение на Вас!☺

  2. И аз ще гледам отсега нататък по-често да нарушавам тишината :)

  3. Hello Rossi! Snow looks very romantic. On a picture you forget the cold feeling. We had a littel snow, but an icy wind coming from the east!
    I wonder what are these lumpy things on the riverside? With sculptures in it. Are they made of ice, sand or wood? I like them. They seem so mysterious.
    I am happy you are better and stay better, please! You always work so hard. I worked as a translator for long time. I very much liked to translate songs, but also difficult because of the rhyme and the rhythm. But it must be nice to do for a change. Your workspot looks very cosy.
    Love, Hedwig

    1. Hello, Hedie! If you enlarge the photo of my desk, you will notice something familiar to you... just in front of my eyes!:)
      These are sand sculptures from a festival that was held last summer. They are a bit ruined by rain ansd snow, but still there - a whole row... The lumpy things are the ice and snow that covered the river?...
      It's very interesting to translate the text and especially the songs - I will tell you later the title of the musical. I translate every day, with no exception. The most difficult thing is to fit the words to the melody... But you know that!
      We are expecting spring temperatures at the end of the week. The sun was shining today, birds were singing and I saw the first snowdrops...
      Love and hugs!
      P.S. I sent you some pics from our meeting, did you see them?

  4. Your pictures are lovely, I wish we'd had snow this winter, but it's just been lots of rain! You always are very busy, my friend and translating songs must be quite tricky! Why does your heart sink when you see the High School?
    Hope all is well with you.xxx

    1. Hello! Thanks for your visit! Yes, we were all surprised by so much snow, but now, after two cold months, everybody's enjoying the warm sun!
      Well,I finished with the songs - they are all translated and the children learn them, I'm so happy to see they like the lyrics!
      Maybe I should have said that my heart beats faster when I pass along my highschool (an English Language School), because I love it!
      Hugs to you!xxx
