понеделник, 14 март 2016 г.


Не ми се случва често да се загледам в графитите,  "залели" улици, подлези, спирки, превзели ронещи се стени, гаражи... (не говоря за драсканиците с "букви" по прясно измазани фасади и врати!) ... Оценявам, когато са майсторски направени, талантът винаги намира начин да се прояви, но в моите очи обикновено подчертават разрухата наоколо...

I am not a graffiti fan, I rarely stop my eyes on them, especially on "letters" splashed on clean doors or freshly painted walls... But when I see graffiti drawings I feel differently. Especially when they are made by obviously talented artists.

Скоро обаче се върнах от Варна, където имах премиера в кукления театър. В кратките ми обедни почивки се разхождах из уличките в центъра, пълни с красиви стари къщи, които, за жалост, се рушат... И въпреки това в дворовете им има място за лехи с цветя, за мързеливи котета и за надежда, че всичко може пак да стане хубаво. Някой ден...

A week ago I came back home from Varna, where I lived for some weeks, while rehearsing in the puppet theatre. There're wonderful old houses in the centre of the city and I loved to wander at noon, during the break. Unfortunately some of them are ruining, but still beautiful. The gardens were full of violets, snowdrops and lazy cats, as if the buildings hadn't lost their hope for a better future.:)

Докато това време дойде, анонимни художници са се опитали да освежат градското пространство. Да доставят настроение на минувачите. И са успели! Буквално на всяка крачка изникват ярки фигури и приковават вниманието ти... Новите граждани!:)

During my walks I noticed bright spots - graffiti art, literally at every corner. The New citizens, making the dirty spaces or desolated buildings look more friendly and even funny. 

Ето така един мрачен ден може да стане свеж и приветлив.:)

And yes, they uplifted the mood, especially in a rainy day...

Освежаването на средата, в която живеем явно е заразителна. Тази сграда сякаш светеше под нощното небе...:) Сигурно е приятно да се живее в нея!

I guess graffiti art is inspiring - someone had decided to live in a picturesque building.:) It was shining with its yellow in the dark.

Само от една седмица съм вкъщи, а репетициите ми липсват! За постановката ще пиша в следващ пост.

I miss Varna and my colleagues. I'll post about my puppet show very soon.

10 коментара:

  1. Love this street art.
    It's not graffiti, or scribbling,
    it's art.

  2. It is a level above graffiti and looks so cheerful.

    1. This cheerfulness "opened" my eyes, so I'll look around here, too...
      Did you see the snowy sculptures in my previous post?:)

  3. Dear Rossichka, I think that I agree with you about appreciating artistry of certain talented street artists who chose neglected walls for their canvas.

    Those folks with spray paint who only wish to sign their tag somewhere to mark that spot as theirs...well that is something very different.

    When I visited the exhibit at the new Met Breuer last week, and saw a large Basquiat painting, I remembered the years that I lived in a primitive SOHO loft and loved to find Basquiat's "SAMO" chalk messages on neighborhood walls, and to find Haring's chalk drawings on blank advertising black poster spaces in the subway stations.

    That was a long time ago. Both those artists found "art history" fame and some fortune, and died when far too young.

    Oh, see how my comment made a turn?


    1. Oh, your comment is so precious, Frances! That's why I love blogging - it gives us the opportunity to share our visions, personal experiences, reflections on different themes and life matters, learn new things, widen our horizons... Thank you for sharing your experience, those must have been very important years for you...

  4. Wow. amazing! i am like you, in general i see graffitis as dirty walls, especially that kind of graffiti that are strange letters that you cant read what the word say. (perhaps i have a not modern and advanced mind, im sorry) but yes i like this kind of graffiti that you show here. i think some of them are made by the same artist. And i think the building's walls are not a graffiti, it is a beautiful decoration. (seems like _Marimeko design) Nice week, Rossichka! :)

    1. Well, well, so those "letters" are all over the world then...
      Some years ago my husband took lots of pictures of graffiti art. Now, obviously, it's my turn...
      You are right - the building walls were decorated, but they looked only natural among the variety of graffiti characters. I haven't heard of Marimekko design, thanks for telling me!x

  5. So cool, love to see this. My area in London has a lot of graffiti too, I need to take some photos, especially since they change quite frequently.

    1. Oh, it would be great to see them! I realized that I actually liked the style of the artist, that's why I chose these ones.
      Happy Easter, Sasa!
