понеделник, 20 октомври 2014 г.


Този месец времето е толкова хубаво, че разходките зачестиха! На практика почти всяко прибиране вкъщи го превръщам в разходка. Ако имам време, променям обичайния си маршрут, за да изследвам промените, които есента внася по познати и не толкова познати кътчета в града...
This October is gorgeous! I go out for a walk more than ever and turn my everyday coming back home into an improvised walk - exploring small streets and remote places, some of which I am not sure I have ever seen!

Все още зеленото е в изобилие...
There's still lots of green...

Но очите ми грабват новите цветни петна в палитрата, които всеки ден стават повече...
But my eyes are attracted by the bright yellow, orange and red, popping up everywhere..:)

Всичко е толкова различно. И дърветата, и цветята, и сградите...
Под ясното есенно небе повече от всякога се открояват олющените фасади, избелелите мазилки, но великолепните орнаменти свидетелстват за миналото архитектурно величие (и настоящо различие) на Русе! Каква красота!
Everything looks different - the trees, the flowers, the sky, the buildings. The facades of the oldest ones need to be repaired, but the ornaments testify to the glorious past when the architecture was the main symbol of Rousse (and still expresses the city's uniqueness).

По-късно вкъщи, затворя ли очи, виждам "португалски" цветове - синьо, бяло и жълто.:)
Later at home, when I close my eyes, I see "Portuguese" colours, i.e. blue, white and yellow.:)

Като тези...:D
Like these ones... :D

Не само хората са щастливи и търсят топлината на слънчевите лъчи!
Not only people feel happy under the warm, caressing sun rays!

Кръстосвайки из малки, тихи улички, попадам на истински находки!
While wandering, looking up and behind fences, I make sweet discoveries!

Изключително рядко ми се случва да наблюдавам залез над река Дунав! :)))))))))))))
The river Danube at sunset - I should watch it more often!:))))))))

Дано има още хубави есенни дни!
I hope there're more warm Autumn days to come!

10 коментара:

  1. BEAUTIFUL post!!!! We had nice warm weather till today. Now a storm is raging. I sit in my kitchen near the stove and hear the rain against the windows.
    Enjoy your yellow and red leaves and eep looking at the blue sky's!
    Hugs and kisses, Hedwig

  2. Tomorrow will be the last sunny day (for now). The storm and the strong winds are coming to us!:( Today I went to the park just to find out that the yellow trees are still not many...
    It's such a romantic scene - you in the warm kitchen and the cold rain outside! Hope you'll sleep well this night! Are the dogs afraid from the thunders? Hugs, Hedie!!

  3. Oh Rossichka, what fun to have you get to see photos from my New York walks, and then to have the pleasure now in seeing your beautiful autumn views.

    It's raining hard tonight and more is predicted for tomorrow and the next day. I hope those predictions are not true. I prefer to enjoy autumn walks without an umbrella!


    1. Me, too, Frances! But we are expecting this night the cold rainy weather coming from UK through Holland to the Balkans. So we took out pullovers, shawls and coats. I hope my folding umbrella will survive the wind!:)
      On the other hand they predict Indian Summer next month, so I choose to believe it!:) xx

  4. such beautiful glimpses of your autumn
    makes my eyes and heart smile
    wishing you days and nights that feel wonderful to you ~

    1. Thank you, Tammie! But, believe it or not, the whole weekend it rained a lot and snowed!:-D What a dramatic change! There're villages and towns that had problems with the electricity. It was sad to see green leaves, covered with snow... Still, we are expecting the promised Indian Summer... I hope it will come - today the sun appeared!:)
      Wishing you a lovely new week!

  5. Hi Rossichka,
    A lovely post as always, it is so nice to walk with you and see your beautiful country, I also love the Autumn colors, see how trees turn into yellow and other great colors is always nice, a real gift for our eyes before everything turns all with, I also love to see the wild wine vines leaves, they just turn into the best red to brown colors,
    Our weather is still Autumn-ish, fresh and rain,
    have a great day!

    1. Not only our love for illustrations and drawing, but also Autumn connects us. How nice! Beauty all around is a real gift!:)

  6. The colorful leaves and the buildings are amazing but it is the cats that get most of my attention...

    1. Well, we still have "street" cats and dogs here. But some of those cats lived in the houses, I was passing by. And you know, they enjoy every sunny moment in sunbathing !:)
