понеделник, 20 октомври 2014 г.


Този месец времето е толкова хубаво, че разходките зачестиха! На практика почти всяко прибиране вкъщи го превръщам в разходка. Ако имам време, променям обичайния си маршрут, за да изследвам промените, които есента внася по познати и не толкова познати кътчета в града...
This October is gorgeous! I go out for a walk more than ever and turn my everyday coming back home into an improvised walk - exploring small streets and remote places, some of which I am not sure I have ever seen!

Все още зеленото е в изобилие...
There's still lots of green...

Но очите ми грабват новите цветни петна в палитрата, които всеки ден стават повече...
But my eyes are attracted by the bright yellow, orange and red, popping up everywhere..:)

Всичко е толкова различно. И дърветата, и цветята, и сградите...
Под ясното есенно небе повече от всякога се открояват олющените фасади, избелелите мазилки, но великолепните орнаменти свидетелстват за миналото архитектурно величие (и настоящо различие) на Русе! Каква красота!
Everything looks different - the trees, the flowers, the sky, the buildings. The facades of the oldest ones need to be repaired, but the ornaments testify to the glorious past when the architecture was the main symbol of Rousse (and still expresses the city's uniqueness).

По-късно вкъщи, затворя ли очи, виждам "португалски" цветове - синьо, бяло и жълто.:)
Later at home, when I close my eyes, I see "Portuguese" colours, i.e. blue, white and yellow.:)

Като тези...:D
Like these ones... :D

Не само хората са щастливи и търсят топлината на слънчевите лъчи!
Not only people feel happy under the warm, caressing sun rays!

Кръстосвайки из малки, тихи улички, попадам на истински находки!
While wandering, looking up and behind fences, I make sweet discoveries!

Изключително рядко ми се случва да наблюдавам залез над река Дунав! :)))))))))))))
The river Danube at sunset - I should watch it more often!:))))))))

Дано има още хубави есенни дни!
I hope there're more warm Autumn days to come!

вторник, 7 октомври 2014 г.


It's early (and mostly sunny!) autumn again. But I don't enjoy it in the way I expected. Since last September everything has changed for me - with the death of my mum and my son going to university abroad! A double absence that I still can't get used to... This moment of the year enlarges the pain.

So... Here's my momentary portrait (through my eyes):

I AM suffering, missing, crying, waiting, often in a low spirit...
I FEEL tired, sad, confused in a way, but at the same time full of creative ideas and hope.
I think what I NEED is:
a change
a challenge
something new
work, work, work
more sleep
more energy
a nice movie
a friend's smile
a child's hug
everyday joy (if possible)
stimulating thoughts, not negative ones
to calm down
to go back to the past as rarely as possible
to look ahead
to listen to the others
to listen to myself
to eat less bread and cakes, more fruits and vegetables ;)
to drink more water
to finish reading the lovely books, brought specially for me from abroad
to fulfill my papercut ideas
to put on stage a new puppet show
a change

Love? I have it!:)

P.S. I crawled "out of my shell" to write all this...