понеделник, 28 януари 2013 г.


Hello, everyone!
Blogging has turned into an important part of our lives. We all have different motifs and  necessities to keep doing it... During that journey we make discoveries - about the world, about the others, about ourselves. When we share, we trust each other and it's so thrilling to feel a support and understanding from someone, you have never seen, but the mutual contact with whom brings you joy and makes you feel good!
I am sure you'll agree with me that one of the most beautiful sides of blogging is finding new friends. I haven't  expected that, but today I am happy to say  that I met several special persons, who became very dear to my heart! One of them is Gretel Parker.
Perhaps some of you know her and others - don't. She's a wonderful, sincere, warm-hearted  person, a talented illustrator and a needle felt master. I love her very much! She was the first one to follow my blog and thus encouraged me -  more than 3 years ago. I have one of her beautiful books, sent together with lots of sweet gifts.
Unfortuntely, right now,  Gretel is passing through a very sad and hard period of her life....
Something that could happen to everyone of us and those who have had such an experience know how much it hurts and how many sweet cares one needs to recover...
Gretel has a lot of friends who, as you see, try to ease her pain. (Thank you, Jessie and Charlotte!)
I dare to hope that some of you can help her, too!...


четвъртък, 17 януари 2013 г.



С тези кукли, специално изработени в България за тренинга ми по куклен театър, открихме фестивала. (Аз играя с лъва.)
These hand puppets, that were made in Bulgaria for my training session in puppetry, opened the Festival. (I'm manipulating the Lion!)

Това приказно дърво беше естественият ни декор, а пространството около него - сцената. Пред очите на зрителите като фон - езерото Виктория, за което ще пиша в следващ пост.

This magical tree was our scenery, the space around it - the stage and as a background - the lake Victoria ( I will write a special post about it).

Прекарахме цялата сутрин на открито в репетиции, игри, рисуване, техническа подготовка на събитието, хапване на сандвичи, смях и снимки за спомен, докато дойде времето за обличане на костюмите.

We spent the whole morning in the open air - rehearsing, drawing, playing warming-up games, installing the music, еating  sandwiches, laughing and taking pics, until it was time to put on the costumes! 

И така Вторият театрален фестивал за деца в Кисуму започна! Шест малки спектакъла очароваха публиката в горещия следобед. Шест красиви и емоционални истории, представящи африкански приказки, обичаи и митове, над които 200 деца работиха в продължение на три седмици, ръководени от 28 млади артисти и художници от Кисуму в процес, наблюдаван от нас - вж. http://rossichka.blogspot.com/2012/11/v-my-african-journal-part-iv.html

So the Second Kisumu Children Theatre Festival began! Six mini-shows in the hot afternoon, that the public admired! Six beautiful and exciting stories upon African myths, customs and fairytales - the result of the hard three-week work of 200 children and 28 young Kisumu artists, a process our European team was responsible for - see http://rossichka.blogspot.com/2012/11/v-my-african-journal-part-iv.html
  игра с маски, изработени от децата     playing with masks, made by the children

игра с кукли, изработени от визуалните артисти     manipulating puppets, made by the artists

  театър     acting


танци     dancing
 И моята награда...     And my award...
