понеделник, 6 април 2020 г.


Тази година месец март започна както обикновено - с мартеници и радостта от подранилата пролет.

The beginning of March was uplifting - with the beautiful martenitsas I gave and received and the joy that Spring had arrived earlier. 

Но само седмица по-късно всичко се преобърна с главата надолу - COVID-19 не подмина и България! Трябваше да си останем вкъщи. 

But a week later everything changed like in a bad dream - the coronavirus reached Bulgaria! We had to stay at home for our own safety and to help slowing down the spread of COVID-19 as well.

Наблюдавах как растат цветята в саксиите...
It was amazing to watch my flowers blooming in the pots...

А когато пазарувах - цъфналите дървета навън...
And to see the trees bursting with blossom, when shopping.

Всъщност, там всичко си беше на мястото...
Actually everything outside was at its place...

Дори това коте!
Even this cat, enjoying the sun!

Рязко се увеличи апетитът ми за сладко, затова запретнах ръкави...
As we know, stress leads to craving for sweets, so I made apple jam...

Подслаждането продължи и на рождения ми ден...
And had a really "sweet" birthday!

Но при цялото напрежение от несигурността и тревогата, с които живеем...
But what's most important in the difficult times we are passing through...

... се убеждавам за пореден път, че няма нищо по-хубаво и ценно от любовта на семейството и обичта на приятелите ни!
... is the care and love that we receive from our family and friends, isn't it?

А какъв беше вашият месец март? 
What about your month of March? 

7 коментара:

  1. Hi Rossi I tried to leave a comment two days ago, but I don't think it published, I must have hit the wrong button! Anyway, it is lovely to have you back in Blogland and to see that you are being happy and creative in these difficult times. A late 'Happy Birthday' to you!xx

    1. Thank you, Gretel! I'm so glad to be in touch with you again! I'm connected with some blog friends in FB and these days I found them in Instagram, as well!
      Hope the weather is sunny and the spring is beautiful as always. Hugs!xx

  2. I'm back too, please stay too. I like your present. I'm happy

    1. Hello, Maria! I will stay here:) So nice we'll be in touch again! Keep safe!

  3. Този коментар бе премахнат от автора.

  4. Hi Rossi! Beautiful face you made with your scissors! And what a funny doggies :))))))))))))))))

    1. He-he, I happen to know the artist!:) I love your doggies, Hedie, they made my birthday lovelier! Thank you!
      I cut this face without planning - I just had this big sheet from an old calendar and took the scissors...
