На път към Кения имах голям престой в Амстердам.
On my way to Kenya, I had a one-day stop in Amsterdam.
Имах време за разходка. Всичко ми хареса тук - архитектурата, уличките край каналите, прелитащите колоездачи, атмосферата...
What a beautiful city, so picturesque and calm... I liked the channels, the lazy water, the boats, the meandering streets, the hundreds of bikes...
Щастлива съм, защото това беше уникална възможност да се срещна с моята скъпа блог-приятелка Хеди! И да усетя истинска близост. Една мечта се сбъдна!
I had the happy chance to meet my dear blog-friend Hedie! We walked around the city and shared many lovely hours together! It's unbelievable - one dream came true! Thank you, Hedie, for the sincere welcoming!
След продължителен нощен полет, ето ме отново в Африка! В Кения...
Проектът, който стартира през 2011 г. и в който участвах през първите три години, продължава да се развива успешно, днес вече под названието PAYA - Performing Arts for Youth Africa.
After a long night flight to Africa, here I am again in Kenya! Habari!
The KCAP project that had started in 2011 and in which I participated till 2013 develops successfully, so from this year on it broadens its territory and is called PAYA - Performing Arts for Youth Africa.
Отново в Кисуму! Красота навсякъде... Цветовете са толкова интензивни - в пълен контраст с прахта по улиците и районите с шокираща нищета...
In Kisumu again... Beauty is everywhere! How I missed these bright colours in magnificent forms... As well as the bird songs!
Езерото Виктория си е на мястото.:) Водата му танцува свободно, залязващото слънце рисува вдъхновено по нея и по облаците... Красивият, но коварен воден зюмбюл е изчезнал.
Lake Victoria looks magical as ever. Its surface is clear - the invasive water hyacinth has disappeared. The last sun rays draw inspiring pictures on the water and the sky above!
Групата млади артисти от Кения, Танзания и Занзибар е изключително силна: толкова талантливи музиканти, певци, танцьори и актьори на едно място. Енергията е страхотна!
Всеки преминава общ тренинг, преди "тясното профилиране".
За мен е огромна радост, че работата с кукли носи истинско удоволствие и на музиканти, и на певци, и на танцьори, и на актьори. Така ми се иска да си "открадна" някого от тях!:)
This year we work with an incredible group of multi-talented young people from Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar, most of them professional musicians and singers. The creative energy is mighty and inspiring!
Навсякъде се работи с отдаденост, въображение и вдъхновение... Какво емоционално и творческо зареждане само!!
This is a unique artistic, emotional and creative expeience! Everyone, every day gives his best!
Смях, музика и песни! Блеснали усмивки! Habari!:))
Congratulations Rossichka! Two counties, and thousands of different emotions!
ОтговорИзтриванеCongratulations on your encounter with Hedie. (She is a wonderful friend who dedicated her time for several days last year to show us her beautiful country.) And congratulations for dedicating your time unselfishly to this beautiful adventure of bringing your art to Africa.
We hope to see and read more news! :)
Thank you, my friend! I hope o have time to put more photos soon. Being here is an incredible experience on many levels. In four days we are starting to work with children.
ИзтриванеWhat about meeting Hedie - it was so nice, so exciting! Now it's time to meet the three of us!:D
See you!x
My friends, it was a pleasure to show you Amsterdam. I now have met you both and I still think it is a miracle to find friends through our blog life.
ОтговорИзтриванеYour Africa experience is amazing. So short time you are there and already all that beautiful happy kids and costumes! Where ever you are, you inspire the children to make art and theatre. Great work, Rossi!
Thank you, Hedie, that you came to see me! Meeting you in person is one of the highlights of my year!
ИзтриванеWhat about the project - our team is really amazing! We all work together - "One for all, all for one!"
Ok next time in my country. In my house. You two have a reason to come called Roberto :) ... JA JA .... No, no, really. (R. has friends and H, brother.) Why do not come to my country and meet us at my house? I have room in my house for you too! :)
ОтговорИзтриванеOoo, thank you! Dreams are the spice of life!:)
ИзтриванеAnd maybe you could both come to Bulgaria, to sit on that bench at the seaside together?...xx
What a wonderful and life affirming post. Lightens the heart to know there are people like you in the world.
ОтговорИзтриванеOoo, I just took this chance - it came so unexpectedly! I took it and found out how inspiring and life-changing is to see a seed growing up! Thank you so much for the encouragement, Charlotte! I just do what I can.:)