понеделник, 11 април 2016 г.


Ден след ден, постепенно, без да бърза, пролетта разцъфва... Тази година е толкова красива и щедра на цвят и багри, че всеки един момент от нея може да се превърне в началото на приказна разходка!
Day after day, spring is revealing its charm and beauty: the fruit trees in full bloom are just lovely, like white and pink clouds in the gardens and along the streets; the flowers, growing everywhere, are like bright coloured spots... Each and every moment of the day could be chosen for the beginning of a marvellous spring walk!

Така направихме и ние, в компанията на скъпа наша приятелка, завърнала се за малко от чужбина. Първо отидохме до единствения действащ у нас скален манастир - в с.Басарбово, до Русе.
So did we with my husband - took a dear friend of ours, living abroad, on an exciting afternoon trip. First we visited the Rock Monastery of Basarbovo near Rousse - the only one of the kind in Bulgaria that is still functioning.

48 стъпала водят до него.                                            48 steps are leading to it.

Това е монахът Хрисант, който през 1937 г. се заселва в манастира и въпреки трудностите, успява да го възроди и съхрани. 
Hrissant - the monk, who came to live here in 1937 and succeeded to revive and preserve the monastery.

Тези стъпала водят до нишата, в която е погребан.
The stairs leading to the place he's buried.

Свети Димитър Басарбовски, който е обитавал скалния манастир през 17-ти век...
St Dimitar Bassarbovski, who spent his life here back in the 17th century...

Вътре в скалната църква...                                                 Inside the church...

Тук се пази частица от мощите на светеца...
A tiny part of the Saint's relics is being kept here...

Втората половина от вълшебното пътешествие отделихме за Ивановските скални църкви - част от списъка на световното културно наследство на ЮНЕСКО.
Then we went to the famous Rock Churches of Ivanovo, included in UNESCO cultural heritage list!

Това е скалната църква "Света Богородица". До входа й водят стъпала, чието изкачване, противно на очакванията ми, не беше изморително.:)
This is "St.Mary" church. It looked too high for me, but I didn't get tired while climbing.:)

От малкото балконче ( на 38 м височина) се откри тази гледка...
The view from the small balcony...

А по стените и таваните на трите малки помещения вътре можах да видя известните стенописи, основно библейски сцени, изрисувани от майстори на Търновската художествена школа по времето на Второто българско царство. Не случайно казват, че Ренесансът всъщност е започнал оттук!...
The walls and the ceilings inside are covered with the famous murals (mainly scenes from the Bible), drawn by artists who lived during the Second Bulgarian kingdom (12th-14th centuries). Some historians consider that the Renaissance has actually started from here!...

Носенето на кръста (Страстите Христови)...

Тайната вечеря...                                                       The Secret Dinner...

Преображение Господне...            The Transfiguration of Jesus...

Обесването на Юда...                       The Hanging of Judas...

Беше най-обикновен делничен ден. И само на половин час път от шумния град попаднахме в друга реалност. Красотата, топлината и птичите песни зашеметяваха... Чувствах се свободна и щастлива!
So... all this happened in an ordinary day at the end of March. Just some 30 minutes drive from the noisy city and we found ourselves in a completely different reality - magnificent and full of scents, sunlight and bird songs... I felt free and happy!

 Впрочем всички се радваха на пролетното слънце!:)
As you can see everyone was enjoying the perfect weather (25 degrees Celsius)!:)

Пролет - любимият ми сезон!!!!                        Spring - my favourite season!!!!

12 коментара:

  1. Dear Rossichka, when I slow down and have a really good look at this post, I think to myself how very fortunate I am to be able to see your posts. Otherwise, I would have no idea of the beauty and history that you show me.

    And...the beauty of the creative inspiration that you and your family give to a younger generation through your workshops.

    Brilliant! xo

    1. Thank you, dear Frances! I'm happy when I can share some really interesting information.:) I can send the same words back to you, because all your posts reveal so vividly the beautiful sights and entertaining events in New York.
      Have a lovely new week! Hope you are feeling great!x

  2. I love this series, this post.
    Thank you so much for sharing.
    Are those storks? Is someone pregnant? 😀

    1. Thank you, Rick! Writing this post was a bit difficult with all that information (sorry about the mistakes!), but as exciting as the trip itself!
      Pregnant? Oh, no!:) To see a stork who has returned from Africa means good luck and is connected with the Bulgarian custom of wearing "martenitzas". You can read about it here: http://rossichka.blogspot.bg/2011/03/bulgarian-tradition-of-baba-marta.html

  3. Hello Rossi, what a beautiful trip you made! How nice to discover such an old place very near the place you live! Here it is not so warm yet but spring is in the air.
    We have storks too. Here the story is that they bring the baby's. I think that is where the question for pregnancy is pointing at ;)
    Love, Hedwig

    1. Hello, Hedie! Yes, I know about storks and babies, but I don't think we use this symbol here. Anyway, it's always exciting to see a stork, especially in the beginning of spring!:)
      I'm so glad we made that trip - now we are rather busy and don't have much free time!
      I wish you many wonderful moments in the weekend!xx

  4. how wonderful that you can change your environment with a 30 min. drive. the sights are wonderful to see. the kitty in the tree still makes me smile. thank you for sharing your lovely spring with us.

    1. The pleasure is mine!
      There're many interesting places near our city, I have to learn to take quick decisions... And to be free, of course.:)

  5. Très beau reportage photographique sur ce monastère, perché sur son roc. Sans être croyant, je préfère les religieux vivant leur foi dans ces conditions précaires plus près de l'esprit d’évangile, que tous ces prélats, vivant dans les pompes de l’église Romaine. Quant aux cigognes, je n'ai eu l’occasion d'en voir que deux ou trois fois dans ma vie, posées dans leur nid, mais jamais en vol.
    Je te souhaite une belle semaine .e t'embrasse bien amicalement.


    1. Yes, those people were truly dedicated to God... As for the storks - if it happens for you to visit Bulgaria in spring or summer, you could see many of them!:)
      Have a lovely week, too, dear Roger!

  6. Thank you for sharing so many images of these incredible places! I will probably never see them in real life, but I have enjoyed seeing them here - the wall paintings are just beautiful.

    1. I am happy to know that you liked them! That's why I love Blogland - because we share thoughts, ideas, impressions, feelings, emotions...
      Who knows, you could come one day to Bulgaria!:))
