вторник, 24 ноември 2015 г.


Това е Ясен Гюзелев.
Нямам думи, с които да опиша възхищението си от невероятния му талант!

This is Yassen Gyuzelev (Iassen Ghiuselev). A famous contemporary Bulgarian illustrator, whose art is well-known abroad.
Words fail me to describe my fascination by his works!

Имах късмета да разгледам ретроспективната му изложба, докато репетирах миналата седмица във Варна, и то само дни преди закриването й!
Все още се чувствам вътрешно усмихната, удивена, изпълнена с възторг и респект.

Last week I had the great chance to see his retrospective exhibition in Varna, while being there to rehearse in the puppet theatre. I was much more impressed and deeply touched to see his magnificent illustrations "live"! I would like to share with you some of them, please, enjoy!

Цяло щастие бе да видя на живо оригиналите на "Алиса в Страната на чудесата" и "Алиса в огледалния свят"...

The originals of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass"...

На "Пинокио"...

Of "Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi...

И много други прекрасни илюстрации към класически произведения като "Големите надежди" и "Оливър Туист" на Дикенз, "Дон Кихот" на Сервантес, приказките на Оскар Уайлд, "Дама Пика" на Пушкин...

As well as many extraordinary illustrations - masterpieces! - of books from the world's classics such as Dickens's "Great Expectations" and "Oliver Twist", "Don Quixote", some of Oscar Wilde's fairy tales, "La Dama de Picas" by Pushkin, just to name a few.

Митът за Орфей... 

The myth of Orpheus...

Творбите на художника бяха подредени в три зали на Художествената галерия - множество скици и илюстрации, както и работи от годините, през които е учил в Художествената гимназия и Художествената Академия в София.
Ето още мъничко от тях... Повече може да видите тук.

А за почитателите на Ясен Гюзелев и за тези, които искат да научат повече за светоусещането му, начина му на работа, интересите и мечтите му - ето филм от поредицата "Умно село".

I hope you liked Yassen Gyuzelev's style and perfectionism!:)
You can find some of his books in Amazon! 

14 коментара:

  1. Rossichka, what a fabulous artist you've introduced me to here. His drawings and illustrations are very beautiful, and have a timeless quality. You were very fortunate to be able to see the exhibit!

    I've made a note of this post, because I do want to return to see the link. Right now, my days seem to be very, very full!

    Best wishes, dear Rossichka, xo

    1. Dear Frances, I am really in awe by his art - I have the feeling some of the compositions are photos, not drawings.:) He has worked for European publishing houses and the books he has illustrated were translated in many languages. You could check in Amazon.com, for example.
      Have a successful week!xx

  2. Oh yes, I did enjoy! His art is wonderful. How grand to see it and him in person!
    I hope this finds you well and enjoying life.

    1. It was such a coincidence - to be in that city just a few days before the closing of the exhibition! I'm glad you enjoyed his art!
      I'm fine, thank you, having new rehearsals - this time in the Opera!:) I will write later about that...

      Hope you are doing well, Tammie, getting ready for the winter and full of energy!xx

  3. Gorgeous work, what a fantastic illustrator. Thank you xxx

    1. Thank YOU for stopping by, Charlotte! I suppose you can see more than me, for you are an artist!:))
      Check out in Amazon.com under the name Iassen Ghiuselev.

    2. I certainly will, and you are so lovely for saying such nice things about my work :)

  4. Very nice work! I never heart of him, so thanks for showing :) The last illustration seems a selfportrait! I like it when artist uses their own image or their family (or dogs) in the work.
    Byeee, love you, Hedwig

    1. Yes, he made this self portrait when he was very young! I'm so glad you are impressed by this illustrator's works!:)
      Happy December, Hedie! (Oh, I can't believe a whole year passed so quickly!)

  5. What gorgeous works! Thank you so much, dear Rossichka! Gyuzelev's work is inspiring! I was familiar with his style but didn't know his name... His Alice illustrations remind me of M.C. Escher. I love how refined and detailed his work is...

    Lots of love to you, and early wishes for a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Dear Kristien, you are absolutely right!! Gyselev was influenced by Escher for his work upon "Alice". He talks about this here - https://vimeo.com/53879875
      From the 46th minute on... The film is in Bulgarian, but you could see a lot of his brilliant illustrations, himself and his daughter as well. Her name is Alice! In Bulgarian - Alissa.:)
      He's talking about an eye, which can see forward, up, behind and down... And when we "unfold" these perceptions and lay them together on a sheet - this is the strange perspective that we have... Oh, it's difficult for me to explain it in the language of artists, but I hope you got it.:D
      Merry Christmas to you, too! Hope to be in touch next year!:)
