Укорявам се, че разказвам с толкова задна дата, но всъщност има ли значение? Преживяното е преживяно и няма изгледи да избледнее, следователно може да бъде споделено по всяко време. Вълнението ми е все така силно, така че - ето малко моменти от посещението на два музея и впечатленията от два града.
I know I am too slow in sharing my impressions from England, but it's never late to tell a story about a trip, that brought only wonderful emotions!
Внушителен както отвън...
An imposing building...
Така и вътре - с многобройни колекции, представящи световното изкуство през различните епохи...
Full of remarkable collections, representing art throughout the centuries...
The library...
Оригинални рисунки на Беатрикс Потър...
Original illustrations and books by Beatrix Potter...
Част от невероятната изложба на стъклописи...
Some pieces of the amazingly beautiful stained glass collection...
И на последния етаж - една любопитна експозиция, тъкмо за нас!:)
The last floor exposition made us really happy!:)
Най-после очи в очи с Пънч и Джуди!:D
Seeing original Punch and Judy for the first time!:D
Маски, костюми и декори от известни постановки...
Lots of masks, costumes and scenery from famous theatre productions...
Тук има експонати и информация, проследяващи развитието на фотографията, анимацията, телевизията... Изключително любопитно и полезно за професионалисти и студенти!
One can find there rich information and exhibits about the development of different types of media - from photography, through animation to TV productions...
Денят не беше подходящ за разходка, но за снимки - да...
Quick glimpses of the city under the gray sky...
Слънчеви спомени от Хъдърсфийлд!
And lovely sunny memories from Huddersfield!
Йоркшир - прекрасно място за пътешествия, изненадващо с толкова интересни места за разглеждане и невероятно красива природа!
Yorkshire - what a wonderful region with magnificent nature and so much to be seen! Hope this was the first step...
Rossichka, I am delighted to see these additional photographs from your spring holiday. The V&A is one of my very favorite places in the world. I cannot count how many hours...even days I have spent there. There is always some new hallway to discover, some entrance way to enter, some amazing collection appears before you...and your eyes and mind and imagination are dazzled.
Oh, I'm so glad you've been there, too! We spent only several hours - by all means not enough, but still we succeeded to look around and pay special attention to several collections.:)
ИзтриванеI am so happy for you having such a wonderful trip! Your photos are a joy to see.
ОтговорИзтриванеLovely Sunday to you ~
Travelling is so reviving! I'm thankful to my destiny for giving me that chance!
ИзтриванеEvery single step we make, every challenge we take, all our ups and downs, our choices and decisions... they lead us to the present moment. And to happy days like those we had in England, with our son...:0)
Oh No! I saw the Araucaria here and left my comment in the previous post !!! (Too much England, for me :)))))
ОтговорИзтриванеWhen you see pics from distant countries, you only think of being there. wonderful trip! Congratulations!!! :)))
Hey!!!!! what happens here!!! in the previous post the blog told me that my comment will appears after approbation but here my comment is here right now with no approbation!!! :o ???
ОтговорИзтриванеHi! When someone comments an OLD post, I must approve it. This is a signal for me, otherwise I will miss the comment.:))