петък, 27 март 2015 г.


Днес времето беше вълшебно и не можах да се стърпя да не поснимам малко.:)
This afternoon the weather was perfect and I couldn't help taking some pics.:)

Под синьото следобедно небе всичко изглеждаше толкова красиво!
Under the blue sky everything looked so beautiful!

Галещото слънце си играеше "на сенки"!
The sun was smiling and playing with the shadows!

В парка - чуден контраст между яркозелената трева и все още голите клони на дърветата...
The trees in the park were still bare in contrast to the fresh green grass, sprinkled with violets and ox eye daisies...

Но все пак видях няколко обсипани с цвят плодни дървета, окичени, естествено, с мартеници...:)
But I saw some fruit trees in blossom, too (with martenitza-s, of course)...:)

Всички изглеждаха доволни! Разхождайки се...
Everyone looked happy! Wandering... 

Having a rest...


Или просто наблюдавайки изумителната промяна в света наоколо.
Or simply watching the amazing new world outside.

Прибирах се бавничко вкъщи, спирайки се на всяка крачка, докато слънцето започна да залязва.
I was going home very slowly, until I felt the sunset was near.

И въпреки че очакваме дъжд през следващите дни, пролетта е тук и нищо вече не може да промени това. Така че... сбогом на намръщеното зимно небе, на сивите дълги дни и студените нощи!
The next few days we expect rain, but the spring is already here and nothing can change this fact. So... goodbye, dark sky, grey days and windy winter nights!

17 коментара:

  1. Rossichka, I do love each of your photographs, and so hope that we might see some similar signs of spring here...very soon.


  2. I'm sure you will!:) The changes began here in the beginning of the week and I even didn't notice how...

  3. Adoré estas imágenes.
    Buen día para ti.

  4. Adoré estas imágenes.
    Buen día para ti.

  5. I love how you tell a story with your photos accompanied by your words! :)

    You know, I haven't hang my (yours) martenitza on a tree yet. Each one I saw on my short walks these days, was behind a fence or something similar. But this is my mission, of course, I won't give up, hehe!

    Enjoy Spring!

    1. If you want to wear it longer, you could keep it till you see a stork...:)
      I'm so happy I made that accidental afternoon walk! It's raining now and the next several days it will be cold and rainy again...:(

  6. Rossichka, You are a very good photographer!
    I like to think that you go slowly walking through the park, watching what others do not see, to take a picture, and let the time set on your camera.
    I think, beyond that you are in a park where there are other people, is an intimate experience, you and the object to be photographed. you and the exact occasion, the right time.
    Thanks for sharing.
    And good spring weekend!

    1. A good photographer? Oh, thank you,Roberto, though I don't see things that way.:D My camera is nothing special, but I am happy when I "catch" the moment (as it happened that afternoon)! I would love to make macro photography - who knows, maybe one day I will...

      We had a very special interactive workshop this morning -
      three artists illustrating a fairytale, while we were reading it and then the children illustrated on their turn. Maybe I can make a post about it...:0)
      A lovely weekend to you and your wife, too!

  7. Lovely pictures of spring. It is slowly emerging here.
    Love to you
    C xxx

    1. Oh, what a wonderful day it has been! Since then it's been raining, and raining... But trees and flowers keep blooming!
      Wishing you to enjoy spring very, very soon!x

  8. I like your pictures of early Spring.
    Thanks for sharing . . .

  9. Dear Rossi! I just returned from a trip to Argentina, the sun is still in my bones. In Holland spring is not yet to be seen. It's grey and rainy, but it doesn't bother me.
    I had a great time. I visited my brother and yes! I saw the real Roberto! He and his family gave us a warm welcome. It was very special to meet a blogfriend in life. I will send you some pictures by mail.
    But I am also happy to be back and catch up with bloglife. Thanks for your flowery post.
    Love, Hedwig

    1. My dear Heddie, welcome back!!! I've been thinking of you lately, waiting for your news! Oh, I'm so eager to see those photos! Can't believe you botn have met!
      But now, take your time, have a rest.. xoxox

  10. Dear Rossichka, thank you once again for share those wonderful moments, it's so nice to be able to see you beautiful place in a nice afternoon.
    Those cats looks like they had been waiting for you to say Hi.
    Love your post.

  11. And they were posing for a photo...:)
    Thank you, Ale! I suppose the spring wonders have just begun happening at your place!
    I'm sorry that I can't comment anymore in your blog, so here's an opportunity to tell you that I love the spring bouquet and your idea for Easter decoration.:)
    Have a lovely week!
