петък, 9 януари 2015 г.


Какво начало на годината само! ( В емоционален план.)
Вчера получих наведнъж два подаръка от чужбина! От скъпи на сърцето ми хора! Понесох ги с усмивка в слънчевия, но невероятно студен следобед. И въпреки леда и напрежението при вървенето, на моменти се чувствах лека като перце. От радост и нетърпение да отворя пликовете.:)

What a start of the year!
Yesterday I received two packages from abroad. Two lovely gifts from dear friends of mine! I was so happy, carrying them home in the sunny, but extremely cold afternoon (around 10 degrees under the zero). And although I had to be careful on the icy pavements, I was feeling great! I was warm. And smiling...

Ето ги и тях -  украсени с чудни марки! А вътре - календари...

Here they are - two big envelopes with beautiful stamps and calendars inside.

Първият календар е авторски. Подарък от моята блог приятелка Мая. И цяла година ще ме свързва с нея чрез снимките, запечатали моменти от 2014-а година - значими за нея и съпруга й.

The first calendar is from my dear blog friend Maja. It is made by her and her husband and contains 12 wonderful photos from moments in 2014, memorable for them! Thank you!!!!!!!!

Вторият календар е пълен със семейни снимки на моята дългогодишна приятелка Фиона. С нея ме свързва епистоларно приятелство от ученическите години. Вълнуващо, истинско и най-важното - устояло на времето. Прекрасни писма, които значеха и значат много за мен, светло прозорче към един друг свят в годините на комсомолските събрания, униформите и летните бригади...

The second one is filled with family photos of my long-time friend Fiona. We've been writing letters to each other ever since we were school girls! This friendship and correspondence wear a special sentiment for me and make me feel a rich person!

А всъщност седмицата започна  с пристигането на дебел комплект с картички - картини, нарисувани от нашата блог-приятелка Ерна. Невероятна е! Любуваме им се и все още мислим къде да ги разположим, че да са ни постоянно пред очите!

In the beginning of the week we received a bunch of cards with the amazing drawings of our blog-friend Erna. Here are some of them... They always make me feel better when I step with curiosity into her whimsical world, full of good mood, colours, watermelons, houses and joy!

Та така започна Новата 2015-а година. Красиво! Стоплящо! Вдъхновяващо!
Благодаря на съдбата за приятелите, благодаря, че имам сетива да се вълнувам и радвам!

So... This is how my 2015 began! With beauty and joy and inspiration! I am thankful for that - to my friends for thinking of me, to the destiny for having met me with them:)

18 коментара:

  1. ох, че хубавоооооо :))))))))))))))))))))))

  2. Нали? А за календара на Еличка ще поствам специално...
    Да ви е честита Новата Година, Ясминка! На всички вкъщи! Усмихната, обичлива, щедра и пълна със здраве, морски приключения и сбъднати мечти!
    Тоооопли прегръдки!

  3. I love your calendars, the artwork, and especially those beautiful stamps.

  4. Rossichka, what lovely gifts to receive as the new year begins. The stamps are exceptionally great, I agree!

    The weather has definitely embraced winter chill here in NYC, and so it's a very good time to rejoice in the warmth that friendship can give us.


    1. I agree with you, the signs of friendhip make us feel warm in the cold days... It's always a joy for me to read your messages, Frances!
      I suppose you wear the beautiful soft colourful shawls that you showed us! I am knitting a pullover for my son, hope to finish it on time!
      Have a lovely Sunday!x

  5. You deserve all this gifts and more Rossichka!!!!!!!!!! I can see that you are surrounded by very good friends! Have a nice sunday!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you! And, yes, the day promises to be a different one - it's warm (what a surprise!) and the snow has nearly melted during the night... So the sun will clear the city for the next snow.:) Hapy Sunday!

  6. Such gorgeous presents, what a sweet gesture, Rossichka! So nice of you to share with us... (oh those stamps! Love it!) Big hug and all the best for you and your family this new year!

    1. Have a Wonderful New Year, too, Kristien! Successful studies, creative moments, love, adventures and health! Hope you are doing well!
      Hmmm, the stamps... Everyone likes them! I reacted so emotionally, because here they stopped glueing stamps on the letters for abroad. Just barcodes. And the envelopes are not pretty anymore...:(

  7. Oh, Rossi, this is such a surprise!

    Ha, I too was admiring stamps for a second or two before I realised they were sent from us! :)

    The package was sent to you from Portorose, our coastal town, where we stopped just before neighbouring town Piran the previous weekend (of which you've been admiring photos - but I didn't want to tell you the secret back then , ha).

    I hope those photos will make you happy throughout the year - the places and events where I took them certainly did make us happy.

    1. Oh, Maja, the package has its own story and it makes it even more precious!:) Yes, I am sure we will admire those wonderful photos, because all of them wear a special atmosphere! So nice to have you closer in a way...
      Have a fantastic new week - both of you!

  8. What a lovely bunch of treats you've received! There's something very special these days about getting something in the mail, I'm sure you'll treasure these for a very long time. :)
    Jess xx

    1. Yes, I always unlock the post box with the hope to find there a letter for me!:) Nowadays it happens very rarely, but the joy is bigger! I'm feeling like a child...:)

  9. Oh Rossichka, every time I come to visit your blog you have something beautiful to share, today is not different, what lovely gifts you got in your mail, both calendars are beautiful,
    It's true, when you get an envelope in the mail is a joy, when you get stamps as beautiful as the ones you got in both envelopes it's more than joy!

    this time you have a wonderful surprise for me, thanks for sharing my "Hello 2015", it's so good to share, isn't it?,
    Hugs from Canada.

    1. Dear Ale, how nice that you wrote me! I couldn't comment in your blog and now I see you are in Google +. I don't have a profile there, so I use the chance to wish you a Miraculous, Joyful and Creative New Year!
      Oh, yes, I liked very much the way you welcomed 2015, that's why I downloaded your card on my blog's front page. I couldn't ask your permission, but I see you have nothing on the contrary!! Thank you!:)
      I saw what lovely quilts you've made! Good for you! Maybe it's high time to try to make my first one! But lately I've been busy with knitting (this hadn't happen for a long time) and I am just going to iron the pieces before sewing them together... Wish me good luck!:)

  10. Hello Rossi, how nice to recieve presents by post when you do not expect it!!! We are all mailing and internetting, but recieving real mail is much more special. It makes me think of the cards we sent around the world. We should do that again sometime!
    I read that you were knitting! How did the result come out?
    Love, Hedwig!

    1. Yes, I would love to take part in creating cards again! It was so thrilling to expect the new card to come...
      The real mail is something that children nowadays do not know. It's a pity!
      The knitting? Well, the result is not excellent by me, but it was a real challenge that brought me pleasure, worries and finally joy! Maybe I'll make a short post about it...
      See you soon! Have a nice evening, dear Hedie!xox
