понеделник, 24 ноември 2014 г.


Да си кажа честно, със застудяването на времето желанието ми за разходки се поизпари...
As the weather became colder and rainy, my desire for walks bit by bit disappeared...

Затова следващите снимки са опити да "уловя красотата на мига", докато съм бързала навън по задачи.
So the next beautiful moments were "stolen", while being outside to do some work.


Напоследък майсторя доста неща с ножица и лепило във връзка със съботните ни работилнички. Страшно се забавлявам и това ми действа зареждащо!
Така че съвсем естествено се върнах отново към любимите си хартиени изрезки.
I've been cutting and glueing a lot lately - in connection with our workshops for children. I'm in a period of inventing new things and am having lots of fun!
So it was only natural that I began to papercut again...

Тези личица са набързо направени, но имам други едни вълнуващи идеи, за които ще отделя специално време!
These faces were "born" rather quickly, but I have some special ideas that will consume more time and concentration!

Надявам се последната ноемврийска седмица да е хубава за всички вас! Не мога да повярвам, че Коледа наближава. Май е време за избор на подаръци?

Hope you are all spending a nice last November week! I can't believe how close Christmas is... Time for buying presents!:D

12 коментара:

  1. Благодаря за поетичната разходка из есенно Русе, Роси!
    Прекрасни моменти...!

    1. О-о, Дени, сигурно и вие виждате подобни красоти на всекидневните си разходки!:) Времето все още е подходящо за тях, нали?
      Много обич и "гуш" за Стефан!!
      Колажите ти са прекрасни!

  2. Rossichka, thank you so much for your kind comments over at my place. As you will know I have been on a holiday trip and have this afternoon posted my report of my trip.

    Coming back to New York brought me back to a faster pace, and much, much colder weather. But no snow around here. I love those golden yellow leaves, and even the grey skies, but especially that sleepy cat and your newest cut outs.

    Before I got going with this afternoon's blog effort, I used the morning to try to finalize my Christmas tea cup design for this year. It's almost decided now. I just need to figure out a few colors to add...and to guess what their effect will be.

    And then, as you wisely say, Christmas is getting closer, so I have got a lot of painting to do.

    Most presents I make myself, so that part is easier...I've been making gifts all year.

    xo to you, Rossichka.

    1. Dear Frances, I commented at your blog minutes ago! Isn't it thrilling to know that we were writing to each other at one and the same time?!:-)
      Yes, I guess that you have to adapt to your habitual rhythm of living, while your memories are still fresh! It's always like that after a vacation, isn't it?
      I would be glad if you show us your Christmas tea cup, when ready!
      What about the gifts - I know what you mean.:) I just started a pullover for my son, I haven't knitted for ages! Hope to finish it on time...
      It;s always a pleasure to have a message from you!xx

  3. Dear Rossi, thanks for the beautiful pictures of autumn. It's my favorite season. Every year I am in awe over the colors. It's good to see that you are working with the scissors again! I welcome the funny faces. Please, make more of them!
    XXX Hedwig

    1. Most of the trees have bare branches now...:( We are expecting temperatures under the zero the next few days (hope at night!). There's nothing to do - winter is coming. Brrrr!
      I will, I will papercut! And will post new faces soon, I hope.:)
      Lovely to hear from you, my friend! Hope you are well! xox

  4. Dearest Rossichka,

    These are gorgeous photos of autumn and a lovely kitty too. Love your papercuts, so creative, as always. I also feel time flies by so quickly...can't believe it's almost 2015!

    1. That street kitty is sleeping upon a car's roof!:)
      Thank you for encouraging me, Afi! These days I began making pop-up cards - a kind of obsession!:D
      They are installing a high Christmas tree in the centre of the city - the holiday atmosphere is "knocking at the door"!:)

  5. Autumn is a beautiful time of year and your photos present is fantastically. And of course I was drawn to the street cat... Spent long time looking her content appearance, she knows how to enjoy life. Take her some cat treat for me. :-)

    I am looking forward to your special paper cuts. Happy December Rossichka!

    1. OK, I promise to give some food to that cat - think she lives round about.:)
      Till the end of the day I'm going to post some new paper faces. And the special,,more complicated ones, are waiting for their right time...
      Happy December to you, too, Sasa!:)))))))))
