събота, 17 август 2013 г.


Тази седмица си купих черен тънкописец. Извадих новите цветни моливи. И рисувах всеки ден по мъничко. Главно сутрин, на слънце...

This week a sudden desire to draw with coloured pencils appeared. I did it mainly in the mornings, with my first cup of coffee...

Не се опитвайте да откриете логика или история - няма такива. Просто следвах ръката си.  Минути на отмора и покой... Наивни рисунки, но те са си за мен!

Please, don't try to find some logic or a story - there're not any. I just followed my hand... I know my drawings are naive, but I felt great, while creating them in quietness!

Това беше началото...

This was the beginning...
Прекрасен бележник с бели листи - донесен от куклен фестивал. Имам го отдавна. Използвам го рядко.

The notebook was brought from a puppet festival abroad. I use it once in a great while.
Много години по-късно преоткрих и тази ваза, която май никога не съм използвала по предназначение. Eто че сега се превърна в изящен моливник... Ех, как така не помня кой ми я подари?!! Помня, обаче, че е от времето, когато бях млада, млада.... режисьорка.:) Например, изглеждаща така. А може би даже още малко по-млада...

Lots of years later I rediscovered this vase - now as a pencil-holder. I'm really sorry I've forgotten who has given it to me! It was so long ago - as if in another life, when I was young and made my first steps in puppet theatre directing. And I looked somewhat like that. Or maybe I was even younger...:)

понеделник, 12 август 2013 г.


 Вкусно...                            Delicious...


Вдъхновяващо...             Inspiring...

Романтично...                      Romantic... 

Запалих свещта на сутринта, но вече нямаше какво да гори...
I lit the candle in the morning, but it died almost immediately...

Може би някой e чел поста ми за магията на грънчарското колело...

Maybe some of you remember my first experience with clay ...
Е, произведението ми се превърна в свещник. Разрисувах го едва вчера...:)

Well, we use my "piece of art" as a candle holder. I painted it just yesterday...:)

Какъв ми е кривичък! Ама си го обичам...:D

It's faaaaaaar away from perfect, but I love it!...:D

сряда, 7 август 2013 г.


Hello, everybody! Here's a question that was born out of sudden doubts, uncertainty and unexpected thoughts, appearing and disappearing like shadows in a sunny day, when clouds travel across the sky... 
Don't you have the feeling that sometimes we idealize, in a way, our life, when making it visible to the others (mostly uknown readers) through putting our experiences into words that differ to a certain extent (consciously or not) from the real situation? We usually write about something good and beautiful, about love and inspiration and I would like such moments to last for long... But then life brings us other experiences that do not deserve sharing and we (at least me) keep silent about them...
My blog turned to be something like a diary - for nearly about everything that has been important for me and has marked more or less my life during the last four years. It's also a very special place to talk with many lovely people I have met while blogging, some of whom I feel very dear to my heart! I'm so happy about my journey in Blogand!
But still that suspicion of not being always completely sincere (with whom?!) sneaks from time to time. Maybe because I continue to hide in my shell a part of me...