These days, when Spring is creating her marvels with such an inspiration, I go shopping with ... the camera in my bag!:))) Every time I choose new routes with the only intention to see more gardens and to walk along smaller streets, far away from the traffic and closer to nature.
Тези цветя растат в съседни дворове...
These flowers grow in the yards of neighbouring houses.
Как да не се препичаш на слънчице!...
Mmmmm, the sun is so caressing!
Така е в нашия град - само трябва да вдигнеш поглед...
If you pass by old buildings and raise your eyes, usually you can see someone watching you from the facades...
Една скъпа моя блог-приятелка разглеждала стари мои постове и така попаднала на "рисунките" ми с ориз и леща. Сетих се, че имам запечатани още подобни весели моменти от приготвянето на ястия. Ето някои от тях...
A very dear blog-friend of mine told me that she had discovered in my old posts some funny "drawings" with rice and lentils. (You could see them under the label "cooking"). Well, here are some more. As a matter of fact I've taken them long ago - recently I'm usually in a hurry when I cook.
Хубаво прекарване на почивните дни - слънцето е гарантирано, дано намерите начин да се разведрите!
We are having summer temperatures in Bulgaria, hope it's the same in most parts of Europe. But whenever you live, I wish you to have a fantastic week-end!