On December 31st our theatre group run its last workshop for the year. And the children said "bye!" to 2016 through drawings.
They shared their strongest memories of it!
А началото на тази година посветихме на зимата, разбира се! Изработихме ефектни хартиени свещници... В тъмното рисунките сякаш оживяват!
Then we started the year with winter season's themes. First we enjoyed making simple candle holders. We even lit the candles, but I know that the great surprise was later, at home, in the dark...
Миналата събота научихме малчуганите как да си ушият ръкавични кукли по специално написана за тях история.
My husband wrote a special winter story in rhymes and last Saturday we showed the kids how to sew glove puppets - they chose the characters they liked most.
Имам чувството, че живеем в Снежно кралство - толкова много сняг не се е задържал от години. Постоянните минусови температури почти изцяло заледиха река Дунав и това ми припомни разказите на баща ми как някога се е пързалял с кънки по нея!:) Снимка: Явор Мичев
We've been living in the Snow Kingdom since the very beginning of 2017! The river Danube nearly froze - we had about 80% of ice near Ruse. My father had told me they used to skate on the Danube, when he was a boy, so now it's easier for me to imagine that!:) photo: Yavor Michev
It was very beautiful outside with the deep white snow... The low temperatures (between minus 10 to minus 17 and even lower) kept it stay, but unfortunately I got a cold, so I couldn't wander to take photos, as I had planned. Never mind, hope to be OK soon and to shoot the new snow (we are expecting it starting from tomorrow...)
Работният ми ритъм е толкова интензивен, че не мога да си изживея спомените за празниците! Но те са си с мен...
We are so busy with the Children's opera and the theatre groups for kids, that I can't look back to the holidays that have just passed in the way I want. But I wear deep inside me the warmth and happiness of sharing them with our lovely son, who had come back from abroad!
И ме топлят, и ме карат често да се усмихвам и да съм благодарна за щастливите мигове!
Тази вечер беше поредното представление на мюзикъла "Скрудж" на Детска опера-Русе . Следват две представления на оперетата "Ани в царството на цветята". А после започваме репетиции на новия мюзикъл... Емоции и музика, усмивки и музика...
This evening the Children's opera - Ruse performed the famous musical "Scrooge" and till the end of the week we have two performances of the operetta "Ani in the Flower kingdom". I wrote about its premiere here.
Добре дошла, 2017-а! Дано бъдеш мирна, светла и добра за всички нас!
So... welcome 2017! I do hope you'll be good and bright, and peaceful for all of us!