И така, моят разказ за Англия продължава... Може би някои от вас са виждали тази табела и преди. Това е музеят на сестрите Бронте. Имах невероятния шанс да го посетя!
Here's the next story about my trip to England...
Look at this sign! Those of you who have been there will recognize the place at once - the Brontë Parsonage Museum. I was so LUCKY to visit it!
After spending unforgetable time in the friendly company of Hannah, we took a bus for Haworth - the little village where Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë lived, wrote their remarkable novels and died so very young! (Only Anne is buried elsewhere - in Scarborough, where she died from tuberculosis.) Travelling by bus, I noticed how nature was changing and although it was early spring and everything was covered in fresh green, the landscape looked somehow cheerless and gloomy... The moors...
Разполагахме с много малко време, преди да поемем обратно, затова побързах да намеря къщата-музей.
I was very impatient and went right to the Parsonage, because we had less than a couple of hours till our next bus.
Това не беше трудно... It wasn't difficult to find it...
Ето я църквата... You reach the church...
До нея - гробището... Followed by the cemetery...
И Домът на енорийския свещеник, преподобният сър Патрик Бронте...
And there is the Parsonage!
Вътре беше забранено да се снима, но може да надзърнете в стаите ето тук! Вълнението ми беше огромно - примесено с радост, трепет, респект и благодарност към съдбата за възможността да бъда там!
I was not allowed to take photos inside, but you can see how it looks like here. One hour before closing, I was the only visitor and could watch the exhibits and read the explanations in seclusion! I can't explain the great excitement of being there: to step into the rooms where the family of the Reverend Patrick Brontë had lived, where "Wuthering Heights", "Jane Eyre" and "Agnes Grey" were written; to see manuscripts, writing tables, drawings; the couch on which they say Emily died; furniture and tableware the family used; Branwell's paintings, among which the famous portrait of his three sisters... You need at least one day to spend in Haworth - there's so much to be seen in the surroundings as well!
Поглед в задния двор на къщата-музей...
A glimpse in the back yard of the house...
В това училище Шарлот Бронте е преподавала за кратко - то се намира в непосредствена близост до къщата.
This is where Charlotte taught for a while - the building is at the right side of the Parsonage.
Градчето е изключително живописно - стръмни, тесни улички, пълни с кокетни къщи и много магазинчета, примамващи с шарени стоки и тематични сувенири. Ето какво видях...
We fell in love with Haworth! It is so picturesque and every single door and shop-window kindle the tourists' curiosity! Here's what I saw...
Thank you, Roberto, for this incredible song!!!
А ето какво улови окото на сина ми...
And here's what my son captured in photos...
Колко много история има и в най-дребните детайли...
Even the smallest details wear so much history...
Загадъчност... Mystery...
Очарование... Charm...
И само като си помислиш, че тази гледка надали се е променила през последните няколко века!
And just imagine - maybe this sight hasn't changed a lot (or at all) during the last several centuries!
Хубаво е човек да мечтае, нали? Е, сигурно сами се досещате каква е следващата ми мечта!:)))
Dreams are among those things that keep us feeling alive and fill us with curiosity, sweet hopes and expectations. There's no need to tell you what I'm dreaming about, isn't it?:)))